Need help!;( (Pictures)
I think from these online bf% measurements they say im around 19-21% body fat do you guys agree? After a short 3 month bulk ive decided to lose this extra fat so i hopped on a cut and am hoping to get 10-12% body fat I currently weigh 168 pounds and am 5'8 tall i only want to do about a 8 week cut and im going to be doing…
Water weight loss?
Hello i am coming to the end of my 1st bulk i weigh around 175 pounds & about 20% bodyfat i was wondering how much water weight did you guys lose in your 1st week and how much do you think i will? Im currently eating 800 calories over maintenance and also taking creatine (so my muscles are holding alot of water) im going…
Everyone just comment "Hi"
Fat chest (photos)
Ok so alittle back ground I've been living in NY for about 5 months moved from California. and i started lifting weights / bulking to increase my muscle mass for about 2 months consistently these are my most recent photos so what my problem is as you maybe able to see is have a bit of fat on my chest and they look like…
Hiit cardio While bulking?
Ok so im currently about 165 pounds i just finish my 4th week of bulking today i was 160 im going to start gaining about half a pound a week i know atleast 2-3 pounds some the 4 weeks is just water weight but anyways im going to be playing football this summer while bulking it 4x a week but im only going to go 1x a week…
This is Rather embarrassing
Ok so I haven't really ever trained for size and strength ive in the past had always tried to lose weight but its been a while so now im going to be playing football for my high school and we go to the lifting room quite often and we bench 2x a week now here's my problem i have a Really weak bench i can only bench like 110…
How many Pounds a month?
Ok i already have a good bit of body fat im "skinny fat" at 160 pounds 5"9 i have decided to bulk for football i have been on my bulk for about 2 weeks now i haven't done a Weigh in yet but i was wondering how many pounds should you try to aim for to gain a month? Like i said im trying to not gain to much fat during this…
Need Some Real Advice!
So as you can see in the photo im a Bit skinny fat but i have decided from here im going to Bulk up and gain some Muscle mass which my guess most of You would agree with but my question was I currently weigh 160 pounds how much should i bulk before i cut? 5 pounds 10 pounds 15? Before i go on a Cut again pls reply Need…
So i lost 25 pounds This year mainly ona Very low carb diet But after losing the weight i quit working out and eating right i gained 6 pounds back since than i have been working out and Counting my calories again for about 2 weeks now but what my Qustion is Can i eat alot of Carbs and Still lose fat I Do cardio and Weight…
Is there a such thing As a Dirty Cut?
Hello just a little background information Torward newyears i quit working out before than i Had lost about 30 lbs Over the winter i have gained about 8 poinds back with no exercise so im looking to get back into to ive been Going to the gym and eating Under my calorie goal but my question is Can you Dirty cut? Like can…
So Its Christmas you really want to eat and say Forget about the diet but also dont want to gain those 1-5 xtra pounds mostly water weight well here are a couple suggestions that i will be doing 1st. Dont try and wait all the way till dinner time to eat unless you can ( I cant) eat breakfast but just very low calorie high…
Cheat Meal!
So i diet under 500 calories maintenance 6 days a week and eat at maintenance ir a lil bit more on my 1 cheat day but today i eat about 1000 calories over my maintenance and am worryed it is going to hurt me bad What do you think fyi today was Leg Day so i did exercise
Can i eat CARBS
Ok so im still eating about 500 calories under maintenance And I usually eat about 50g of carbs max but i just recently changed my diet to where in preping all my meals i eat Broccoli and Carrots in every meal and about two apples a day and eat 3 chicken beasts & berrys so a very healthy Diet but my carbs went up from the…
15.8% Body fat need advice
Ok so I weigh 159 pounds which ik is not alot for a 5'10 male that is cutting But anyways my current body fat percentage is 15.8% so i was wondering what would be a good body fat percentage estimate forme to start my bulk want to be pretty lean when i start so i dont get fat during my 8 month bulk of a goal of 15 pounds of…
Ok so i plan on bulking in about the next month and was hoping to do about a 7-8 month bulk and gain 15-20 pounds but what i was wondering is about hom many calories surplus from my maintenance to reach the goal of 15-20 pounds in 7-8 months Without geting fat and staying atleast under 14% body fat while still making some…
Body Transformations & Friends!
Hey I've been on about a 4 month journey of changing my life lost 26 Cant wait to have some more results and would love to share it with some people and witness some of your transformations and create some great Friendships add me
Need help with macros!
Ok so ive lost 20 pounds and trying to lose 20 more to = a weight of 140 than i will start a 8 month bulk but Lets talk about rn i want to know what my macros percent should be while im dieting i was thinking Protien 75% Fats 15 % Carbs 10%
I want to help anyone that needs help with there plateaus so You need to have a refeed day your killing your metabolism always stay at a caloric defict I suggest 1 day every 3 weeks to eat some carbs and eat at you calories to maintain your weight because when you stay at a caloric defict your metabolism get used to it and…
Need Some Help and advice
Ok so I recently told myself i would lose 25 pounds to reach a weight of 135 and a hight of 5'10 male and people are saying im crazy because thats way to low and im starting to agree so basically You an Call me Skinny fat so i want to lose all this fat to a low bf % so i was thinking 140 now and than i will go on a bulk to…