better breakfast options



  • amandacowan1978
    amandacowan1978 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sharing a link to a recipe that is my GO TO for on-the-go! I have 3 kiddos too, so I know what you mean. Now, most days I can get by with a small handful of almonds and a piece of fruit until my 'real breakfast' but some days I know that if I want to eat, I gotta eat now!

    SO I keep these frozen and on the mornings I need to eat quickly, I warm up the oven (works in microwave and toaster oven too) and stick this in and then by the time I walk out the door, they're warm and ready to eat.

    The great thing about baked oatmeal is that you can find a million recipes for them so you find one that work for you. If you don't like pumpkin? no problem! Find a recipe that works otherwise. These, after I made them, had 10 grams of protein and 250 calories. So I top them with a smear of nut butter, and have some coffee with milk and bam! I've got a filling breakfast that has enough protein to get me through my busy morning.

    If you don't have time to stash them in the oven, take one from the freezer the night before and pop into the microwave. Texture won't be the same, but it'll still be better than the drive through. Same you $$ too! I know when I'd pop through the drive-thru I'd be spending at least $5 each time. These will cost you pennies compared to that.

    I've eaten them cold when I've been too busy to warm them as well.

    Good luck! I know it's tough to get through those mornings and still make healthy decisions for your body!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I make a large pot of steel cut oats once a week put them in 2 serving containers and put them in fridge in about 3 minuts I have a nice healthy breakfeast I mix in 1 serving of 2% fage greek yougurt with it.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Just a heads up:

    When I was 20-21yo I was in college and I was eating bagels and soft pretzels everyday (one or the other, not both) because I was always in the road between school and work. The bagels and pretzels were offered at the school snack bar. And, I GAINED about 20lbs!

    I read somewhere a long time ago that a woman should NEVER eat a whole bagel because it will put weight on you very fast.

    Ok so only eat 99 percent of it just not the whole thing
  • freerebecca
    freerebecca Posts: 6 Member
    Green yogurt w/ granola!
  • thepotz
    thepotz Posts: 34 Member
    Every morning i have this have done for a few years takes 2 mins to mix
    and you can even do it the night before leave the whey out tho if you dont want the protien
    fills me up for a good 4 hours

    Semi-Skimmed Milk, 400 ml
    Frozen Fruit - Blueberries & Strawberry Slices, 50g
    Whey Gh, 33g
    Instant Oat (Unflavoured), 40 g
  • aepdx
    aepdx Posts: 218 Member
    I have been eating blueberries, a banana, and weight-control oatmeal. It is easy and you can take it with you to work!
  • kfuller27
    kfuller27 Posts: 50 Member
    Lately my go to breakfast has been a piece of light 12 grain toast with about 2 tablespoons of avocado spread on it. I put an egg, 2 slices of turkey bacon and a slice of tomato on it as well. It holds me over til lunch and its only 220 calories and 15 grams of protein!
  • sppride
    sppride Posts: 15 Member
    I recommend the following for breakfast.

    Yogurt and Granola
    Fiber Cereal like fiber one
    Fruit cup with juice instead of syrup. the dole mixed cherry ones are good

    Eggs and wheat toast might be ok too.
  • Cheryl1018
    Oatmeal is a great option. I use the instant kind, usually cinnamon flavor with berries stirred in. It takes 1 minute to prepare and can be eaten on the go if you had to.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Sounds like a planning issue. Prepare something in advance.

    Hard boil omega eggs. oil a week's worth at once and keep in fridge.

    Oat meal - prepare in advance and store in fridge.

  • srenea9
    srenea9 Posts: 142
    Crockpot Oatmeal! I add peanut butter to it, holds me over even longer. & its ready when you get up, no need to spend time making anything.
  • imogenjade
    why dont you prepare breakfast the night before. get a banana ready and cereal in a tupawear box x
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Make a batch of these on the weekend, grab-n-go for the rest of the week:

    You may have to tweak the recipe a little bit, but you can really put whatever you want in there. Sometimes I get a steam-bag full of broccoli, cook it, let it cool, then add it and some cheddar to the egg mix. You can add any veggies, really, as long as they don't have a high water content or you sauteed the water out. Top with crumbled bacon and bake.

    I haven't tried that particular recipe, but if it doesn't turn out quite right, just google "Breakfast egg muffin" and you will pull up a lot of different results. I hear they freeze well, but again, haven't tried. I know they're yummy though.
  • lgwilliams77
    Special K has a flatbread sandwich which is very filling and $1. Sausage Cheese & Egg and I think less than 300 calories. Microwaving is the better way to make it.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    I bought a Blendtec blender - very expensive but very strong and easy to clean. I have a cup of berries, whole banana in 8 ounces of almond milk with some ice. If I need protein I add chia seeds. Drink it in the car on my way to work.

    I was doing green smoothies, much more nutrititious but I got lazy
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    Most mornings I have strawberries and cream instant oatmeal (quaker oats) and 1/4 c fresh fruit. No butter or added sugar. 1/4 c milk (2%), 1/4 c water. I cook for 2 minutes and eat. A great way to start the day. Maybe add a piece of whole wheat toast for kids. Very healthy and filling, you can make it while the kids get dressed. Sometimes I add 3 slices of center cut bacon (70 calories). Good luck--you gotta get out of the fast food grind, much healthier than most fast food, and kids may be able to make it themselves at some point..
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    I'm a fan of pre-scrambling or frying eggs, adding cheese and veggies of some sort. Then in the morning, I throw them in the pannini press or oven while I shower and get everything else done to get it hot and melty.
  • kassiej043
    I'll tell yo uwhat I do for breakfast. I too am up before the sun and often have to eat and run, or bring breakfast to work with me. I have 2 choices and tend to go back and forth with:

    1: Bowl of cereal (generally Special K or Crispix) with a scoop of protein powder (Dymatize Rich Chocolate flavor) and milk. The protein gives the otherwise bland cereal a sweeter flavor and gets you the protein you need to start the day. And this comes out to about 370 calores.

    2: The other option comes from my bf. A friend of his told him about something they'd seen on Pinterest. Home made breakfast sandwiches. Get a muffin pan, (ours makes 6) spray with cooking spray. Crack an egg into each spot, break the yoke and bake for 10-15 mins. Cook up some bacon (we use Turkey bacon). Put the egg, bacon and a slice of cheese on a whole wheat english muffin and enjoy. We usually make a batch on Sunday afternoon/evening the wrap them up and refrigerate for a quick on the go breakfast in the morning. The calories range anywhere from 280 to about 320 and they're yummy.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    why dont you prepare breakfast the night before. get a banana ready and cereal in a tupawear box x

    This! It takes me 5 to 7 minutes each night to prepare breakfast and lunch for the next day. I have a bag on my countertop where I put everything that doesn't need to be refrigerated (plus ustensils) and the rest is in the same area of the fridge.

    If I want a smoothie, I put the blender out, the bottle to put it into and I have an idea of what i'm going to put in it the night before. I put everything in the same area of the fridge, then the next morning I take out, dump all in the blender, blend, put in a bottle and i'm out.

    There are many good suggestion on here. One of my favorite is greek yogurt with honey.

    I know it takes organization, but preparing it the night before is the best way to do it and not miss anything.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    A protein shake and some fruit
    Oatmeal and some protein
    Eggs, bacon, and toast
    This question is so open-ended.
    I've been on the sausage egg mcmuffin meal every morning program lately and I have to say I sort of love it.