mcdonalds v salad
I really fancy a mcdonalds for lunch but know I should get a salad! Didnt have tea last night just snacked so probably why I am craving carby meal,
off topic - dating
I just came out of a relationship ish where he made me feel bad about myself a lot - I am moving city and would love to meet someone but I get nervous shy any tips?
do you customise
I really want to cut down on sugar and carbs does anyone customize these goals on here? if so what would you recommend changing this too, Thanks :)
cut out sugar
Has anyone cut out sugar? I dont want to cut out fruit but I do want to cut out coca cola and biscuits cause I binge on them daily and they affect my health - has anyone down this and noticed differences?
Can sugar make you sick?
I am really bad with sugar and have been good recently but today I had a binge and drank a full bottle of coke and loads of biscuits and I slept for hours and now have no energy feel a bit low I was worried I was ill but do you think the sugar made me like this?
Dieting isn't for me
I can do good for few days but then make up for it with a binge I've really learnt bordom is my main issue I don't have a social life at the moment so sit in and eat am moving on Friday to New city lose to friends so think that will help
addicted to sugar
I need help any advise? I am definately addicted to sugar everyday I come in to work with good intentions and by 930 I get a can of coke then I will go on the eat chocolate, crisps, biscuits and more coke till lunch time :(
sugar and mood
hi all Please dont judge as I am counting calories now as I have had enough with myself and getting back on track - so about 2 months ago I lost a stone with slimming world - I have now put back on 9 lb of this :( for 2 months I have been binging on sugar I know its bad but I have had an issue with it since I was young…
Different approach
Had anyone ever tried a beyond chocolate Paul McKenna type approach of eating when hungry stopping when full, working on positive bosy image etc? Am thinking of trying as emotional eating when not hungry is a big issue for me
Off topic depression
Does anyone suffer and how do you cope? I think mine is partly lonliness most my friend in relationships and I find it hard to meet anyone due to my depression I isolate x
weighing every week
Do you weigh yourself religiously? I weigh in boots once a week but might not get the chance as moving city next week and will be busy, hoping if I still track it wont affect me coming off the wagon though
Munching on a packet of buscuits
I am really trying to focus on recovery from binge eating disorser rather than dieting and fast weight loss - I haven't binged in 4 days made a few choices maybe would chnage but am taking it slow - today I am on time of the month not feeling great and snacking on biscuits as was craving like mad I am trying to see the…
need advice - really struggling
Hi I made a post about my issues wirh binging and eating when stressed, anxious. I am moving city next week, I will be so busy and around friends so it will be easier than bored and anxious all the time here and binging on sugar. But when I try and track calories it makes me worse too. I watched Michelle May last night and…
off topic - getting over someone
Hi need some advice spoke a while ago about toxic guy I was kind of seeing he lives an hour flight away and I kind of want to block him on facebook but feel guilty even though I shouldn't - what would you do?
moving - affects weight loss
I have been not making effort for a while after a good stone loss - I am going to weigh myself today and get back on it, I am moving to a different city next week and I am not going to let it stop me starting, I weigh myself in boots so can still do that whereever I am and even if I am grabbing stuff on the go can still…
Off topic relationships a a confidence
I was seeing a guy who lives an hour's flight away last year and we meet up etc nothing to serious but talking every day and then he just wouldn't speak to me no explaination at all which really upset me about a year later he got on touch and we met twice and I have realjsed he really makes me feel bad about myself - I…
why cant I just do it
So I updated yesterday re not binging or tracking but today my mind has been going crazy and I have not binged but been eating over calories - I am going to start a fresh weight myself draw a massive line as I really want to lose weight and sticking to 1400 isnt that difficult I just need to be in the right mindset x
Can anyone have a look at my diary for tomorrow and see what you think? I am starting a fresh tomorrow and planning ahead :)
mfp calorie calculations
Do you tend to customize or go with what mfp says? it says to lose 2lb per week 1200 calories however at my weight I think its too low and have done WW before and lost more than 2lb on more I would say - if I changed to 1lb a week it says 1370 although I would like to lose more than that?
how many calories do you all eat a day? and do you go by MFP calculation?
This has helped
I said yesteday about my problems with binge eating and how tracking calories was really not helping... well today I just decide to eat when I was hungry and not keep count and I haven't binged or felt guilty at all, I tracked my day yesterday with binges it was 5300 and out of curiousity tracked today it is 1250 so surely…
Issues with food
I have binged again today I honestly think calorie counting brings it on more as have had problems with binge eating since childhood to deal with issues, I tracked my day yesteday and was 3200 cals and that wasn't even the worst day I have had, can anyone give advise if you think I should stop tracking eveything and simple…
Diet coke
Hi everyone happy Saturday :) Can I ask do you track calories for diet coke etc?
what would you do?
Hi Sorry loads of questions today So today was the start of my week and I messed up this morning binging on junk - I really want to get out of the habit of carrying this on to a full day binge so should I half my daily allowance and still track for rest of the day?
Anyone the same
I live in a place where I have no friends and boring job and all I do is binge eat because of it (moving in 3 weeks so will be fine) but I want to lose half a stone before I go I just don't know how to deal with I'll be in house all weekend and will just eat x
3000 cal
Tracked my day after binge and it's 3000 not even a bad day compared to how I sometimes binge will I ever gain control :(
the women beside me in work eats crisps chocolate and biscuits all day! How often do you eat this stuff?
about 2 months ago I was completely in the zone and lost 1 stone doing SW I have put 6 lb back on through bingeing now on MFP but struggling to get back in the right mindset does anyone have any tips for this?
please help :(
Sorry if this is a bit depressing of a post on a friday but wondering if anyone could offer any advise. I am suffering from depression and anxiety at the moment which means I have gained 6 lbs of the stone i lost a few months ago, when I feel like this I just want junk ( I am moving in 3 weeks so I know I will get better)…
calories allowance
Hi there I was wondering if everyone does 1200 per day? I am 12st 4 and was thinking of trying 1400 as I find 1200 a bit restrictive?