Someone noticed!!

My VP of Sales (used to by my boss until he got promoted, now he's my bosses boss) said to me "wow, you are really looking thin!"

He knows I'm working out and everything, he's acting a little bit as my running coach because he knows I want to run, but I keep getting injured.

Actually, this is my last weekend smoking and he said if I make it to the middle of June, he'll buy me running shoes.

Anyway, that was exciting!


  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    My VP of Sales (used to by my boss until he got promoted, now he's my bosses boss) said to me "wow, you are really looking thin!"

    He knows I'm working out and everything, he's acting a little bit as my running coach because he knows I want to run, but I keep getting injured.

    Actually, this is my last weekend smoking and he said if I make it to the middle of June, he'll buy me running shoes.

    Anyway, that was exciting!
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Whoohoo!!! P.S. I know your gonna get those running shoes too!!
  • Adele
    Adele Posts: 159 Member
    Love that! Great motivator....
  • jenndf
    jenndf Posts: 29 Member
    That is so awesome! I can't wait until I reach that milestone. I know you must be beaming inside! Congrats and let us know when you get those running shoes!!