C25K Beginners Running Group - Week 3 (Closed Grp)



  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    W3d2 completed. It does seem to go pretty fast!

    I would like to recommend the C25K iphone app. I was about half way through my second three minute jog and was seriously considering cutting it short when a lovely voice encouraged me to keep going. Perfect timing.

    Just curious: has anyone signed up to do an actual 5 K yet?

    I'm certainly hoping to sign up for a 5K sometime in November. I'm waiting a few more weeks to see if my body can actually keep getting stronger. I hope it can, but years of past failures nag at my long term confidence. Even so, I do feel that this is a great program and the odds are in my favor this time. 5K here we come!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I'm certainly hoping to sign up for a 5K sometime in November. I'm waiting a few more weeks to see if my body can actually keep getting stronger. I hope it can, but years of past failures nag at my long term confidence. Even so, I do feel that this is a great program and the odds are in my favor this time. 5K here we come!

    Dave, I'm feeling you on that!! I may try in November, but if I'm not ready, they'll be other opportunities. Too bad that we don't live in close proximity. It would be nice to get together with our group live and in person for a workout. Have you had a run outdoors yet? If not, I would encourage you to try an outdoor run prior to a 5k to see how your body responds. For me it was a lot harder, but you may have a different experience.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Dave, I'm feeling you on that!! I may try in November, but if I'm not ready, they'll be other opportunities. Too bad that we don't live in close proximity. It would be nice to get together with our group live and in person for a workout. Have you had a run outdoors yet? If not, I would encourage you to try an outdoor run prior to a 5k to see how your body responds. For me it was a lot harder, but you may have a different experience.

    I'm considering an outdoor run on Saturday since the weather will be nice (and it's a good way to throw caution to the wind for my 41st birthday!) If I was still traveling to San Diego for work, I'd definitely do some outdoor running there! 70 and sunny all the time (we'll at least it was for me). Of course we'd have to run somewhere near Point Loma Seafood or Filippi's Pizza Grotto. :-)
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    W3d2 completed. It does seem to go pretty fast!

    I would like to recommend the C25K iphone app. I was about half way through my second three minute jog and was seriously considering cutting it short when a lovely voice encouraged me to keep going. Perfect timing.

    Just curious: has anyone signed up to do an actual 5 K yet?
    I have that same app and it is very helpful. I look forward to the person telling me I am half way done.

    No I haven't signed up for a 5k yet. Not sure if I will.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I'm considering an outdoor run on Saturday since the weather will be nice (and it's a good way to throw caution to the wind for my 41st birthday!) If I was still traveling to San Diego for work, I'd definitely do some outdoor running there! 70 and sunny all the time (we'll at least it was for me). Of course we'd have to run somewhere near Point Loma Seafood or Filippi's Pizza Grotto. :-)

    I just love, love the weather here. We'd definitely have to run near Filippi's Pizza Grotto, one of my favorite places!! I'll be routing for you on Saturday, I hope it'll be a breeze for you!! Happy early Birthday btw!!
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    a. W3D2 - Done. 5.0mph running
    b. Except for almost quitting during the first run from some knee pain, it was a good run.
    c. Not sure why the knee pain went away after the first run, but hopefully it's just my body adjusting to running or something.

    So, except for a little knee pain, I"d say it was a bit easier than Monday. That's a good sign. Off to refuel and rebuild!

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Couldn't run today, just getting home from work and dinner. It'll have to happen tomorrow. Congrats to you guys who got through day 2!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I posted some info on Chi Running that I think will be beneficial to the group. I didn't want to congest our forum, so I posted it here


    Please check it out!!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    a. W3D2- done 9/29 @ 4.8 running and 3.3 walking.
    b. I started doubting about myself but went thru it.
    c. I feel pain on my left shin:ohwell:

    I know that is recommended to take a rest day but it is harder for me as I feel my body isn't adjusting well on the rest day.
    How many of you are usinf HRM watch and how accurate is it? I have a MIO Triumph watch and I like it the only problem I have now is the cal burned isn't equal or even no where near what it says on my Treadmill. Today's run 30 min Treadmill 229, watch 99!

    I don't know which one to go with as I'm trying to record my cal in take and at least staying with 1200 cal.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    a. W3D2- done 9/29 @ 4.8 running and 3.3 walking.
    b. I started doubting about myself but went thru it.
    c. I feel pain on my left shin:ohwell:

    I know that is recommended to take a rest day but it is harder for me as I feel my body isn't adjusting well on the rest day.
    How many of you are usinf HRM watch and how accurate is it? I have a MIO Triumph watch and I like it the only problem I have now is the cal burned isn't equal or even no where near what it says on my Treadmill. Today's run 30 min Treadmill 229, watch 99!

