Cheat Meal

When was your last cheat meal ? What was it ? I just had a cheat meal for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Had a 12 oz. steak and a salad


  • Trex5009
    Trex5009 Posts: 171 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Cheating myself is not part of my plan!

    I get that. I didn't cheat what so ever for 3 months straight. But then i got to the point where I know my body a lil more , enough to know that I'm capable of having a cheat meal, and having no issues with my weight afterwards.
  • MissyCHF
    MissyCHF Posts: 337 Member
    First what's IIFYM ? As to cheating, I follow a 1200 cal' diet, some most evenings I am a little under my 1200 cal's, other evenings I'm a little over. Plus there's the odd time when I'm a lot over, When that happen's I forgive myself and get on with my diet and my day.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I don't do cheat meals. If I eat more than normal at one meal then I make up for it later, though not necessarily during the same day.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I don't cheat, but sometimes I treat myself to meals which are higher calorie and less nutritious - trickier to fit into my calories and carb allotment (I'm a diabetic so I have to count carbs.) The most recent one was pulled pork BBQ, baked beans, cole slaw, and battered sweet potato fries. I ordered it with no bun, scraped off most of the sauce, ate half, put back half for later, and had just one (giant sized) fry from my husband's plate. I guessed the amount of carbs I could manage just perfectly - I don't like my blood glucose to go above 140 and this meal took me to 139. It was on a day when I did a huge amount of exercise so the calorie part worked out fine too. Having a blood glucose meter keeps me from cheating since even if I can justify it to myself somehow, the meter tells the true story.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Trex5009 wrote: »
    When was your last cheat meal ? What was it ? I just had a cheat meal for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Had a 12 oz. steak and a salad

    Looks like you aren't getting the type of answers you were expecting here. Personally, I don't like the concept of cheating, neither in food, nor any aspect of life.

    Regarding your situation, what is your MFP recommended daily calorie level? How many calories did you log for that meal? What were your total calories on that day?
  • ACanadian22
    ACanadian22 Posts: 377 Member
    Reward day for me today :blush:
    Mine is French fries...I crave them all week. Sundays, I get my fries and I do go a bit over my limit, but I am a very low calorie count through the week.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Reward day for me today :blush:
    Mine is French fries...I crave them all week. Sundays, I get my fries and I do go a bit over my limit, but I am a very low calorie count through the week.

    In your case you could look at your total weekly calories instead of daily, and you'll probably find it's okay to include that.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,116 Member
    Like most of the others I don't cheat. I do however eat what I want in amounts that fit my calorie goal. Occasionally I eat over my calories, but that almost always balances out with the days that I eat a little under my goal. Are you in maintenance? I can't imagine anyone having a 1200 calorie maintenance goal. I had sushi Thursday, but did not go over my goal. I also had pizza and McDonald's on Friday and Schlotzky's and pasta yesterday. I stayed at goal all of those days. It was easier for me because I am not eating at a deficit. But if I had been I could have had all that stuff I would just have had less of it.
  • Trex5009
    Trex5009 Posts: 171 Member
    TonyB0588 wrote: »
    Trex5009 wrote: »
    When was your last cheat meal ? What was it ? I just had a cheat meal for lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Had a 12 oz. steak and a salad

    Looks like you aren't getting the type of answers you were expecting here. Personally, I don't like the concept of cheating, neither in food, nor any aspect of life.

    Regarding your situation, what is your MFP recommended daily calorie level? How many calories did you log for that meal? What were your total calories on that day?

    My recommended daily calorie level is 2460. I logged 860 calories for that meal. In addition to my other meals I had 740 remaining for the day. I considered it a cheat because the steak seemed to have a lot of fat in which I don't have. And the salad had a lot of ranch in which I don't have either.