2-5 ingredient raw or vegan recipes
Whats your favorite easy to make raw/vegan recipes? looking for recipes with minimal steps and ingredients. I am heading back into vegan life 2014 and want to make it easy on myself as i made it far to complicated by the end of my last attempt. cheers. feel free to add me
2-5 ingredient raw/vegan recipes.
Whats your favorite easy to make raw/vegan recipes? looking for recipes with minimal steps and ingredients. I am heading back into vegan life 2014 and want to make it easy on myself as i made it far to complicated by the end of my last attempt. cheers.
2-5 ingredient raw/vegan recipes.
Whats your favorite easy to make raw/vegan recipes? looking for recipes with minimal steps and ingredients. I am heading back into vegan life 2014 and want to make it easy on myself as i made it far to complicated by the end of my last attempt. cheers.
corgi cross with limp need advice
my 8 month old corgi/lab cross is limping and savoring his front left leg. the foot is slightly splayed out further than the other. before i go and spend exorbitant amount on x-rays and other vet bills i was hoping o\for some advise.
375lbs c25k
Hello, im 37 375lbs and dream of running and i want it bad. Need some advice on how to start for my weight range. I have been jogging this week but compared to the weight loss c25k plan i have just downloaded it seems i was going at it to hard which explains why i have had some fatgiue , pain and was unable to workout the…
Kombucha or Water kefir.
both are fermented probiotic drinks. Do probiotics speed up the metabolism as suggested on the interweb? looking for the science, Has anyone had good results using either in weight loss?
fermented probiotics
I have been drinking water kefir and kombucha both are fermented probiotic drinks. Do probiotics speed up the metabolism as suggested on the interweb? looking for the science, Has anyone had good results using either in weight loss?
Bodymedia or Fitbit?
carb cycling?
I have more than 100 pounds to lose. I have lost 10 pounds using in place of a road map so far I am doing a 3 Days on 1 Day off workout schedule. day 1 Am : bike210k + HIIT PM : Lifting Upper day 2 Am : bike210k PM: yoga day 3 Am : boxing Pm : Lifting Lower day 4 Am : small walk Pm : Rest Right now i am trying to eat 10%…
oil pulling.
Have you ever?
lifting twice in a day?
If i work out(lift) my lower body in the morning is it ok to work out(lift) my arms and shoulders in the afternoon? if not why?
being sick and working out.
How sick is to sick to workout? Is cardio or lifting a better activity when sick?
Psyllium Whole Husks
anyone using this product for weight loss?
375lbs c25k
Hello, im 37 375lbs and dream of running and i want it bad. Need some advice on how to start for my weight range. I have been jogging this week but compared to the weight loss c25k plan i have just downloaded it seems i was going at it to hard which explains why i have had some fatigue , pain and was unable to workout the…
posture exercises.
I have about 200 pounds to lose. My posture is bad because of my size, bad habits and working at a desk. What exercises should i be doing to correct my posture as I lose weight?
ratios? Big person settings
I have my ratios set toC 40%/ F /30% P/30%. But last five weeks my fat ratios are above 35%. one week it was 50% I don't eat fried foods almost all healthy fats. My protein has been under 25% each week and carbs over 45% I have still been losing weight. I lost 5 pounds last week. 16 total in 5 weeks. I weigh 364 so still…
Lets talk about stretch baby.
Just ended my second week of c25k. I don't think I have been stretching as much as i should and I have slight case of the A.D.Ds so I get bored pretty easy. I find stretching especially boring when i am done with my work out. Do you stretch before or after or both? What kind of stretches do you do? Do you have to stretch…
Waking up hungry?
Good, bad or ugly?
Cat keeps waking me up.
My cat keeps waking me up ( profile pic). he comes in the room and calls out a kitty trill not a meow and/or scratching on the side of the bed and/or now i have a puppy and he starts grooming the dog which turns into play time (otherwise the dog is chill). if i close the door he stands right on the other side and…
Davids " I can't run that" log
I have never been a runner. I am 6ft 375 lbs. I will run my first 5k in august 2013. I have suffered form debilitating Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs in the past so I have a slight worry about that reoccurring. I just bought some new asics and I'm ready to train!!! I posted some question in the c25k forums if you have…
How Chocolate Can Help Your Workout
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/03/how-chocolate-can-help-your-workout/ "For those who worry that fitness requires nutritional denial, there is good news, with caveats. Auspicious new science suggests that chocolate can have a surprisingly large effect on the body’s response to exercise, although not in the ways that…
game of thrones
any one played this game? one of my gamer group has purchased it i am excited since these guys only ever wanted to play risk. any tips? http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/103343/a-game-of-thrones-the-board-game-second-edition tonight we battle ;-}
Coenzyme Q10
"What does congestive heart failure, gum disease and obesity have in common? Very often, a deficiency of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). A lack of CoQ10 has also been implicated in arrhythmias, strokes, hypertension, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, muscular dystrophy and AIDS and many of these diseases can be prevented and treated…
rest day /cheat day?
should my rest day overlap my cheat day or should i work out extra on my cheat day?
whats the best way to make popcorn? what is the best low calorie microwave popcorn?
worst date ever!
Last night I went out on a blindish date. she just moved to town and is a good friend of a friend. my first first date in a couple years. and I had that good nervous energy going. hearing nothing but good things about my date for the night i was pretty excited. It was the Worst date ever. I mean terrible. uuuggghhh! First…
Cool down / Stretch.
After lifting how do you cool down? do you stretch? any recommendation?
Birthday Party Survey
Any parents out there with a spare second. If you have the time could you fill out a small 10 question survey for my new company . http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C8G6WC7
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/2028-we-put-birds-on-things Just started this group for fans of Portlandia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7VgNQbZdaw&feature=relmfu I have a few friends like this.