eating back calories how??
today im goal food exercise net 1200 +1367 -644 723 it says still need to eat 477 to hit the 1200 mark including the exercise included im not hungery , and im full , i can only think of maybe eating chocolate or some thing , this happens more and more at the moment , my question is what should i do ??
what foods do you use to cheat with ?
i am trying these http://www.pinknwhites.com/ for cheating , when i need to eat something sweat or just to fill up on . is there anything else thats good for this sort of thing
whey protein that does not cost the earth?
can any one recommend and protein that will not break the bank. just bought some WWS protein+ , its good, i once bought Nutrisport 90+ Protein , which tasted bad but was wondering if there was a cheaper alternative. or is a case of you get what you pay for?
has any one got a good exercise plan?
i have never found a good exercise plan that i found that suited me. and was wondering what every one else did. i can do a workout most days . i want to loose the fat and build some muscle. i need to loose about 1.5 stone in all of fat. i know i can do 60 mins cardio with no real problem and i can do weights , but i have…
bad day , any thing i can do ?
i had a bad day today , the reason was that i not sleep at all during the night , and felt a bit ill when im ill i eay more because i know what its like to be sick on an empty belly i manageged to get to the gym later on to do weights , but no cardio , and i eaten a lot , lot more than i normally do , cause of ill, and…
watched Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition
i know its massivly extreame and cannot be done in a real life , BUT a bloke who is 49 can loose weight and get better im 38 , and this does help me , because i know it is possible
which is better to do , to get the best results 1 hour cardio and then weights or 30 mins cardio in the moring and 30 mins caridio then weights
im 5 9 , 78 kg male i put in my info and it says i should only eat 1200 a day , i know i can do this but i never seam to loose weight been putting on weight latley cause of uni work but would this number seam about right the 1200 when i do go to the gym , i do weights and about 30 mins cardio about 4 - 5 days a week
too much differnce in calories?
i have sorted out my depression the other day , and started back on the correct road today i did 1 hour of body combat and 1 hour of body pump rough total of 1000 caloires set my limit to loose 2lbs per week , that works out to be 1200 calories a day today i have eaten a lot 1497 , buit with the 1200 + 1000 (exersise) it…
how much exersise can you do in one day?
just re-alised this morning that i have ballooned in weight , and that i have from what the docs say mild depression . a few years back , i found if i did exersise it helped a lot , how much cardio can i do in one day , i mean do some in the morning and at night , on the same day
how do you add a night out ?
was looking at filling out my food , but will be going out soon for a night out , and i know i only drink doiuble vodka and diet coke , but how much is a dif matter how do you fill it in before a night out ?
morning or evening workouts ?
i hate doing a weight workout then a cardio one , one after the other or cardio then weight but i not mind doing one in the morning and one at night . which is best to in the mornings and best for night time ?
massive weight gain over 2.5 weeks , help
about 2.5 weeks ago i weighed 75 kg and now i weigh 80 kg in those weeks , i not been eating my normal stuff and i not been going to the gym . i was helping a mate re-build his houe, doing 13hours a day and just eating stuff on the fly so we would not stop . all work is now compleate . so i can go back to gym , is there…
max caloires you can consume in a meal before its stored a
from what i have bben told , when you eat food , your body breaks it down and stuff it cant digest properly it converts to fat and stores it . , if you eat 75 cals every hour and no more per hour , in a waking day of 16 hours you would consume 1200 cals and non of it woiuld be stored as fat now my question , what is the…
need a full body workout from home plan?
at the moment i am helping a friend finsih re-constructing his house, doing major works to it . i am staying there for about 3 weeks, so i cant get to the gym to do my normal workout . is there any good wight workot that not use any weights , so i can still keep doing the wieghht while i cant to the gym
night on town?
ok , how do you mark down a night on the town with out takeaway , cause every knows you can never remember how much you drink i have trained my self to only drink double vodka's and diet coke's but can never rememer how many have , so how you do it ?
max number of days in a row of exersise
i cant seam to get in the mood to go to the gym today at all. but was thinking back and i have been to the gym for the last 8 days without a break, was ment to have a day off but did not , is it bad for you NOT to have a break
how far wrong am i going here?
just compleated my food diary/exersise for the day im on a 1200 calorie diet at the moment, but did also 600caloire workout before. but have only eaten 1165 for the whole day . at the moment this is the normal amount. in MFP i put in my weight and height and said i would like to loose 2lbs per week and it said 1200 a day ?…
M&F rock hard challenge 90 days, any one tryed this?
found an old article on the internet its muscle and fitness 2003 , 3 month rock hard challenge. i have had to restart it this week , cause had been away for about 3 weeks , and this co-insides with starting MFP any one else tryed it , i like it , it hurts but "think" it will work
how do i loose fat but not muscle, confused ?
im male 5ft 9 and 165 lbs, want to get to about 154;bs then play it by ear MFP says to loose 2lbs a week i need to eat 1200 caloires , but im also doing weights as well as cardio so what calories should i be heading for after a comment , i wish to add that i was diagnosed with Dyslexia last year, thats why spelling and…
body combat caloires?
i noticed that body combat is not on the list of exersises. does any one have a rough idea how many you burn per hour , so i can enter it in my log please
looking for website to compair products?
i like salad cream not mayonnaise. so instead of tralling through websites , is there a web site that can compare liike for like products . eg all low calorie salad creams
when i entered spinning for 45 mins it only said its about 400 caloires, i did the cross trainer other day in the gym and the reading for 45 mins was 580 cals . i sweat more and feels like i do a lot more doing the spinning though . are the calculations for cardio on here for spinning correct
apart from weight loss what other signs are there
apart from the loss of pounds , what other signs should i look for , so i know im on track
first proper weight check today
i admit im a little nervious , about it , its only been a few days since started , but going to the gym and using there scales to check it . what realisticlly should i expect ?
what is nsv?
keep seeing nsv , but nt a clue what it means
out on the town?
we all know that out on the town , you drink lots of empty calories , i have managed to train my self to have double vodka's and diet coke when im out in clubs, and no take away at the end , how much caloires can a normal person burn in a night club dancing though, mean "joe blogs" , just trying to offset the vodka lol
age and weight loss
hi am 37 year old male , and does anyone know if there is any real truth about it being harder to loose weight when you get older
exersise and weight loss?
my profile says if i want to loose 2lbs a week , i should only eat 1200 calories a day . thats ok i also exersise , about 500 - 700 caloires a day . does this mean i will loose 3lbs per week or do i need to increase my caloire intake by 500 or so ? i not want to go into this starvation made or make my self ill
loose fat but build muscle??
to loose fat you need to eat less caloires than you burn per day . but to build muscle you need to eat more than you burn so that your body can make muscle this is what i can gather , so how do you loose fat and build muscle then ?