better breakfast options

I need some better options for breakfast! I get up at 5AM and get myself and my 3 children ready for work and school. Usually on my way to work I will stop at McDonalds or some fast food chain. I know even the best choices out of these are bad, but I need a fast but fulfilling breakfast option. I have been eating bagels for the last 3 days but this is NOT BY FAR my favorite! Anybody have any good ideas?


  • Try fruit and yogurt parfaits if you have to eat on the run! :-) Most fast food places have them and they are easy enough to prepare at home too.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Bump. I am always looking for new breakfast options.
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We've all heard this all our lives because it's true. It wasn't until I started making breakfast a priority that I began to feel better and see significant weight loss. My doctor told me to make sure to get in at least 15 grams of protein at every meal, including breakfast. A bagel and coffee isn't going to do it for you, and if you're getting a regular bakery bagel, that's 4 servings of bread.

    I don't know what you like to eat so I don't have any suggestions for you, other than to please make sure you have enough protein with your breakfast. I only eat breakfast at home but I hate cooking so early in the morning so I keep things on hand that I like having for breakfast. My two favorites are Barbara's Multigrain Spoonfuls cereal and Three Sisters Plain Grain (available at Whole Foods) with some kind of fruit (usually a banana) and skim or soy milk. Some mornings I'll have a little extra protein such as a couple hard boiled eggs or a few slices of turkey, but most of the time this is enough to get me through until my mid-morning snack. I find that it helps me tremendously to not have to spend too much time thinking about breakfast. I don't need my food to entertain me that early in the morning so cereal or oatmeal everyday is just fine.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I eat Better Oats Thick and Hearty oatmeal almost every day. The pouch it comes in doubles as the measuring cup for adding water. That and a banana.

    What about some greek yogurt with kashi? Or hard boiled eggs and a piece of fruit?

    Somedays I make peanut butter toast (with 15 grain bread) and just eat it later. I like toast cold though (husband says this is super strange).
  • jj1973
    jj1973 Posts: 131 Member
    I find that a boiled egg holds me over til lunch - but then again I don't seem to need a huge morning meal.

    The nice thing about a boiled egg is that you can prepare it the night before. When I have time I slice it in half, add a slice of dill pickle, sprinkle with tony chachere's seasoning and eat it that way. It tastes a lot like a deviled egg. I finish it off with a glass of iced tea.

    On the days I cheat, I eat 2 chicken strips and a coke from the local deli, so I'm probably not the best source of ideas!!! :noway:
  • bbriscoe13
    bbriscoe13 Posts: 175 Member
    Sunday, I made little egg muffins for the whole week. I put turkey sausage, spinach, mushrooms, feta, and egg beaters (1 egg) in each spot on the muffin pan. I have 2 each morning. They are pretty good, filling, and low in calories. If I work out, I also have a peice of toast, almond butter, with a little apple pie spice on it. That is really filling. Oatmeal is also a good option. I make a big pot on sunday, put them in containers and heat them up when I get to work. Good luck. :)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Have hard boiled eggs ready to go...toast with natural peanut butter...Yogurts (I do that a lot-add some almonds for extra fiber and protein)....I used to make my own trail mix using a healthy cereal, almonds and some kind of dried fruit...can even ad a few dark chocolate chips. Make some breakfast wraps at home using scrambled eggs, low fat cheese and veggies wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla. Pop it in the microwave before you run out the door. Can do the same thing with English muffins. Make a homemade healthier version (scrambled eggs, 2% cheddar, whole grain English Muffin)
  • jsrussell2127
    jsrussell2127 Posts: 21 Member
    Just a heads up:

    When I was 20-21yo I was in college and I was eating bagels and soft pretzels everyday (one or the other, not both) because I was always in the road between school and work. The bagels and pretzels were offered at the school snack bar. And, I GAINED about 20lbs!

