Tough Mudder 2012

Is anybody else doing/done this ? I've been training for about two months now and am going to the Carolina event. Everyone I know has heard about it but I'm the only one participating. It'd be cool to hear how hard it is or if anybody else is training for it.


  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I haven't done it but have marathon running friends who have...and they say it's very tough...MUCH harder than other mud races. It sounds like you've been training, so you should be fine! Just enjoy the experience! (and duct tape your shoes on--they get sucked off in the mud--I've done other mud races)
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I'm doing the one in Carolina in Oct :-)
  • seabuckaroo
    I did it in Tahoe, the elevation killed me. The environment was nice but I didnt like how all the obstacles had ice water. I hate ice water and being cold
  • seabuckaroo
    Also it was very hard! Finished though....mind over matter
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Planning on doing a few of these next summer, probably a Tough Mudder and a few Spartan Races that are around where I live. Should be fun :)

    Good luck training for this! Do lots of body weight exercises, you'll need it for the obstacles...
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I did one in July and it was very fun and challenging. I used duct tape to keep my shoes on. They would have come off in the mud otherwise. :-) There were lines at some of the obstacles, so I wouldn't really be concerned with time. My goal was just to finish anyway. I would bring my own jugs of water to clean up next time. The lines to hose off at the end were really long and it took us almost an hour to get through. I will definitely do another one though. Have fun!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Here's the group for it, if you're interested...

    I did it last May and am already sigend up for May 2013. It's awesome! It's the best way to push yourself to the limit, overcome some fears (me-heights) and have a blast!!!:drinker:
  • rdk009
    rdk009 Posts: 8
    So awesome to see others have also done this. Getting me excited for this upcoming October! :)

    @LastMinuteMama thanks for the link :)

    @MLgarcia3 I should see you there!!! That will be kick-*kitten* :)

    And to the those that recommend duct tape, thanks for the tip ;)