Year of the Snake
In Chinese astrology, the snake is the 6th sign of the Chinese Zodiac and is the ignimatic, intuitive, introspective, refined and collected of the Animal signs. It is said to believe that finding a snake in your home is a good sign in that it means your family will not starve. I fear snakes and do not like them. I was born…
Sleep Apnea Headaches?
I have never been diagnosed with sleep apnea but I am beginning to wonder if my daily morning headaches are as a result. For the past week now, I wake up with a dull headache, usually in the front (sometimes extends to the temples) and I feel "foggy". Like I fully haven't woken up yet. The headache usually lasts throughout…
So which is more accurate? The scale at my gym or the one at my doctor's office? I've been logging my weight by going off my scale at the gym. Went to the doctor Friday and scale was higher by 7 lbs! It read the same exact starting weight I had when I started this damn journey. I'm frustrated. Either that scale is lying or…
Hard to Poop. TMI
Ok so now you seem the title and wonder what this is about. Well it's actually what it states. Ever since I've changed the way I eat, I'm finding that I'm popping less and it's more if a struggle. Gone are the earlier days where I would throw mud without trying and it was often. Now that I think back, I also experienced…
Yoga Class Expectations
OK I don't know why I am nervous but my stomach is in knots right now! I have my first beginners yoga/pilate/tai chi class that lasts ten weeks long. It's a class filled with yogis and such and I am nervous in the fact that I don't know what i am getting myself into. Yes I have done the basic asaynas and stretching but in…
The V Word...
...the "V line" that all you fit people have around your abs. If you don't know what Im talking about, its the lines you get around your hips below your abs. I know body fat plays a huge role but what are the best exercises to do to target the muscles that contribute to this?
What do you consider selfish behavior? How do you differentiate between selfishness vs. narcissist? Conceited vs confident.? I ask because I know of someone who is all the above, in my eyes. This person is an important person in my life but only seems to care about herself. The type that only reaches out to friends/family…
Tricep Discomfort Near Elbow
OK. Need some input here. I went to the gym yesterday to do cardio and leg circuit training. The ONLY pressure, or excercise, I did to my upper body was my typical stretching (downward dog and knee push ups). I also wear an arm band around my right upper arm cuff holding my iPhone so I can rock out to Fit Radio. I felt a…
Friggin Cravings...
Craving all things dairy (since I stopped drinking alcohol a month ago). Mostly milk. The fattier the better. Almonds. Anything almond-y. Salt and vinegar, habenero BBQ, chocolate covered. I eat a couple cans a week. Olives. I could eat the whole jar. Then chug the juice if I was allowed. Red meat. I don't eat alot of red…
Gawd talk about confusing! Sorry for those that are experts at dissecting this whole BMR/TDEE thing. I used that Scooby calculator and it says my BMR: 1590, TDEE: 2186 and Cut Value (CV): 1858 based on my weight, height, age and lightly active lifestyle inputs. Does all this mean I need to eat my Cut Value number of 1858…
Crawling the Walls...
If I was Spider-Man, I'd be literally crawling the walls right now. I am on Day 2 of the nicotine patch; Step 2. I think this is too strong for me. Since yesterday, I have felt like I drank 3 Red Bulls and want to throw up everywhere. I just removed this patch as I am feeling really naseous now. Anyone else quit smoking…
Paleo Diet?
OK so since I'm looking ahead for my health goals of 2013, my sister told me about the Paleo Diet. She lost 40lbs on it last year. I looked over the link she sent me (see below) but have a few questions since there are 2 things that are not part of the diet that love: dairy and sweetner (Diet Coke fan!)…
Walk to 5K and then some...
