I'm eating healthier but still gaining fat? :/

I've cleaned up my diet somewhat and I'm eating healthier foods and I'm eating more now too because I was eating too little before. I'm also doing 2 swim workouts a day but I'm still gaining fat? Specifically on my stomach area.... I'm not necessarily adding a lot of pounds, I'm just getting squishy and there is a visible fat layer on my stomach now that wasn't there before. Why is this happening and how can I stop it?


  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Strength Training. I speculate that you may be losing muscle, and therefore increasing body fat percentage. I would continue to eat healthy (as you are doing now) and adding a strength training routine to maintain or even build muscle mass.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Strength Training. I speculate that you may be losing muscle, and therefore increasing body fat percentage. I would continue to eat healthy (as you are doing now) and adding a strength training routine to maintain or even build muscle mass.

    THIS exactly.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    It could also be sodium - water weight. Try to keep it under 1500 for a few days and see if the "fat" goes away
  • SuperAmie
    SuperAmie Posts: 307 Member
    Strength Training. I speculate that you may be losing muscle, and therefore increasing body fat percentage. I would continue to eat healthy (as you are doing now) and adding a strength training routine to maintain or even build muscle mass.

    THIS lol keep doing what your doing... peeked at your diary and it looks amazing... just add some strength training in there.. keep it up girl!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Is that your photo, lovely?

    There's not a lot of fat there. You really can't lose more fat, without starting to become very unhealthy. Strength training may help you attain the appearance you're after, but don't forget you'll have to fuel that training.

    Take care.
  • StartingOver4Me
    Honey----You could stand a little meat of some sort on your bones. FAT or muscle! Take your pic!
  • Catiec76
    Catiec76 Posts: 55 Member
    You may be gaining muscle mass. And muscle weighs more than fat. I would be thinking possitive things abou that.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I looked at your diary. The soups and Subway are LOADED with sodium. I think the "fat" you see is actually just water weight.
  • hazelovesfood
    hazelovesfood Posts: 454 Member
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I think may be developing an unhealthy attitude to how you exercise and how you perceive your body. That 'fat' is probably just skin and in the worse case scenario feeling 'flabby' because your body is beginning to eat away at the muscle mass underneath it.

    As people have said above...don't worry and you don't look like you need to be losing any weight just enjoy how you look already! xx
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    You are way to thin, stop dieting
  • alicepoppyh
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    I think she just said she IS eating more as she was eating too little before...
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    thats good ur eating more , and so is the fact that u gain weight u should be happy for it
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    sorry but your way too thin stop dieting, I dont mean to be cruel but you look anorexic, eat for gods sake eat.

    If you actually looked at her diary, she's eating pretty well. 2000 calories some days. Maybe before you post something so judgmental, you should actually try looking into what she's eating.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Somebody needs attention...

    ...and a cheeseburger

    Wow judgmental much?

    Did you even look at her diary? Clearly she is eating better and even stated she ate too little before.

    Yep, sure am...go back and look at her post of 7 days ago.
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    Okay, so I guess I should have added that I am NOT dieting to lose weight anymore. I am just trying to have a healthy diet now....
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    If i posted a picture of me or any fat person posted in a group of gainning weight wouldnt u descorage them ? Same thing , i need a salad and she needs a cheeseburguer...
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    thats great girl keep it up .... i am gonna eat a salad now lol ...
  • sandyyy712
    sandyyy712 Posts: 94
    Somebody needs attention...

    ...and a cheeseburger

    Wow judgmental much?

    Did you even look at her diary? Clearly she is eating better and even stated she ate too little before.

    Yep, sure am...go back and look at her post of 7 days ago.

    Yeah I was having a rough patch? are you perfect or something?
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    You do little a little thin, but honestly your diary looks great. It really seems like you have a handle on your eating. How tall are you? I agree that strength training and less cardio might be better for your to gain the muscle you need to really look super fit (if thats what you want)