Discoveri Member


  • Here is my routine: Monday- Racquetball or bootcamp Tuesday- Run (35 minutes of running mixed with 25 minutes of walking). Bootcamp Wednesday- Bootcamp or racquetball (which ever I did not get to on Monday) Thursday- Bootcamp Friday- Rest Saturday- Sh'bam (a dance class at Golds) Sunday- Body Combat or Rest My bootcamp…
  • Bump. I am always looking for new breakfast options.
  • I make hardboiled eggs and remove the yolk. Throw a couple of eggs in some tupperware and you are good to go. The eggs are pretty filling but you might have to worry about refrigeration. A bag of almonds or some jerky might work as you won't have to worry about keeping them at a certain temperature.
  • I have the One and I love it. I was interested in the Flex but had heard that it doesn't track your stairs. Another thing that turned me off from the Flex is the lack of a screen. If something is going to be on my wrist, it should atleast tell me the time :wink:
  • Give this a try. It really helped me.
  • Mine is working right (steps and stairs seem like they are where they should be) but is having a problem syncing today. Very annoying. Edited to add: It just synced :smile:
  • Sounds great. I'm in!
  • If you are in to short stories check out Brave New Worlds. I picked it up over the holidays and thought it was an excellent collection.
  • Are you a member of a gym? Taking a class may be of interest to you. Just tell the instructor that you are new and they should give you ideas on how to modify your routine. If you are not a member of a gym you may want to hit up the local library for some exercise DVDs. Just pick up a few that sound interesting and give it…
  • I think adding in the 30 day shred would be a good idea. Everytime I get bored with my routine, I take a different exercise class and it really helps to keep me interested in what I am doing. My advice would be to try something new for atleast 3 times and then decide if you want to add it to your routine full time.
    in Funk Comment by Discoveri September 2012
  • My husband and I turn 30 next year and we are planning a trip to Iceland to see the northern lights. To the OP, plan a weekend getaway and treat yourself to something nice!
  • I can't stand it when websites don't have good information about trails. Have you thought about posting this in the oregon groups?
  • Do you have an Aldi's grocery store near you? Check them out if you are near one. They also do price matches with walmart so if Aldi's produce looks a little gross, just take their flier over to walmart and but the produce there at a cheaper price.
  • Thanks for the link! I have a cheapo scale but am looking for a digital one now. The hardest problem I had when I first started MFP was trying to figure out portion sizes.
  • I'm not a mom but I understand not feeling motivated. You have the tools but you just need to get yourself moving. I would suggest you find something that could serve as a way to remind you to exercise. Here are some of the ideas that I have seen other people do: 1) Put a dollar in a jar for everytime you work out for…
  • When I first started getting into a routine I worked out every other day but as my body adjusted, I added in more workouts (and a variety of classes) so that I am now doing 5-6 workouts a week. If your legs are killing you, think about doing an upperbody routine on your day after yoga.
  • I've tried but haven't gotten very far with any of my ideas. Have you looked at any books about writing? I think Stephen King's "On Writing" is one of the best I have ever read.
  • Did you take measurements? Sometimes the scale may not be moving but you could be losing inches. Check out this post: The other thing is if you just started an exercise routine, you could be retaining water.…
  • Ditch the scale for a bit. This post has helped me stay motivated when the scale refuses to move.
  • Good luck! Hope it works out for you.
  • Glad to hear that you were found not guilty. Check with your state's Attorney General on how to go after the debt collection agency. I have found that most AG's office love to go after those folks as tons of those compaies violate existing debt collection laws constantly.
  • ^Clever. I like this idea!
  • I have an 03 Hyundai Sonata (4 doors, automatic) that I got for 9000 a few years ago. I still really love it.
  • I saw this in an airport and it made me tear up a little. There was a couple in their 30s who had a big sign that said "Welcome Grandma!" and I kept expecting an old lady to come walking off the airplane but it was actually a woman who was in her 60s and just started crying tears of joy and saying "I'm gonna be a grandma?"…
  • A few quick questions for you: 1) any kids/large pets? 2) What climate type do you live in (really snowy in the winter?) 3) Are there any style of cars that you just hate?
  • Follow what HelloItsDan told you, He really knows his stuff. Also to be completely cliche, this is a marathon not a sprint. You will not see big changes overnight but what you will be learning is how to keep the weight off for good.
  • I need to check out groupon for this. Thanks for idea ladies! :drinker:
  • Rum and Diet Coke is my go to if I am doing liquor. Light beers aren't too bad and neither are skinny margaritas. If it is just for one night, don't worry too much about it. Just get in some extra time at the gym and drink plenty of water when you are at the bars.
  • That is fantastic! Good for you. Although it was embarrasing I bet you felt awesome!
    in oops Comment by Discoveri August 2012
  • To everyone dealing with shin splints, check out this exercise: To the OP- I'm really glad that you are giving C25K another try. Just go at your own pace. Also, good for you for running outside at the beginning! I started on a treadmill for…