On March 1st, I walk (not run), my first 5K. I am pretty stoked for it but don't feel like I am ready. Outside of normal walking day-to-day, I have been speed walking on the treadmill a mile a day Fri-Sunday. I understand a 5K is pretty much 3 miles. Gulp. But no worries. What is the best/effective yet safe way to train…
Discount for non-bratty kids
I read this article today on Yahoo regarding a restaurant giving a family a discount for having "well-behaved kids". While I think the gesture is quite rewarding, I don't think I necessarily agree with it and here's why: While I think this is a nice gesture, I think it's quite unfair to other patrons who have kids that may…
I've never been a fan of almonds. Until last week. Low and behold, I had a handful of Blue Diamond Salt and Vinegar almonds. Let's just say, I have gone through 3 cans in a week. Besides all the antioxidants it has, what is your favorite way, or flavor to have an almond?
It's on the Internet...
so it must be true..................right? http://www.hlifestyles.com/Supplements.html
Try walking in my shoes..
And I mean that literally. I just started walking on the treadmill this week and only did a mile today and im freakin sore! I did all my stretching and even wore my new Nikw Shox. I notice when i walk on the treadmill i feel like Im going to lose my balance. I am trying to pay attention to how my feet land and take off and…
Another reason not to eat fast food...
Put down that Whopper. Mr. Ed might be in there. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2271440/Burger-King-admits-selling-beef-burgers-Whoppers-containing-horse-meat.html#axzz2JfkBqspF In my opinion, I don't think that horse meat is necessarily bad for you, rather it's the things being put in our food without full…
What do you do for a living?
I'm in wireless sales. While the market is stagnant, I'm still always trying to find ways to gain new business. I'm ready for a career change though I think. What do you do? Love it? Hate it?
Calling All Purse Junkies!
I found the Louis Vuitton handbag my sister in law gave me about 6 years ago in my closet, under a pile of all my unused purses (yes I'm a purse hoarder). I've never been into "name brands" since my addiction to handbags has diminished over the years. However, I know this thing is real. My SIL would never carry anything…
Mexican/Latin Food Recipes
I am Puerto Rican and LOVE LOVE LOVE latin cuisine. I am looking for healthy versions of some of the popular dishes (ie enchildas, tacos, soups, ensaladas, pescado). I was given a crockpot recipe to try called Mexican Hot Pot I am going to try. Anyone else like to share anything?
Addictions come from all shapes and forms; from drug/alcohol to food dependency and other activities, even exercise. Sometimes an addiction can be co-dependent with another. For example, a recovering alcoholic might find solace in a tea addiction (I know someone who has traded in booze for all forms of tea). While some…
Anyone ever take this form of probiotics to stave off cravings (ie sugar and alcohol) http://bodyecology.com/probiotic-drink-coco-biotic.html
Fast Food Mania
Today I stayed home because I have a stomach bug. I turn on Destination America and for the past FIVE hours, I've been watching Fast Food Mania. For those who have never seen this show, it's like "Unwrapped" for the Fast Food industry. I've seen the secrets of fast food restaurants from Whataburger to White Castle. As I…
Zagorra Hotpants
Anyone else wear Zagorra clothing to help lose weight? I mean I think the concept is really fascinating but I don't think spending $120.00 on a pair of pants to make me sweat more is believable. Like Really?
This spring, well end of February to be exact, I am taking a 10 week session of Beginner Body Blend (Tai Chi, Pilates and Hatha Yoga) along with a couple classes on body cleansing and a fit food class. It will be at my local high school several nights a week and it gets me out of the house engaged on something to benefit…
Secret ingredient: Corn!
What would you do if you were given 30 minutes to make something with your secret ingredient. This ingredient is corn. What would you make? I would make garlicky creamed corn and spinach
Yoga for beginners? Part Duex
Last week, I posted a topic regarding yoga for beginners and got some good feedback. So today I bought Hatham and Flow Yoga for Beginners and tried Hatham first. WOW! They make it look so easy but for someone as unfit, stiff, and overweight as myself, it was difficult yet I did it! I know it's incorporating postures with…
What's for Lunch?
A cup of boiled white potatoes with salt and pepper mixed with a serving of seasoned boiled chicken thigh. Topped with ketchup. Don't hate. I like my ketchup. :)