been single for a very long time...just started "dating" a couple of months ago...very interesting to say the least...and online sites didn't work for me at all!
You said everything I was thinking! So yeah for now it is all in fun...I think they are too young and haven't really experienced life. Right now I'm not looking for anything serious, but eventually I do want to marry. So dating until I find the one I guess, like everyone else.
Same here...looking to lose body fat, not pounds..
I agree with everyone here...after my half I was out of it for at least 2 weeks...I can only imagine running a full!! Congratulations!! I am also part of a running group so once my break was over I had someone to motivate me...also training for another race helped. I feel sometimes if my running doesn't have a purpose then…
amazing job! keep it up :happy:
GIRL YEAH I see a difference!!
happy to join! crunches and squats!
welcome back!!! hope you enjoyed your vacay!! we're here to hold you accountable!
Congratulations!! You finished!! Be careful, running can become addictive!!
Excellent work!
Had a busy week traveling. Week # 1 -- April 29th -- Goal 180 minutes Mon: 0 rest Tue: 30 minutes walk Wed: 0 Thur: 20 minutes walk Fri: 20 minutes walk Sat: 40 minutes elliptical & 40 minutes walk Sun: 30 minutes walk Total / min left: 180 / 0
Week # 1 -- April 29th -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: 0 (rest day) Tue: 0 (rest day) Wed: 30 minute walk Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 30 / 150
New to this challenge. But was looking for a way to change up my routine. This may help. This is a rest week for me...just completed a half marathon on Sunday. So setting goal at the minimum. Week # 1 -- April 29th -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 0 / 180
completed my half marathon yesterday!
3.5 last night
3 on last Monday (treadmill) 5.5 outside on Sunday Big race on Sunday - Half Marathon!
sat 5.82 mile run, 1 mile walk
3.2 on Thursday, 3 today at lunchtime...may run again later today
3 on last Thursday 9.8 on Saturday
OK. I'm late...but I've been on vacation...goal for this month is 50 miles got 2.5 in on Monday
Added 4.5 miles yesterday
I have surpassed my goal for the month and with my half training I'm going to up my goal for next month. 5.5 miles last night
haven't had much time to run the past few days...2.7 on Thursday, planning to run today.
3.5 last night (it was windy)...ready for spring to actually get here! Reached my goal for the month! Half Marathon training in full effect! Will probably up it next month.
7 miles outside yesterday
7 miles on Sunday 3 miles on Tuesday 2.5 miles last night
I have tried the DVDs and like them. So I bought them for my mom, all she likes to do is walk. She has successfully lost weight. She has a variety of DVDs try the ones with the bands or weights for extra burn.
7 miles outside yesterday
3.1 on treadmill yesterday
3.1 on Sunday outside 3.6 today on treadmill