Is there a such thing As a Dirty Cut?

Hello just a little background information Torward newyears i quit working out before than i Had lost about 30 lbs Over the winter i have gained about 8 poinds back with no exercise so im looking to get back into to ive been Going to the gym and eating Under my calorie goal but my question is Can you Dirty cut? Like can you pretty Much eat anything (i dont eat desserts & sweets) but like pizza etc i know how to eat the right way Thats how i lost the 30 in the 1st place but im having a hard time trying to eat Healthy and giving up certain foods.


  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I wouldn't call it a "dirty" cut, that makes it sound like a sin. Personally I like pizza because it fits in my macros pretty well. I've had Easter candy lately too, if I'm careful it fits in my goal. Giving up food you prefer and replacing it with food you hate often leads to binge and guilty regain.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes. I wouldn't call it a dirty cut, though. Moderation in all things is fine for good overall nutrition. Strictly speaking, for pure weight loss (ignoring a balanced diet) all you need is a calorie deficit. Obviously eating just donuts all day is a crazy extreme, and one likely to make you feel like garbage, but you can lose weight doing it as long as you have a calorie deficit. Having a reasonable mixture of "healthy" & "junk" food is perfectly fine and keeping some of the latter helps a good portion of us lose weight while not feeling deprived.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    A dirty bulk really is not about the food you are eating but how much over maintenance you are. By definition, a dirty bulk is a higher number of calories over maintenance than a clean bulk.

    A clean bulk is eating the minimal number of calories required to gain about 1lb a week to minimize fat gain during the process. A Dirty bulk means you don't really care so much about the fat gain, just putting on the weight.

    If you look at it that way, a clean cut would be eating enough under maintenance, to minimize lean mass loss during the cut. Which would define a dirty cut as a cut that was not designed to save lean mass in that fashion.

  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You mean a deficit, which is achieved by less calories regardless of type?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    itsflaccoi wrote: »
    Hello just a little background information Torward newyears i quit working out before than i Had lost about 30 lbs Over the winter i have gained about 8 poinds back with no exercise so im looking to get back into to ive been Going to the gym and eating Under my calorie goal but my question is Can you Dirty cut? Like can you pretty Much eat anything (i dont eat desserts & sweets) but like pizza etc i know how to eat the right way Thats how i lost the 30 in the 1st place but im having a hard time trying to eat Healthy and giving up certain foods.

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