annecolorgreen Member


  • super helpful--thanks!
  • mmm...thanks! I have one standby but it's boring compared to some of these! I will tell you that I love using my margaritaville machine to add ice!
  • thanks for all the great replies!! lots of "food for thought" so to speak. I run into the problem frequently because I'm on-call at night. I want to get all my calories for the day, so I eat them. But then if I get called and am up working, I'm hungry and have already used my calories. I'm going to look carefully at your…
  • a friend of mine has lost over 60 lbs with WW! Just like anything, it only works if you do it. My friend thinks going to the meetings are extremely helpful.
  • I'm going to have to try that. I ate a 500 calorie cookie this morning because I was "on the go"...that would have been much better--more protein/less calories! My problem is that I work nights, so I'm up and about and tired. That always adds to the snackiness. It's really hard when I have to go out and see patients--and…
  • oh, depending on what race, you may want to wear weight lifters gloves...know what I mean? the kind with the fingers cut out. They really help and aren't expensive. I got mine at Target.
  • duct tape your shoes so they will stay on! I WAS able to get the mud out of my shoes/clothes--but had to soak them overnight in clorox 2. it will be a blast :)
  • I remember thinking that Arby's turkey market fresh sandwich was a good plan--700 calories!
  • nmleisa--you can run if you want to, but I'd recommend dancing instead :) lots of happy dancing from one color zone to the next!
  • lol, yes larrybartlett, I definitely drink and that would be wonderful if I didn't have to add all the drinks to my food diary!! :) I am starting to feel better...occasionally, it gets bad, but overall I'm better. Not sure which treatment helped the best but I don't care at this point :)
  • what GREAT RESPONSES!!! I should have mentioned that I already use PB2 for my smoothies...I should definitely try mixing it and using it but haven't yet. Another reason I was wondering was because I have grandkids and thought I'd try to have something around that they would eat (and be happy with) too. THANKS!!
  • brown sugar splenda :)
  • what great replies! yes, I also read that the chiggers aren't really there--thank goodness--it was creeping me out!! at the moment, the dermoplast spray with pain relief is working, so I'm going to try to go to bed. If it wakes me tonight, I'll try the hair dryer trick followed by more dermoplast (it doesn't seem to help…
  • I participated as a volunteer at this event in Louisville this year (8,000 runners). It was a BLAST! There were all shapes/sizes/fitness levels--even some in wheelchairs and some small kids in strollers and out! You will definitely enjoy it :)
  • I love your ideas! thanks for posting these!
  • I haven't done it but have marathon running friends who have...and they say it's very tough...MUCH harder than other mud races. It sounds like you've been training, so you should be fine! Just enjoy the experience! (and duct tape your shoes on--they get sucked off in the mud--I've done other mud races)
  • from my own experience (and everyone is different), I did NOT eat my exercise calories and GAINED weight training for my last half marathon. Crazy, right? This go around, I'm going to eat some of them--about half--but with healthy food, not junk. FWIW
  • you are definitely on track! just keep up what you are doing. good luck with your half marathon...where is it? I'm doing two--Milwaukee and Savannah.
  • I also have a HB wave station that works pretty well but usually use my margaritaville blender :). I LOOOOVE it! Not only does it pulverize my spinach or kale that I throw in with my smoothies, but you can also just "shave" the ice and use it with SF syrup for a shaved ice kind of thing. I hesitated getting it because it…
  • I saw this on food network the other day and it looked really good...the idea is to layer it, put it in a mason jar, and take it to go. you obviously can just eat at home:
  • oh, and I've been running for awhile and GAINING weight while trying to keep my calories down. I've been going to a dietician for a couple of weeks...kept diet the same the first week--no loss--but INCREASED calories this week and I'm down! Just a thought.
  • I use protein shakes every day...not sure if they are vegan friendly. Pure Protein chocolate whey powder, plus almond milk, plus banana, plus PB2 (powdered peanut butter--less calories), plus a handful of spinach. It's very tasty--even my husband liked it! On another note, if you want to increase your calories a bit,…
  • It looks okay. Have you seen the couch to 5K program? it's similar...alternates walking/running. I run long distances--heading toward my third half marathon--but still walk some. Grab a Jeff Galloway book. He's an advocate of it.
  • I just started and I liked it too! Do you do any cardio? walk/hike/run/bike? do something else that's fun. A great time of year to be outside!
  • The wellness director at our Y was teaching the Body Pump class Monday and SHE dropped to her knees when she planked. She pointed it out to me afterward because I felt like you did...and I thought, "yeah, she did!". Do what you can and you'll get stronger (saying this to myself too).
  • I use it in my protein smoothie in the morning. Pure protein chocolate whey powder, almond milk (or coffee), banana, and pb2...tasty :). Oh, and I've started adding a handful of spinach and it's really a great way to get a veggie serving in.
  • If you click on the link, there is a picture. It is so cute! Oops, it looks like you will have to copy/paste it!
  • I just wanted to jump in and, hopefully, give you some encouragement :happy: --you all are doing great!!! I didn't do C25K but a program VERY similar, and it definitely worked for me. I'm now training for my 2nd and 3rd half-marathons (two weeks apart) and absolutely LOVE the time I spend running--it's MY time, YKWIM? I'm…