Question for some Mama's
Hi ladies! I have a question... Okay, well, I have a story first and then a question. Okay, so I got pregnant at 19 and at 20 had a BIG (but beautiful) 9lb baby boy. I also had a Cesarean. So being so young I'm thinking "My body'll bounce back from this" Right? Well, here's what I ended up with: Stretch marks from my pubic…
?'s about heart rate
Okay, so let me get this straight. According to most things my "target heart rate" is 220-21=199x85% which is 169. Okay... If I work out at 169, I don't feel like i'm doing much at all! I usually work out at somewhere between 175 and 185. That's like... 90%. Is that okay??? I mean, that's good right? Does that mean I'm…
Heart Rate Monitors?
I have questions galore! Where do you find good-yet-not-too-spendy ones? Also, Does anyone know how to calculate how many calories you burned based on your actually heart rate (Or percentage of max) instead of by what activity you're doing? I'd think that'd be much more accurate, but that's just me... Any ideas?
I'm back! Again.
Well, here I am. Back again. With everything that I worked so hard to accomplish completely destroyed. At my lowest weight I was down 20 lbs and SO proud of myself. Then the you know what hit the fan. I moved and started school at the same time (not a fun time), the proceeded to go through and extremely tough financial…
Back - Again.
Ok so I fell off the wagon big time. BIG TIME. I'm up 13 lbs. That's over half of what I'd lost to begin with. :sad: But anyway, I'm back and I mostly just lurk around the boards, but I just thought I'd reintroduce myself and say Hi to everyone! Oh, I'm Vanessa by the way. :smile:
Having a hard time with food
I mean, a REALLY hard time. I just can't seem to stop eating. Ever since I quick smoking I've really been battling it and maybe is because I used to be able to let myself have cheat days once a week and was still able to keep myself on track but now as soon as I have my cheat day, I'm all off track for the rest of the…
Get a hot tummy without leaving your desk!
I just wanted to share a tip on something I've been doing lately. While I'm sitting in my chair typing an email or something I just slouch down a bit (not too much, just so that my butt isn't touching the back of the chair) in my chair, lift my feet off the floor and my back off the back rest and hold if for as long as I…
Everyone's running around talking about what they're going to have for lunch. Here are the places they've talked about so far. Noodles and Company Sweet Taste of Italy Arby's and KFC .... THOSE ARE MY ABOVE ALL FAVORITE PLACES TO EAT!! I want SO bad to go to one, ANYone of those places but I can't because they're all mega…
In serious need of a new challenge
I need a new challenge, guys! I haven't really been able to get in with any of the current ones so I think I want to start my own! Anyone with me? I FINALLY have a computer at home so it'll be alot easier for me now lol. So here it is. We'll call this the... One month challenge! We'll take one month at a time and choose…
Trying not to Binge Day 4
Well, yesterday went pretty well, but the real challenge starts today... The weekends are ALWAYS my downfall. I haven't had ONE good weekend since I started this 6 months ago. This one should be better. We have to pack all weekend because we're moving next weekend! (That should be good exercise!) I really really don't want…
So nervous
So I don't know if any of you remember but I recently got caught without auto insurance and I was freaking out about it... Well my court date is tomorrow. I'm trying to just take it all with a grain of salt, but I'm so scared. I'm reading and you can go to JAIL in the state of MN for driving without insurance! They said…
Trying not to binge day 3
Woo, I had another good day yesterday! I even went to McDonalds to get dinner for the BF and didn't get anything for myself...! (I did have a fry though. Literally, ONE fry!) I didn't go to the gym last night because we're moving next weekend and haven't even STARTED packing.. :grumble: So I packed up the living room…
Binging - I cant stop!!!!!!!!!
It's getting to the point where I don't know what to do with myself. Ever since I quit smoking I just CAN'T resist the urge to binge. It's driving me absolutely psycho. I do pretty well during the day but as soon as I get home I just stuff my face with whatever is available. Does anyone have any advice? I can't chew gum -…
Trying Not To Binge Day 2
Hi guys!!! I think i'm going to start a little public diary thingy about trying not to binge since I've been having SUCH a hard time with it lately. It's not really for you guys (:tongue: ) It's for me so that I know people are ready this and they're holding me accountable (even if it's silently). Okay, so yesterday went…
I'm so unbelievably mad at myself.