    I don't know which one to go with as I'm trying to record my cal in take and at least staying with 1200 cal.

    Way to go on getting the run done!!

    Normally I'd say use the HR monitor, but yours sounds like it's not taking accurate readings or the calorie formula is off. I've got a Garmin 305, which admittedly is useless indoors since it doesn't actually use the HR in it's calorie calculation (only pace, distance, age), but it gives me an average HR which I then plug into this formula I found at http://www.triathlontrainingblog.com/calculators/calories-burned-calculator-based-on-average-heart-rate/. That seems to give a pretty accurate estimate as compared to the old Polar HR monitor I was using until I lost it.

    One problem with the Mio Triump (and non-chest strap brands in general) is that it doesn't take continuous readings. As such it has a much harder time calculating calorie expenditure. I think they are better for checking perceived exertion vs. actual heart rate though. How many times are you checking your HR during your workout? You could try taking a few more readings and see what happens. And of course make sure you enter all the weight,age stuff into your MIO. I assume it takes that into account in the calculation.

    It's unfortunate the NONE of the HR manufacturers seem to release the formula they use.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    a. W3D2- done 9/29 @ 4.8 running and 3.3 walking.
    b. I started doubting about myself but went thru it.
    c. I feel pain on my left shin:ohwell:

    I know that is recommended to take a rest day but it is harder for me as I feel my body isn't adjusting well on the rest day.
    How many of you are usinf HRM watch and how accurate is it? I have a MIO Triumph watch and I like it the only problem I have now is the cal burned isn't equal or even no where near what it says on my Treadmill. Today's run 30 min Treadmill 229, watch 99!

    I don't know which one to go with as I'm trying to record my cal in take and at least staying with 1200 cal.

    Glad you got through it Yasmin, and take care of your shin. My left one is usually the one that gives me problems. It seems easier if I rest, although it's not technically resting because I focus on other areas of the body. If you have it in you, then go for it, as long as you're not putting your body through extreme pain. I would go with the treadmill, 99 cals burned for 30 mins doesn't seem accurate.
  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I forgot to update.

    a. W3D2 completed 28/9/11.
    b. I was tired and it was so hot, hoping to go running tomorrow at 8-9am. England is having some kind of heatwave at the moment!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    a) W3D2 Complete!! I walked about a 3.3 and jogged about a 5.0 (slowed it down a bit)
    b) It was soooo much easier than on Monday, I could've kept going.
    c) I look forward to tomorrow's day 3!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    End of the day progress report (9/29/11):

  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    a. W3D3 done - 30/9/11
    b. I like that these runs are going quicker now. But I was so hot! I really had to push myself through the heat.
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    w3d3 Done 9/29/11
    It went by fast again, but I did get a side cramp. Must be that I was so hungry before running.
    Watching transformers while you run is pretty good, you forget about the time!
  • chanson104
    I have finished week 3, but I think that I am going to try to get another workout from week 3 in before starting week 4 next week. I'm just not confident that I'm ready, but I want to stay on course!!
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    I have finished week 3, but I think that I am going to try to get another workout from week 3 in before starting week 4 next week. I'm just not confident that I'm ready, but I want to stay on course!!

    Good idea, I think I will do that tomorrow. 5 mins. straight next wk to run.... WE CAN DO IT!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    WTG Tonya, Bryonie, and Christine!!

    In a little while I'll be completing W3D3!! Remember that we start Week 4 on Monday, but bonus runs (through Sunday) are a good idea, I plan on getting at least another one in.

    Please be sure to post your a, b, c's, we like to know how you the run went, and your plans, hopes, challenges, etc., for your next run.
    I'm confident we'll get through week 4 just fine, but we can always do over if we need to.

    Btw, we lost another member, so now we are a group of 7.
  • TL136
    TL136 Posts: 86 Member
    WTG Tonya, Bryonie, and Christine!!

    In a little while I'll be completing W3D3!! Remember that we start Week 4 on Monday, but bonus runs (through Sunday) are a good idea, I plan on getting at least another one in.

    Please be sure to post your a, b, c's, we like to know how you the run went, and your plans, hopes, challenges, etc., for your next run.

    I'm confident we'll get through week 4 just fine, but we can always do over if we need to.


    Hey Felicia when you start wk 4 blog could you write the A,B,C's again. I have totally strayed from those and want to make sure I stay on track. Good luck today!