    So, I would definitely try the yogourt or oatmeal from McDonald's (not that it's that tasty), if you're going to eat fast food for breakfast. I, too, have a drive to work and 2 kids to get ready for school/babysitter in the morning. I have found the Kellogg's Pastry Crisps to satisfy me for breakfast and then I eat a piece of fruit for my morning snack.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Hungry Girl Egg Cups. Basically scrambled eggs microwaved in a mug or cup with a bunch of mix-ins. Yesterday I had eggs (I use real, she uses egg substitute), spinach, a little cheese, turkey sausage, grape tomatoes, and some fresh basil. Yum in about 3 minutes. You can google the basic recipe.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    Just a heads up:

    When I was 20-21yo I was in college and I was eating bagels and soft pretzels everyday (one or the other, not both) because I was always in the road between school and work. The bagels and pretzels were offered at the school snack bar. And, I GAINED about 20lbs!

    I read somewhere a long time ago that a woman should NEVER eat a whole bagel because it will put weight on you very fast.
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    I get low-fat cereal bars (Wal-Mart brand, Nutri-grain, or Special K) and 100 cal. English Muffins. I pair it with a glass of skim milk or hot chocolate. That usually holds me over until my mid-morning snack.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    How about a green smoothie? A hand full of spinach, a banana, plain Greek yogurt, milk, sweetener. You can even add oats.

    This website has some good smoothie recipes:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I have a Shakeology shake every day. (I don't need a debate here on that). I personally love it and I'm right there with you getting kids ready and getting off to work.

    I Love an egg mcmuffin, but my 'body' doesn't like it anymore.

    PM me if you'd like any more info.
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    I'm pretty particular to having fried eggs with whole grain toast. I sautee mushrooms and spinach to go on it and usually a piece of cheese on each piece of toast. (thin sliced sargento) Sometimes a greek yogurt cup with it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have one serving of Coach's Oats topped with 1/3 cup of blueberries, 1 8oz cup 1% milk (some goes on the oatmeal), 1 hard boiled egg, and 1 11.5oz can low sodium v8 to start my day. This comes in around 435 calories. It's very easy as Coach's Oats have a very similar texture to steel cut, but can be microwaved in 4 minutes. I hard boil 5 eggs on Sunday night for the work week and obviously just have to grab my v8 and the milk.

    I'm busy getting my kiddos ready to, so this usually gets quickly packed up along with my lunch and I eat it at my desk while I'm working. Occasionally I have time to actually eat it at home before leaving the house, but rarely as I have an hour commute.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Well you gain weight from eating too many calories. I wouldnt say that bagels are the devil.

    I read somewhere once that if you eat doughnuts in front of someone, they are calorie free. Just putting something in print doesnt make it true...
  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    I tend to eat food in the morning that are more like dinner than breakfast, and sometimes I have traditional breakfast foods at dinner. This is all probably the result of my efforts to concentrate on fulfilling my major macros in a prioritized way (first protein, then fat, and finally carbs).

    This is what works for me! YMMV.
  • I always load up on the protein for breakfast its a special k protein bar or a muscle milk. Then I eat a protein snack bar for my two snacks. I actually made a healthy ground round burger well about 5 of them, and ate four of them throughout one day and the next day I was 2lbs lighter, IMAGINE THAT!
  • love SHAKEOLOGY! I did INSANITY over the summer and loved it and hope to do it again this summer but just lighter in weight thanks to MFP whew hoo!
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    I, too, am getting on the "must eat a good breakfast" bandwagon, and am finding that there really are a lot of choices out there...besides oatmeal and cereal (which I adore anyway).
    I am a single mom, with 2 children to help get ready in the morning, plus I have to ready myself to go to work, as well. A lot of mornings I make smoothies....some kinda fruit that I have frozen previously (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, etc), 30 cal. unsweetened almond milk, protein powder, a handful of kale, a little vanilla extract, whizzed up in the blender. So quick and good!

    Boiled eggs, fried eggs (with non-stick spray of course), poached eggs (on low-cal bread), omelette...all quick and easy to make.

    Make yourself some wraps with lean protein and a few raw veggies ahead of time, then wrap individually, and freeze. Pop in microwave to warm.

    Just always keep PROTEIN at the forefront of your thought. It will help keep you satisfied until your next meal/snack.