anyone know what these are called?
you lie on your back sort of like you were going to do sit ups but you sort of raise your knees up towrads your head with your legs crossed. then you just lift from your lower abs till your bum comes off the floor and then back down. any suggestions lower ab crunches i don;t know there are funny names for everything lol.…
p90x how important is the pull up bar
i live in an old house i can;t think of anywhere i could fit one in. the door frames are to thin for the argos screw in one and the hook over the top on the door wouldn't fit mine because the wall is too close to the door. tedious excuse but the thing is i keeping reading huge prices over in amrerica for p90x on amazon in…
fresh flavours?
I'm off to the supermarket tommorrow (not for the first time) basically I'm not a huge chef or anything ut i like exprerimenting with things. i keep reading people reciepes that have things like a dash of lemon or a hint of ?? you know little splashes of sauces and things like that. im just gonna get a trolley and pile in…
just started jogging
yesterday i decided to go out for a run after reading the couch to 5 km website. (www.c25k.com) i thought i would start halfway through because i feel confident in my ability but i was incredibly wrong. so in the end i started on week one like you are supposed to. anyone else doing this/ done this i know some have already.…
uk chip shop chips
ok so on sunday i had had a great weekend. i know i always splurge a little before its back to the hard work but does anyone have any idea how many calories/dfat/protien/carbs are in chip shops chips. i reckon i had about 500 grams of them and a sausage (most likely deep fried). i mean i had been good all week but…
Schmoking !!
ok so i woke up this morning and didn't want a cigarette so i picked up my nico gum and took it to work. i start at like 5.30am. i made my cup of tea and felt ok so i though i would see how long i could last. i realised that my last cig was yesterday at about 7pm so i have done quite a few hours without nicotine. im think…
some one noticed!
today it has been two days constant at 12st 3 / 171lbs. eating properly and excersising and not being hungover/ dehydrated which means i can now say that my bmi is 24.9. i started my weight loss change to my diet on 22nd or april and have been on a holiday between that where i just ate steak and drank all week (+3pounds…
Off topic sorta! Smoking Allen Carr weight gain
two questions. tommorrow i will impliment the tactics allen carr suggests in quitting smoking. i made this decision after finnishing his book earlier today. this week my BMI has hovered over 24.9 25.1 lol and im just feeling blooming great so i though use the goodness to feed the confidence in quitting smoking! 1. Anyone…
Anyione know the biggest calorie burner? also anyone from bi
If there is anyone out there like me who leads a quite sedentary lifestyle at work and at home and also hates the gym then they'll know that weight loss means eating the least possible and not excersising at all lol. I just wondered what sport or type of excersise burns the most calories an hour and i don;t mean running…
help with a drink ( totally not healthy adn alcoholic)
Just before i start i am in England if it makes any difference to those across the pond lol. Every year i go to a party for the eurovision song contest. and each year all of us get given a country at random for which we must provide a local drink and food though if none of them appeal something to do with the country…
Anyone struggle with alcohol
I used to go out every night but now i leave it for just once at the weekeND and i have a few jack daniels and diet coke. I probably drink averagely but end up having a lot sometimes. i don't think that i would go out at all if i wasn't drinking. has anyone experienced this. what did you do. any advice of low cal drinks…
I know i posted yesterday but...
Today after getting on the scales it read 171 pounds and after checking online my BMI is now 24.9 so the internet has stopped calling me fat. I just thought i woudl share that lol. woooooo!!!!!!
First Goal woo me!!!
lost 9 pounds so far and am down to 12st.4 first goal was 12.5 by this weekend so i made it. doing it a harsh way but seems to be paying off so far. next goal is 11.13st by may the 23rd fingers crossed. i've got to stop reading that 12 on the scales.
For the People who eat at work
Hello everyone reading this. I work long ten hour shifts either from 5.00am to 3.00pm or 2pm to mighnight which means I am usually not at home for my main meals during the day. My workplace provides a microwave and a kettle and fridge so its very difficult to keep up with the proper meals and fresh veg. so i was wondering…