Weird foods/combinations you eat
It occured to me this might be fun to find out the "weird" things others eat. For example, I eat frozen fruit. Tons of it. Just bowls of mixed frozen fruit lol. Frozen mango if its the right type is like delicious soft creamy fudge. Seriously. Discovered this when i had all this fruit for smoothies i never even used…
Step challenge friends
Looking for people who average around 10-20k steps a day who are willing to be active in daily challenges and friendly with eachother. Preferably people willing to talk a little in challenges and make it fun you know. Need to update my fitbit friends everyone has sort of drifted off lol. https://www.fitbit.com/user/52RQX8…
Weird i know...Help me be lazy O_O
I have been so burnt out for so long, I lost 110 pounds and admittedly developed some excessive activity during. Normally its good, Because yum food. Lately my jobs pretty much exploded i may be losing all my income soon my grampas in the hospital near death (My only family whose been there for me) My low life brother got…
Best sports bras on amazon?
This is one of those times i post fully aware of old posts very similar, And unsure of what thread to post under. Sorry lol. That said new bras come out constantly so i figured its worth asking new. Im just heading to the gym now and when i come back ill be looking for some sports bras. I guess it doesnt need to be amazon…
Sleep -issue?-
Thoughts appreciated. Im not quite sure if this is a problem or not but iv noticed for the past month or so iv fallen into a weird sleep pattern. I go to bed around 10-11 relatively fine, And wake up at 6-630 fine. Dont even need an alarm because the thing is and i stress this part, Im waking up every hour and a half. Like…
large meals/buffets effect on you
Im not worried or anything iv just noticed a change in me and am curious how it works with you guys. I just went to the mandarin on thursday (chinese all you can eat) I worried all week about it because i have just gotten my appetite an cravings back to normal from easter. The thing is when i eat say alot of cookies or…
Are you training hard enough?
Honestly i just love this video and wanted to share it. It makes me feel so pumped up. Hope it does the same for someone else. Im sure many of you have seen it before its not really a hidden gem or anything, But its a great watch anyway. https://youtu.be/2Nxct9Sqdn4 Side note theres only one point i dont agree on, Getting…
So a part of my job is sometimes i get free stuff from units i clean out. Today i got one of these new in the box not even built yet i figured it couldnt hurt to bring home and research if it was going to be tossed out anyway. Kind of looks woo'y to me. https://www.maxiclimber.com/ Any thoughts on if this is even worth my…
uneven muscle
So my left shoulder is significantly weaker then my right. My issue is my left shoulder, It loses form with a 20 pound lateral raise meanwhile i can pull 120 and push 75, squat 210 and core exercises around 175 give or take based on mchines fairly easily (still new to gyms trying to raise slowly lol i realize its not the…
Guess these calories ( yes another of these lol)
Iv never posted guessing but i have seen others do it lol. I had a peanutbutter brownie this morning from tim hortons and it was good im going to get another (maybe a few) but new promo things dont need to show the calories. I dont really eat brownies so i dont even know the baseline for them. About the brownie- Fairly…
wtf is this line on my body
iv had it and i like it but i cant figure out what it is im aware im probably being a moron lol. Its hard to google a question like this. The line down my back there..is it like a muscle or a rib or loose skin hanging or what. I thought it was a muscle but i dont really have muscle besides like my legs so maybe its loose…
Just curious (memory)
Ever since I began lifting weights theres a good 2-4 hour period where im super spaced out and forgetful. For example i just made a tuna omlette....and forgot the tuna. Again. Yes its happened twice. In only 3 days LOL. Im in no way worried im just curious is anyone else spaced out after a good workout? If so any thoughts…
Strong curves/ Cardio
Few specific questions iv researched but honestly cant find much more thn "Trust and follow the program" So thanks in advanced for your opinions sorry this is a repetative question, I know :p I just couldnt find the answers i was looking for. So my deal is i lost 110 pounds and recently decided to join the gym finally. I…
I hit my unachievable goal, lol
Not going to bother with huge long inspirational posts i simply dont want to spam my friends who will think im insane LOL. Started at 235, And for the past few months iv been hovering between 126-129 just trying to hit 125. Whole other topic but i was in deficit and everything (pretty high one) bout damn time i whooshed.…
My aunt- update- lol
For those of you who remember my aunt i have a whole new load of christmas bull shes on lol. my aunt today told me shes gaining weight and its not cause shes eating anymore she just stopped going to the gym (she never went to the gym she thinks i believe her) She said this while eatign a cupcake mind you- Yum- and her…
Jaw surgery- Help me plan D:
Probably not the place to post it but im not really sure where and im always here so... Im a bulk eater I eat alot and love chewing and different textures is how i feel satisfied so it will be hard. Anything else you can think i can prepare for ahead of time (doesnt need to involve food) let me know! Not something i have…
weight loss rehoneymoon phase?
No real need to read this but its a semi story/question i guess im just curious lol So i lost 105 pounds healthily using IIFYM everythings good but then i decided to sort of do maintenance for a few months followed by a few weeks of "bad eating". I walked 15-30k steps a day didnt count my calories in my bad food very well…
Thoughts on what the difference is...
Icecream. Iv found that when i buy a tub of it, Its gone. ZERO control whatsoever. But when i buy like icecream sandwiches or chocolate coated fudgesicles or a drumstick for example, Im perfectly fine just eating one and can avoid the rest with pretty much no effort. I find these even more delicious thn a tub of icecream…
How to track canned salmon
ignore this i just found worms in the can im never eating this again anyway...i ate half the can.....-.....- puke
Is this cute or creepy? help please :)
Girl at work had surgery and has been very stressed, I decided to try to be cute. Were friendly but not really friends, But i made her up a little gift bag of some epsom salt, Some nice soap and body wash, Some nice lotion and a face mask. Nothing expensive or fancy just like 10$ tops for all. My thought is here pamper…
iv posted a few times but...
iv lost 100 pounds this year, This post however is about just dec 3rd until now. Found an old pic realized i thought i looked so hot in my first ever minidress i bought self (was my goal to lose weight and buy a sexy little minidress i had decided to buy it early i was feeling good-Clearly still had a big muffin top).…