C25K Beginners Running Group - Week 3 (Closed Grp)



  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Awesome Dave! Since the majority of you guys got through it, I'm confident that I can do the same!!
  • katieruns
    I looked at those groups before I sent my message here as they are not on the same week as me, but that's ok. Thanks for the references.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    a. W3D1 - Done with my hubby (MissionStreet) - 9/26/11, 3.2 walk and 5.2 jog
    b. I feel beat and every part of my body hurts, but OMG, I got through it!
    c. ...what Dave said...

    Time for ice on shins!!

  • MissionStreet
    I'm proud of you babe, great workout!
  • MissionStreet
    Btw, I'm icing my shins too!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    End of the day progress report - Monday 9/26/11:

    It looks like we've all accomplished day 1, great job everyone!!

  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    a. W3D1 - Done with my hubby (MissionStreet) - 9/26/11, 3.2 walk and 5.2 jog
    b. I feel beat and every part of my body hurts, but OMG, I got through it!
    c. ...what Dave said...

    Time for ice on shins!!


    Well done Felicia!

    I'm definitely feeling a bit more sore than usual after W3D1. Getting more excited about day 2 though, curious to see how my body adjusts/recovers.
  • AngelOiCu812
    AngelOiCu812 Posts: 17 Member
    W2D2 Completed Sunday 25th
    At the park on fairly flat track only one side has an incline getting better still having issues with keeping up with when to start and stop and I have no clue how fast or slow Im really going I do know Im getting faster I chech start / stop time with my cell
    I end up jogging more each time I guess thats ok tho.

    W2D3 Completed on Mon
    In my neighborhood with my hubby on this hilly walk /jog( he decided not to jog today ) so I was jogging 2 mins each time then walking back to him it turned out to be a 35 min outting but I felt great,,, although I glad it was done.
    I am feeling it today in my left shin and sone other mucles as well but as they say no pain no gain...

    Today :: Tuesday is gonna be a rest day for me as far as jogging goes !

    re-posted just in case you missed it on last weeks post it was lil late ...
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    W2D2 Completed Sunday 25th
    At the park on fairly flat track only one side has an incline getting better still having issues with keeping up with when to start and stop and I have no clue how fast or slow Im really going I do know Im getting faster I chech start / stop time with my cell
    I end up jogging more each time I guess thats ok tho.

    W2D3 Completed on Mon
    In my neighborhood with my hubby on this hilly walk /jog( he decided not to jog today ) so I was jogging 2 mins each time then walking back to him it turned out to be a 35 min outting but I felt great,,, although I glad it was done.
    I am feeling it today in my left shin and sone other mucles as well but as they say no pain no gain...

    Today :: Tuesday is gonna be a rest day for me as far as jogging goes !

    re-posted just in case you missed it on last weeks post it was lil late ...

    Good job! Keep at it. Gonna be a rest day for me also. Gotta let those muscles recover.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    W2D2 Completed Sunday 25th
    At the park on fairly flat track only one side has an incline getting better still having issues with keeping up with when to start and stop and I have no clue how fast or slow Im really going I do know Im getting faster I chech start / stop time with my cell
    I end up jogging more each time I guess thats ok tho.

    W2D3 Completed on Mon
    In my neighborhood with my hubby on this hilly walk /jog( he decided not to jog today ) so I was jogging 2 mins each time then walking back to him it turned out to be a 35 min outting but I felt great,,, although I glad it was done.
    I am feeling it today in my left shin and sone other mucles as well but as they say no pain no gain...

    Today :: Tuesday is gonna be a rest day for me as far as jogging goes !

    Angel, that's great, WTG on completing week 2! The best part of it is when it's over and you know you've accomplished the tasks!
    Today will be sort of a rest for me, but I do plan on doing some weight lifting at the gym. I've been neglecting my uppper body, so time to focus on it.
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    W3d2: done
    How did it feel? It went by really fast. I had no motivation but I came home from my son's soccer game and went straight to the treadmill. I am so glad I did because now I feel great!

    Have I told you guys lately how awesome you are and how lucky I feel!

    Smiles to all
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    W3d2: done
    How did it feel? It went by really fast. I had no motivation but I came home from my son's soccer game and went straight to the treadmill. I am so glad I did because now I feel great!

