How to make it a reality.??

When your doing everything right your eating enough.
your exercising ect
but you still cant seem to lose weight
how do you make your hormones say lets burn fat
so you can lose weight ??/
how do you really get that dream body you have always wanted.???
likeee howw??????


  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Just keep going. I lost 8 lbs my first 4 or so weeks, then for about 3 weeks, nothing. Now I'm losing again.
  • This post made my eye twitch ;(

    Aside from that, how many calories are you eating? I would suggest making your diary public for feedback/suggestions from other users.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    well you just started so step 1 is giving it time. its going to take a few weeks of really hard work before you begin to see payoffs. once you see them though its really hard to stop. :)
  • TM2794
    TM2794 Posts: 51 Member
    protein. i can't stress it enough. if you dont get enough protein you will hit a weight loss plateau.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    enough enough of what macros?

    what sort of exercise are you doing?

    patience + persistence = progress

    Also, it's a possibility that you are at a healthy weight already and what you actually want to do is lose some fat and then gain some muscle. Commonly known as "toning". *shudder*
  • Keep on a good regime consistently and the results will follow. One way to identify a good regimen is ask yourself, "can i do this forever and do i feel happy?". The answer has to be yes. If the answer is no, stop doing that and find a good regimen and do it consistently.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    When your doing everything right your eating enough.
    your exercising ect
    but you still cant seem to lose weight
    how do you make your hormones say lets burn fat
    so you can lose weight ??/
    how do you really get that dream body you have always wanted.???
    likeee howw??????

    Sometimes people may think they are eating the proper amount of calories to get rid of fat and they are not. Opening your diary will allow people in here to give you good feedback. How do you tell the hormones to burn fat? Well if they only answer to our commands then we all would be in whatever shape we wanted hehe. Diets that usually promote low or fair glucose levels, high in protein, and with the right fats are the perfect diets to achieve what you want. The human body at times may take longer to respond to new lifestyles and get results so as many people in here said, patience is the key.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I spent hours helping you like 3 days ago. You don't expect things to work overnight do you? Don't let my efforts to help you be in vain. Give it several weeks, then evaluate your situation. Trust me, I know its hard to be patient. But its a part of the discipline for the big picture.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Thankkkkkkkkkk youuuuuuuuuu Everyoneeeee......Very good advice i must say:)
  • gimpy117
    gimpy117 Posts: 75 Member
    yeah, basically just hard work and dedication
  • Patience, hard-work, consistency, and determination will make ANYTHING a REALITY!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    When your doing everything right your eating enough.
    your exercising ect
    but you still cant seem to lose weight
    how do you make your hormones say lets burn fat
    so you can lose weight ??/
    how do you really get that dream body you have always wanted.???
    likeee howw??????

    LOL you just started so how can you say you are "doing everything right"?????

    You and I had a 48 response PM session about this YESTERDAY!
    I gave you all the info you need to lose weight.

    Could you really be this dense?

    MY final PM to you was very simple:
    Just eat at a deficit.
    30% protein
    30% fats
    40% carbs

    1600-2k a day.

    You are truly and exhausting person.

    You work retail so you are probably on your feet most of the time.
    You are big so you generate a lot of energy when you move.
    This number is about 30% below TDEE.

    By following my direction you WILL LOSE WEIGHT!
    I have 100s of people doing this exact thing now.

    Dont PM me about this.
    Just DO IT!
    Or dont.

    During our talk I discovered 1 thing:

    You over think everything!
    I'll tell you "Eat 80% whole foods and 20% junk and youll do great!"
    Youll say "So eat low carb and dont count calories?"

    Good luck.
    If you can follow direction and stick with it for more than 2 weeks to see the results then awesome!
    But youll probably Einstein your way out of it and yoyo your way around for a while.

    I spent hours helping you like 3 days ago. You don't expect things to work overnight do you? Don't let my efforts to help you be in vain. Give it several weeks, then evaluate your situation. Trust me, I know its hard to be patient. But its a part of the discipline for the big picture.

    Amanda is one of my girls BTW so she probably told you the exact same stuff I did.
    But I guess it didnt sink in either.
  • ClassicPearl
    ClassicPearl Posts: 141 Member
    "When you look in the mirror and see no change, and still keep faith, knowing that in time you will get there if you stay focused and on track, that's the difference between those who succeed and those who fail." :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    By lifting heavy and keeping the burn going all day.
    By making sacrifices like butter and cheese for the most part.
    By changing your diet big time and eating lots more things like fish and deep green veggies
    By pushing yourself harder to be able to do exercises youve never been able to do before
    By experimenting with more or less cardio and more or less heavy lifting
    By switching back and forth from indoor to outdoor
    Simply put - by saturating your life with healthy choices all the time - so it happens, because you built a stage for it to happen.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Follow what HelloItsDan told you, He really knows his stuff. Also to be completely cliche, this is a marathon not a sprint. You will not see big changes overnight but what you will be learning is how to keep the weight off for good.