So yesterday was boyfriends birthday and so I got him a pecan pie because it's his favorite. I told myself I was going to allow myself to have one little peice... Well, that one little piece turned into 3 little peices and a good chunk of the pie and from what I figure.... 1005 CALORIES. :mad: :mad: :mad: UGH! Why would I…
*Sigh* I think I need professional help!
I need diet-rehab!!! I was SO on the ball for like a good month and I just dropped it. I MEAN DROPPPED IT!!!! I could go into all of this and that about how I was stressed out and crazy busy and blah blah blah, but I won't because it's just an excuse and if I look for one I will ALWAYS find an excuse and I don't want that.…
I just got a call back from the apartments we applied at and we're approved!! YIPPEE!!!!! :drinker: We have to move in 3 weeks and up until 5 minutes ago we didn't have anywhere to go! :noway: Talk about a weight being lifted!! Maybe now I'll be a little less stressed and my workouts will go better!!! Sigh, I feel SOOO…
:noway: Today was the day I was going to start going for walks and lunch and it's raining! Bad sign? :tongue:
I added a new ticker and I wanna try it out
Here goes!
Back at it.
Hey guys... I've been off the wagon for a while now... about 4 weeks with a week of on the wagon in the middle and I'm sad! :( I'm trying to quit smoking at the same time and it's just not working so well. I want to write out my plan, just because it's always good to write out goals: Tonight: Get Chantix. 40 Min Elliptical…
Really, really OT, really long, Need advice
OK guys, I've been wanting to post this and get opinions for like a month now, but I've been too afraid. This is a really long story. Ok, so my baby daddy (Jim) and I met in high school, but then didn't see each other for like 3 years then we met again and hit it off and partied together. There was this other guys I had…
Self Sabotage.
I need to vent, REALLY bad... (sorry guys :frown: ) Everything is so horrible!!!!! Here's my list of greivances: 1.) My relationship is in a really really rocky stage. (Mostly it's just me wondering whether or not I want this anymore..) 2.) Quitting smoking is going HORRIBLY!!!!!!!!!!! I've gained 8 LBS!!! since last…
Someone noticed!!
My VP of Sales (used to by my boss until he got promoted, now he's my bosses boss) said to me "wow, you are really looking thin!" He knows I'm working out and everything, he's acting a little bit as my running coach because he knows I want to run, but I keep getting injured. Actually, this is my last weekend smoking and he…
Diary of a Quitter Day 2
... I changed my quit day to Friday. I'm cutting down severly today and tomorrow but I cracked last night and bought a pack. :noway: How pathetic? I can't go 6 hours without freaking out. I've still only had two in the last... 19 hours. And I was in the car alot last night a probably would have had at least for then and…
Diary of a quitter - Day One
(Yes, I kinda stole the idea from ellelit, thanks girl!) Anywho. This is really day half considering I did smoke until 3:00. (Actually that was only an hour and a half ago) But I've decided NOT so smoke another pack. So.. I've smoked my last cigarette, people! FOREVER! I have mixed feelings about how I'm going to handle…
So i'm all registered for my classes. Only taking 3 for now. I'm super excited!!!
I think I'm ready to quit...
SMOKING!!!!!!!! (Haha, fooled you.) :laugh: Yes, it's true. I'm a dirty little smoker. But with finding out my son has asthma, and getting deeper and deeper into my workouts and my boyfriend quit and my mom quit... It's just kinda like ... why am i still doing this again? But I know why... i :heart: :heart: :heart: it. I…
Someone tell me to go to the gym tonight...
My boyfriend is "working late" (Yeah, i'm sure) and I'm so beyond temped to skip the gym just cuz there's no one there to hold me accountable... And my excuse is that I'll have to take my son and he always gets sick when I bring him to the daycare there and now we found out he has asthma so when he gets sick he gets SICK.…
School is frustrating
I'm supposed to be starting school on July 1st and I can't seem to get my finances figured out. I mean, seriously. I got denied my alternative loan, (the not government ones) even with my cosigner and I don't even have a computer at home and I'm supposed to be going to school online, lol. what to do, what to do! Well…
After a HORRIBLE weekend I'm proud to say...
I lost 3 lbs this week!!!!!!! :love: I'm stoked. I weigh less than I've weighed in like 5 years and hit the 20 lb loss mark. I'm so proud of myself! Anyway, just thought I'd brag for a sec. :blushing: How was everyone elses weekend??