


  • seasons01
    seasons01 Posts: 14
    I've never heard of fasting being nutritional or safe. Though because my sister has stomach problems she will fast to get her tummy back in order. She also will do it for religious reasons. I myself have not found a good reason to fast. Do you drink water while fasting??
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It is absolutely NOT necessary for weight loss or health. Lots of people do it (like in the primal/paleo community) to imitate the eating habits of ancient homo sapiens, and there's some merit to the idea that you don't *need* to eat every 4-5 hours. If you really want to try intermittent fasting, that's your choice, but know that it is completely unnecessary.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    It is absolutely NOT necessary for weight loss or health. Lots of people do it (like in the primal/paleo community) to imitate the eating habits of ancient homo sapiens, and there's some merit to the idea that you don't *need* to eat every 4-5 hours. If you really want to try intermittent fasting, that's your choice, but know that it is completely unnecessary.

    That is completely correct it is no more or less necessary than eating breakfast or having 6 small meals. It is another option for people to find a lifestyle that works for them and can therefore be maintained.
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person

    that is fantastic for you, really wonderful... however i and others gave many reason's why we would want to fast and do you honestly think someone is going to starve because they don't eat for a couple hours more than the next person? really?

    oh and many many athletes fast for religious reasons without it affecting their performance...

    if by and large the worlds athletes dont do it, most people with the best body compositions dont do it then why do it if you can have the same results with a solid meal plan oppsed to being hungry all the time then why not. personally I eat 4000 cals a day and train twice a day and I have 7% body fat and can deadlift around 500 lbs bench 315 and still run a half marathon in less than 90 minutes, these results are true with almost every other spec ops soldier I work with. but hey if people wanna not eat just to keep calories low because they dont wanna train right then hey go for it, do what works for you
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person

    that is fantastic for you, really wonderful... however i and others gave many reason's why we would want to fast and do you honestly think someone is going to starve because they don't eat for a couple hours more than the next person? really?

    oh and many many athletes fast for religious reasons without it affecting their performance...

    if by and large the worlds athletes dont do it, most people with the best body compositions dont do it then why do it if you can have the same results with a solid meal plan oppsed to being hungry all the time then why not. personally I eat 4000 cals a day and train twice a day and I have 7% body fat and can deadlift around 500 lbs bench 315 and still run a half marathon in less than 90 minutes, these results are true with almost every other spec ops soldier I work with. but hey if people wanna not eat just to keep calories low because they dont wanna train right then hey go for it, do what works for you

    If I could eat 4000 cals a day I wouldn't IF either. Have your opinion, thats fine however don't presume to know anything about how I train or how much I eat. I do the same cals as I would normally eat in a slightly smaller window than you and if we really have to go throwing numbers about I deadlift 280 which is aight for a girl I think :)
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    athletes dont fast...spec ops soldiers like myself would never fast, why do people even want to anyway theres nothing fun about starving yourself ive never written a meal plan that has nothing on it but hey if theres someone out there who fasts all the time and can out-perform me then damn I would like to meet that person

    that is fantastic for you, really wonderful... however i and others gave many reason's why we would want to fast and do you honestly think someone is going to starve because they don't eat for a couple hours more than the next person? really?

    oh and many many athletes fast for religious reasons without it affecting their performance...

    if by and large the worlds athletes dont do it, most people with the best body compositions dont do it then why do it if you can have the same results with a solid meal plan oppsed to being hungry all the time then why not. personally I eat 4000 cals a day and train twice a day and I have 7% body fat and can deadlift around 500 lbs bench 315 and still run a half marathon in less than 90 minutes, these results are true with almost every other spec ops soldier I work with. but hey if people wanna not eat just to keep calories low because they dont wanna train right then hey go for it, do what works for you

    If I could eat 4000 cals a day I wouldn't IF either. Have your opinion, thats fine however don't presume to know anything about how I train or how much I eat. I do the same cals as I would normally eat in a slightly smaller window than you and if we really have to go throwing numbers about I deadlift 280 which is aight for a girl I think :)

    I wasnt trying to compare men athletes to female Im just saying that I cant imagine fasting is exactly a fun thing to do, and by and large of all the people ive trained and trained with Ive always seen better numbers in the gym when they had fuel opposed to being in a fasted state, morning cardio being the exception. but I also openly acknowledged "do what works for you" my own view is that its overated and theres more pleasurable ways to achieve goals. but I can tell having someone oppose your own view is frustrating you so i wont respond again, best of luck with your fitness journey I honestly mean that
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    I'm doing a vegetable Juice on fast right now, i'm on day 10 and i plan to continue to the end of the month at least.
    It's not like a water fast because i'm getting all i need from the veg. I juice mainly green veg and drink about 6 glasses a day,
    it was hard for the first 4 days then became very easy,
    Iv'e not eaten anything at all and not a bit hungry.
    It's a great detox and also a good boost for the weight loss as well.
    no down side os far as i can see.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks good luck to you too.
  • Aineko
    Aineko Posts: 163
    I wasnt trying to compare men athletes to female Im just saying that I cant imagine fasting is exactly a fun thing to do, and by and large of all the people ive trained and trained with Ive always seen better numbers in the gym when they had fuel opposed to being in a fasted state, morning cardio being the exception. but I also openly acknowledged "do what works for you" my own view is that its overated and theres more pleasurable ways to achieve goals. but I can tell having someone oppose your own view is frustrating you so i wont respond again, best of luck with your fitness journey I honestly mean that
    you are assuming that smaller meals spread throughout a day is 'more fun' or 'more pleasant' for everyone than one or two large meals in a smaller eating window. This is completely opposite for me, I hate small meals and when I do that I'm always hungry. Going 16h without food and having large meals is however perfectly normal for me and I do it by accident all the time. I can even go for 20h without food before my body starts reminding me that I really should eat something.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member

    if by and large the worlds athletes dont do it, most people with the best body compositions dont do it then why do it if you can have the same results with a solid meal plan oppsed to being hungry all the time then why not. personally I eat 4000 cals a day and train twice a day and I have 7% body fat and can deadlift around 500 lbs bench 315 and still run a half marathon in less than 90 minutes, these results are true with almost every other spec ops soldier I work with. but hey if people wanna not eat just to keep calories low because they dont wanna train right then hey go for it, do what works for you

    IF isn't about calorie restriction. I IF and eat 3.5k calories/day on workout days when bulking (I think most people on LG do at least 3k+). There are a lot of health advantages to IF, even putting body comp advantages aside. I don't think anyone denies that you need to eat a substantial caloric surplus to put on muscle mass.

    Also, if you are special forces, chances are very good that you are already genetically gifted, as the selection criteria would weed out at least 99% of the population. Still, mad respect for that, and the lifting stats.