Favorite keto food/meal/snack
What's y'all FAVORITE keto or low carb foods, that make you feel like you are indulging or not "watching what you eat"? Some of mine are: buffalo wings, bacon, steak, quest chips, guacamole, pizza made on low carb tortilla :) I'm looking for more ways to make keto the easy and convenient option. Even more convenient than…
Muscle pain after workout
Any tips on how to prevent or remedy muscle pain after a workout? My legs are KILLING me, mainly front of thighs from biking. The pain was so bad I couldn't sleep. I did alot after having been sedentary for a while, but I don't think I pushed myself so hard that I should be in so much pain. Appreciate any advice for before…
No booze challenge!
Anyone want to join me in a fast from alcohol? I'll admit, I'm the type who has a nightcap, or 3 depending on the day I've endured. Usually unflavored alcohol with club soda or Coke zero. I just about polished off my bottle from last month, not gonna buy another til the real Mardi Gras festivities pick up in February!…
Winter workouts
What time do y'all workouts on days you go to work? I prefer a short workout in the morning before getting ready for the day, but it feels like there's not enough daylight hours in the winter. I hate waking up before sunrise! It also feels like there's not enough daylight hours after work... I know a possible solution is…
Nut digestion
Finally accepting that I can't fully digest nuts :( I put 2 and 2 together when I eat alot of nuts I have speckled poops(sry for graphic!) When I don't eat nuts, no specks. It looks like they come out the same was I swallow them, chewed up but not fully broken down. I haven't noticed with peanuts or macadamia (don't eat…
80 pounds to lose
So I've pretty much undone any progress I made with weightloss the past couple years.. the last couple months of stress and fast food packed on 30lbs!!! :( Dental work, deadlines, and not being able to cook regularly (along with poor choices of course) has brought me back to square one. I'd like to be at a fit 145lb by end…
Need keto ideas for using chia seeds
I have a whole bag I never use! I bought it intending to replace oatmeal with chia pudding, but swapping hot for cold doesn't quite do it for me. I do like peanut butter chia pudding. Anything else I can do with it?
Always short on protein!
I never reach my protein target unless I go way over on calories and fat :/ today I made a conscious effort to decrease added fats when cooking, stayed away from peanut butter, and STILL came up short on protein! All I could think to eat is canned tuna.. I'm not hungry, still below 1000 calories for the day, but if I eat…
Low sugar milk...
Why hasn't this been invented yet?? There's so many other ways of processing cow's milk, why hasn't someone figured out how to take the sugar out :/ :D
Water fasting?
Does anyone here do 5:2 water fasting?
How to increase metabolism
Has anyone started and stopped keto several times in the past few years and found the the weight comes of slower and slower each time?? And NOT because starting weight is lower, cuz it isn't unfortunately... How can I get my old high metabolism back??? I'm not even 30 yet!
Discouraged with fasting
I've been back on keto for about 2 weeks. I haven't lost any weight this past week, and I only lost 2lbs the first week. I didn't get a "woosh" like I did the other times. I usually drop a lot more than 2lbs in the beginning, and it's not because I don't have as much to lose, cuz I definitely do lol! I'm over 200lb, 20 of…
New tummy aches from coffee!
I LOVE coffee! I have at least one 12-16oz hot coffee with sugar free creamer every day for YEARS... This week I always get a stomach ache about halfway thru. My only change is being back on a ketogenic diet, which I've done before. Anyone else experience be this?
After falling off the keto wagon for a couple months, this go round I have been SUPER sick like the flu but no cold or cough... Just terrible headaches and nausea. Lately I have been vomiting up clear jelly_like stuff! What's happening to my stomach?? Even a bite of something makes me wanna puke, and I have clear jelly…
Dry fasting
Does anyone have an experience with dry fasting?
Exercise: cardio and strength training?
Does exercise speed up weight loss? Would cardio or strength training make fat loss faster? I know building muscle will ADD weight to my body, but will that muscle burn more fat? And is it possible to gain muscle at a calorie deficit, because I don't wanna eat more to sustain working out. I was thinking I should focus on…
8 hour fast?
Is it even worth it? I want to do OMAD, but it's inconvenient for me to have a big 2 hour meal in the middle of my workday. Lately I've been eating around 10am and again around 7-8. Is this somewhat beneficial? Or is it just like having a normal eating window (all day basically)? I can't eat a large meal in the morning,…
Lazy Keto
I'm not referring to lax carb counting... I'd like some ideas about WHAT can I eat when I'm too lazy to even scramble eggs???
zero carb
Anyone doing carnivore or zero carb diet? What's your experience? Or does anyone know if this way of eating can be healthy long term, like for the rest of your life?
Maintenance Calories?
What are maintenance calories? Calories to remain at current weight? Or calories to maintain ideal healthy weight? For an overweight person, should I be eating calories for the weight I SHOULD be? or just a 1000/day calorie deficit of the calories "needed" for my weight now?? Maintenance calories for a 140lb woman seems…
lifetime of keto, 50+ pound loss
Has anyone lost over 50lb to reach their ideal weight and NOT switched to maintenance carbs intake? I have 2 questions: 1) Did weight loss happen more slowly after the first 50 lbs? 2) If you don't adjust carb intake to maintain your ideal weight, does your body just level out wherever it's supposed to be as far as size…
coconut flour
Anyone got recipes for baked goods using coconut flour?? I keep finding almond flour recipes but I already bought coconut! Anyone fried chicken with it?
What's the deal???
I don't know why I'm stalling this week :/ I do keto and I.F. one meal a day. I haven't had much of an appetite lately so I don't eat much. I stay below 20 carbs and 1200 calories, lately as low as 500 because of stress killing my appetite. I do eat a keto icecream almost every day tho. About 90 calories and 4-7 net carbs.…