Fat loss
I am currently in the middle of hypertrophy training. I am 6‘1, roughly 220 pounds, with a high metabolism. I consume around 2686+ calories per day. I can’t seem to loose fat. It appears as if I‘m skinny fat. Am I missing something?
Workout question
Whats the difference between Strength training and hypertrophy training? If I want bigger muscles which should I focus on?
Good snack
I have a break at work every two hours. I’m doing a lot of hypertrophy workouts and I would love to know whats a good snack for my breaks. Preferably something that could live in my car.
Next step
Hello. I am very very happy to say that I have finally bulked up and gained weight. I am 6’2 I used to weigh 150-160 Now I’m 240 thanks to body building and bulking. Now I need to go to the next step. Cutting and toning muscles. I know I have to eat in a calorie deficit. But my question is workouts. I usually do PHAT 5…
Cardio/ muscle building
Anyone know a solid cardio-muscle building exercises? Straight running, even HIIT cardio after weight lifting doesnt work. My focus im going for is abs/core. Specific reps/sets recommended please.
I keep screwing up bicep curls. My forarm hurts or i end up pulling my upper body back when I lift as momentum. I tried holding the dumbells vertically but I‘m not really getting a good workout. Any tips?
Hanging leg raises
I really need to work on abs but for this particular workout after one set there is no pressure on my abs and it’s all on my legs. I feel like I’m not doing it right. Any advice?
Good core/ab workout routine
Hello I want to incorporate more core/ab workouts in my using training (PHAT workout) Any advice? Preferably a workout with exact sets and reps?
Cardio while bulking
I need a tie breaker: Should I do HIIT cardio after workout or no cardio at all?
Not getting exhausted
Do I need to be completely fatigued after a workout to be successful? I‘m lifting as heavy as I can and I‘m fatigued of course but it doesn’t last very long. Usually by the end of the day I‘m fine. Any tips? Am I worrying about nothing?
Chest workout no fatigue
I keep doing chest workouts but feel no fatigue in my chest and just my arms (flys, press, etc) Any advice?
Muscle gain
Hi. I do PHAT workout 5 days a week, and do HIIT cardio 3 times a week, Eat over 4,000. Calories a day. Weigh in at 212lbs and I’m about 6’1 Any ab workouts recommend?
Worked out for 1 year. Gained 2lbs
I’ve been working out regularly for 3 years. I have made mistakes and improved and all that. I’ve gone from underweight to normal weight, which is something to be happy about. However I still want to gain muscle mass. I work out 4-6 days a week, eat 3,500 calories a day, and I’ve been doing THAT specifically. I gained 2lbs…
Workout update
Hi. I am 24 years old, male, weighing currently 208 lbs. i am trying to gain muscle mass. While I definitely see improvement it’s still not my goal. As my muscles could be bigger. And other issues such as the middle of my chest still feels boney. Here is my usual workout. Push strength (each 5x5) Overhead Press Bench Press…
Muscle gain. Foods to avoid?
I am currently weighing 208 lbs and 6’1 Currently flex dieting. I am trying to gain more muscle mass. Any advice as to what foods to avoid?
Bulk up workout
Heres my usual bulk up workout. Any advice? Push Day: overhead press 5x5 (all 5x5 is heaviest i can do and then increase if i do a full 5) Bench press 5x5 Incline dumbell fly 5x5 Pull + Abs day: Barbell row 5x5 Dumbell upright row 5x5 (All abs are as much as possible) Plank Oblique crunches Reverse crunch Leg raises Leg…
I workout two days in a row. One break day in between. 5x5 strength training. What HIIT workout should I do. One that helps with fat loss and muscle gains. Note- I take prescription Adderall so heart rate is up. Many people tell me not to do straight cardio.
Adderall and CLA.
Hello I do 5x5 workouts 3 times a week. I take prescribed Adderall and as you can imagine I have a high Metabolism. According to this site: https://www.livestrong.com/article/73799-gain-muscle-mass-fast-metabolism/ I have to take CLA. It seems to increase Metabolism. Am I wrong and/or do I need it at all?
Fast Metabolism
Hello. I do the 5x5 strength training workout, eat a total of 3,000+ calories a day. I work out 3-4 times a week (every other day). I drink a lot of milk (1%) and almost every day go for a brisk and therapeutic walk for 20 min at night. I also take prescription adderall and lexipro. And yet I can’t seem to gain alot of…