Why is it that every time I add an excerise.. my step calories go back to 0? My
1.2 pounds in 2 weeks
So i've been doing this cut for about a month and a half. So far lost about 7 pounds all together. Today I weighed in only 1.2 pounds lighter since my last weight in. I should mention since then i've had a refeed day. I counted everything, i didnt go crazy. I weight lift and do cardio at least 4 times a week. I'm just…
So last time I used this app was more than a year and a half ago I want to say. Last weight logged was 126 pounds. I am now 150 pounds and ive mostly packed on muscle and some fat. I've recently went on a cut just to lower my body fat and get them abs to show. Anyway, I am on day 5 and i've been really disciplined in the…
Cheat Day Clarification
I'm currently on a cut diet and i've been disciplined 7 days a week and haven't had a bite of "outside" food. My question is, do i have to wait for results (my goal is to show my abs again) to start incorporating cheat days once a week.... or can i just start having cheat days now? I am on a deficit of about 600-700…
is this logical? cheat day
My estimated Calories to maintain my weight are 2000 calories. That’s 12,000 Kcals a week. (Let’s say 6 days a week) (keep reading) My daily average intake is 1450 to lose weight. (What I’ve been doing for a month). That’s 8700 Kcals per weeks. Count what I burn from cardio five days a week that’s total of 7200 weekly…
Condensed workout
So I do weightlifting in the gym for about an hour to hour and a half, 4 days a week. These past couple days I've been busy so when I'm at the gym, I'm taking 35 to 45 mins doing weightlifting tops! I'm doing all same workouts I'm just doing different rep/set routine and resting like literally 20-30 seconds between each…
I'm looking to buy a treadmill somewhere between $200 to $300. Are there any decent ones in that price range? I'd love to know the model of it. Thanks in advance.
Skipping gym?
I'm curious.. if I take a break from the gym for a while. Max is a month. Will I become fat again? I say again because I've lost so much weight and I'm scared of gaining any kind of fat. Do any of you maintain without ever exercising? I'm not gonna be sitting around all day.. I have work and school. I'm just swamped with…
So how accurate
Is the Calories suggested by MFP? It tells me to eat 2460 cals for maintenance based on my activity level. Also one more question, has anyone here who has followed the recommended amount of calories to eat... reach the weight that it tells you after you "finish" your diary for the day? Like how it tells you you'll be X…
Is it ok that I'm gaining weight?
This has been the trend of my weight. Starting Late August: 129.6 131.2 131 131 132 132 132.4 And I weighed in this morning At 133.4 All these weights are 2 weeks apart. I go to the gym and lift weights/do cardio 5 days a week. I don't notice I'm gaining any kind of fat. Should I be worried in any way?
Calories per meal?
How many calories are in each meal of your day? For me it's -900 for breakfast -400 for lunch -400 for dinner -150 for snacks
Help me remember this movie
Okay I've been dying to know which movie this is.. that I once saw when I was a kid. Here's all I remember: -it's a war movie between America and I don't know who -the first scene opens up with people getting shot up and dying (from the foreign side) -there is a particular scene where they show a classroom being taught,…
Should I
I've been wanting to eat poptarts forever and they totally fit with calories with so much left over.. but the fact that they're high in sugar scares me
What is this fruit called?
Cheat Meal
When was your last cheat meal ? What was it ? I just had a cheat meal for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Had a 12 oz. steak and a salad
Who here eats Nutella ? I'm gonna start putting it on toast with breakfast.. it's so yummy
Are sweeteners bad?
I started drinking coffee recently, and I like it sweet. I've been putting 2 sweeteners for the past 2 days. Are those bad at all?
I just ate
A chocolate peanut butter mini pie, and I don't know the nutrition for it and i can't seem to find it anywhere, what should I doooo
Is it bad
That I'm consuming only 13,200 calories a week, when my recommended calorie intake is 18,500 a week? I'm trying to maintain my weight. I always seem to have over 500 calories remaining every day, sometimes even more than 700.
Is sodium really bad for you? Should I be worried about my sodium intake? Does anyone else here track how much sodium they consume?
Day 1 to Day 100
From 169 pounds to 129 pounds. 40 pounds gone in just a little over 3 months.
Scared to gain weight?
So I've lost 40 pounds total. I'm happy where I'm at, 129 today and I count my calories still and everything. Everyday I have over 500 calories remaining. I'm trying to maintain my weight however everyone around me says I should eat more because I'm not eating enough. I go to the gym 5 days a week. Lift weight and do…
Water? (metabolism)
Does drinking water actually boost metabolism? I drink 3 liters of water a day, along with 1 cup of green tea at the end of my day. Also I eat each meal with 3 hrs in between each. I've been doing this for 3 months. Have I increased my metabolism?