    Have I told you guys lately how awesome you are and how lucky I feel!

    Smiles to all

    Great job Tonya!
    I went to the gym, did Zumba class and 18 min with the trainer. My plan was to do w3d2 I guess not! Looking forward doing it.
    I feel I'm the luciest girl on earth 'coz of you all.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    W3d2: done
    How did it feel? It went by really fast. I had no motivation but I came home from my son's soccer game and went straight to the treadmill. I am so glad I did because now I feel great!

    Have I told you guys lately how awesome you are and how lucky I feel!

    Smiles to all

    Well done Tonya!! I just love your motivation. You guys really make me want to get off my bum, especially when I'm not feeling like it. I'm doing this for all of you as well as for me :heart:
  • chanson104
    W3d2 completed. It does seem to go pretty fast!

    I would like to recommend the C25K iphone app. I was about half way through my second three minute jog and was seriously considering cutting it short when a lovely voice encouraged me to keep going. Perfect timing.

    Just curious: has anyone signed up to do an actual 5 K yet?
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    W3d2 completed. It does seem to go pretty fast!

    I would like to recommend the C25K iphone app. I was about half way through my second three minute jog and was seriously considering cutting it short when a lovely voice encouraged me to keep going. Perfect timing.

    Just curious: has anyone signed up to do an actual 5 K yet?

    Awesome Christine!! I don't have an iphone, but I do use a podcast, which is pretty cool.

    I haven't signed up for a 5K...yet, but my friend invited me to join her team for the annual mud run. It's next month and I don't think I'll be quite ready.

    There's a Thanksgiving charity 5k and me and the hub are seriously considering it. I guess it depends whether I'm able to get through the program in its entirety.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    End of the day progress report - Tuesday 9/27/11:

  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    W3d2: done
    How did it feel? It went by really fast. I had no motivation but I came home from my son's soccer game and went straight to the treadmill. I am so glad I did because now I feel great!

    Have I told you guys lately how awesome you are and how lucky I feel!

    Smiles to all

    Great job Tonya!
    I went to the gym, did Zumba class and 18 min with the trainer. My plan was to do w3d2 I guess not! Looking forward doing it.
    I feel I'm the luckiest girl on earth 'coz of you all.
  • annecolorgreen
    annecolorgreen Posts: 116 Member
    I just wanted to jump in and, hopefully, give you some encouragement :happy: --you all are doing great!!! I didn't do C25K but a program VERY similar, and it definitely worked for me. I'm now training for my 2nd and 3rd half-marathons (two weeks apart) and absolutely LOVE the time I spend running--it's MY time, YKWIM?

    I'm a 43 year old grandma with rheumatoid arthritis and lower back issues--but I do what I can, when I can. Typically, I run three times a week. One thing for me was that I had to stick at a certain level for awhile at times or even back track a bit before I could move forward. Do what your body tells you--but enjoy it.

    I personally detest the treadmill and love social interaction--so I joined a running group through a local shoe store. It helps me SO much to know other people are looking for me to be there. Many times this has made me go ahead and run even when I didn't want to (last Saturday--0700--chilly rain--ugh!). I'm even more proud of myself when I do it when I didn't want to.

    Keep it up! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

  • chanson104
    Thank you for the encouragement!
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    I just wanted to jump in and, hopefully, give you some encouragement :happy: --you all are doing great!!! I didn't do C25K but a program VERY similar, and it definitely worked for me. I'm now training for my 2nd and 3rd half-marathons (two weeks apart) and absolutely LOVE the time I spend running--it's MY time, YKWIM?

    I'm a 43 year old grandma with rheumatoid arthritis and lower back issues--but I do what I can, when I can. Typically, I run three times a week. One thing for me was that I had to stick at a certain level for awhile at times or even back track a bit before I could move forward. Do what your body tells you--but enjoy it.

    I personally detest the treadmill and love social interaction--so I joined a running group through a local shoe store. It helps me SO much to know other people are looking for me to be there. Many times this has made me go ahead and run even when I didn't want to (last Saturday--0700--chilly rain--ugh!). I'm even more proud of myself when I do it when I didn't want to.

    Keep it up! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.


    Thanks for sharing Anne! Always good to hear success stories. Hopefully we'll be adding a number of people to that group (lifelong runners) by the end of this program.