How to learn to eat right
Two years ago I aimed to lose weight and during the process I developed mild anorexia. When I started to recover from that, I began to move in the opposite direction. I just finished my first year in college and have gained a considerable amount of weight (~40lbs) since the very beginning of my whole journey. I'm having a…
I'm gaining fat not weight, help?
I've almost reached my weight loss goal. I used to be eating way too few calories per day and exercising a lot, but I've changed my plan a little. Now I've started to gradually increase my calories (only a few hundred) and keep my exercise about the same. I practice with a swim team 6 days a week in the morning for 2 hours…
is this messed up?..
when i was losing weight, at school a girl said i looked anorexic and at first it made me really sad and i almost cried, but then i realized i kinda liked it i wish i could get back to that:/
Food vs. Exercise
I have this weird problem. When I was at my goal weight and what I consider "skinny", I had no problem sticking to a diet but exercising everyday became difficult for me to the point where i hated running. Now, at what is probably my heavy weight, I have no problem running and lifting weights, but I can't seem to stick to…
I want honest opinions?
When I started my weight loss I was 5'8" and 140-145 lbs. Here's a picture, sorry its not very good, but I didn't think about taking before and after pics. After around 3 months of working out, dieting, etc I weighed 120 lbs, here's a picture. And now after 2 months of struggling and lacking motivation I've put on weight.…
I can't seem to stick to any type of diet/eating plan/lifestyle so I was thinking of giving vegetarianism a shot. What are you peoples thoughts/opinions on this?
For people who have reached their goal..
When you finally reached your goal what were some awesome things that you noticed about your new body? Like for example, mine was my muscle tone, 6 pack abs, and being able to wear anything I wanted. I'm just curious what other people noticed :)
need some support...
i cant find support from anyone in my life right now and it's making this very difficult for me. i have an ed and i'd really like someone to just communicate with every now and then throughout the day who can understand what i'm going through and who i can open up to so maybe i wont feel so pressured
Fat Burning Furnace?
I saw a program called the fat burning furnace and from what I can tell it's an e-book about nutrition and exercise. I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about it or if anyone has tried it?
Better than ice cream..
Tastes just as good, is healthier, and cheap Just cut up a banana, put it in a baggie and freeze it solid. Then take it out and thaw it out a little and mash it up. It tastes soo good and is awesome :) It's just something I thought of since all I can eat is soft squishy cold food right now
Wisdom Teeth?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow and I'm not sure what I should do about food/exercise while I'm recovering. I don't want to just lay in bed and eat ice cream all day but idk how long I won't be able to work out. What are some food suggestions that aren't gonna hurt to eat that are also low calorie?
30 Day Shred?
If I'm already pretty active (lift every other day and run every day) will doing the 30 day shred really make a difference for me? Should I add it into my workout routine or should I sub my workouts for it?
Anyone with an ED or similar..
if you've ever had an ED or have one right now I'd really like it if you'd message me because I need to talk to some people who are either going through what I am or have already gotten through it. No one around me really understands how hard this is for me, so message me so we can talk
TOM problem...
So the problem is...that I don't have it anymore. Mine stopped about 2 or 3 months ago back when I was on a very low unhealthy diet. But now I'm eating normal again and everything else is back to normal down there too except that. I'm kinda worried and I'm wondering if any of you have had the same problem or know anything…
Lacking Motivation...
I worked so freaking hard for like 3 months to lose about 20-25 pounds and I was finally at my goal weight but then I started having some relationship issues and started late night snacking a gained a few pounds back, then I went on a week long trip and gained a few more back... Basically in a month or a little more I…
How to handle my cravings? :(
I'm like alwaaaaays craving chocolate or cheese or something like that and idk what to do about it sometimes. Some days I'm able to shake it off and stick to my plan but other days I can't help myself and I give in. There are two problems with the "moderation" solution that everyone says... 1.I'm an athlete so I'm not just…
Wisdom teeth....
I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled in about 1 month and I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to eat solid foods for a couple of days. I also know for sure that I won't wanna work out. But I don't wanna just lay in bed eating ice cream all day like I wish I could, so I need some suggestions for foods to eat during my…
I want a new protein shake?
So Ive been using the reclaim smart smoothies by complete nutrition for a couple of months and I love them for their taste and low calories. But I'm thinking about trying something new and im not sure what to go with because there's so many options out there. Any suggestions?
Ugghh, binging again?
So yesterday I swear I probably ate over 5000 calories :/ This morning I decided that I wasn't gonna feel too bad about it, but of course now I do. Ive been working SO FREAKING HARD and for some reason the past few weeks I've had no sense of self control and I'm pissed at myself cuz I don't wanna gain the weight back. My…
I'm eating healthier but still gaining fat? :/
I've cleaned up my diet somewhat and I'm eating healthier foods and I'm eating more now too because I was eating too little before. I'm also doing 2 swim workouts a day but I'm still gaining fat? Specifically on my stomach area.... I'm not necessarily adding a lot of pounds, I'm just getting squishy and there is a visible…
Is something weird about my metabolism or is it just me?
About 3 months ago when I weighed 140 lbs I had no idea about any nutritional content or value of foods I ate. I just ate whatever I wanted when I wanted and felt fine. At that time I was swimming once a day with my team and doing 2 weight workouts a week. I didn't gain weight at all, I just stayed the same... Now I weigh…
Thinking about not counting calories for a week?
I'm thinking about not counting calories or planning my meals for a week and just eating healthy food when I get hungry. Do you think doing this will cause any weight gain if I still workout?
I'm seriously confused, I'm eating healthy and doing 1 to 3 different workouts a day. I'm not gaining weight, but I am gaining body fat. WTF I'm working so hard and I can't eat any less because I'm already starving all day. What should I do? And btw yes I DO lift weights/strength train almost every day.
Any swimmers out there?
Is anyone else a swimmer? If so please reply to this or message me because I have a lot of questions that maybe you can answer!
I feel so hopeless...
My entire life I've always been the chubby kid, the fat girl, always feeling self conscious and not good enough. Two months ago I decided to lose weight. I started at 140-145ish and through a vlcd and intense exercise I lost about 20 pounds. The least I ever weighed was 117ish and when I did it felt so amazing because I…
Can I really gain 5 lbs in a weekend?
So this weekend (Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and a little bit Monday night) I ate a lot more than I normally do. I noticed that at first the scales didn't go up, they actually went down. But this morning they were up about 5 lbs higher than they were 2 days ago... Is this actually from fat/weight gain? Or is it just…
Binge Eating?
How exactly would you define binge eating? How many calories eaten is considered a binge? I'm asking because yesterday I ate so much more than I usually do...I normally keep my calories between 1500-2000 but yesterday I'm pretty sure I ate around 3000 and maybe a little over. Is that considered a binge? And something else…
Increasing my calories?
Okay so 6 days a week I do a 2 hour swim workout in the morning and then I usually go to the gym later in the day and do either a weights workout or a cardio (treadmill, elliptical) or both. I am very careful about my logging and log every single thing I eat and portion it out correctly so that I know exactly how much I'm…
Is swimming enough to stay in shape?
Is swimming every morning 6 days a week for 2 hours with a club team enough to keep me in shape and maintain my weight? Do I need to run too?
Swiming vs Running?
Which one is better for toning and weight loss? Because I'm already a competitive swimmer but I still have a few pounds to lose and as far as I can tell, swimming isn't really making that happen. I already run a couple days of the week...so is that enough? How much running should I do to tone up? Like how many days a week,…