I'm going to do it my way: Chapter 25
Oh dear friends, This chapter brought me to tears......:sad: Joyce writes: "Your decision to obey God affects other people, and when you decide to disobey God, that also affects others. You may disobey God and choose to stay in the wilderness, but please keep in mind that if you now have or ever have children, your…
Jealousy: Chapter 24
Recently, I had jealousy show up in my life. Previously, I regarded jealousy as one of the things that was lower on my list of things that trouble my life. At least I thought that before I read this week's chapter. Here is what I read: "Minding (having our mind set on) other people's business, will keep us in the…
I don't deserve God's blessings: Chapter 23
Hello Fellow Receivers of God's Blessings: So many questions are running through my heart as I ponder what to write here. How do I really think of myself in relationship to God? Do I really know what my real mindset is? Joyce starts off with this scripture: Joshua 5:9 And the Lord said to Joshua, This day have I rolled…
My Life is so miserable: Chapter 22
"I remember when the Lord spoke to me during one of my "pity parties." He said, "Joyce, you can be pitiful or powerful, but you cannot be both." Joyce Meyers My Dear Friends, As I read this chapter I realized that I had already made this choice by the simple fact of how my personality developed. My natural personality is…
It's not my fault: Chapter 21
Hello My Dear Friends, As we are progressing through these "Wilderness Mentalities," I have been asking God to give me a balanced view. Meaning, the grace to see where I am doing well, as well as the grace to see where I need to change. Here is what I see: This week's study is all about recognizing walking in Truth and…
Don't make me wait for anything: Chapter 20
Impatience is the fruit of pride! Let me start off saying that impatience has been my normal response for most of my life and often still is. As I read this chapter I began to examine the places I see it operating. I asked the Lord to show me.....what I saw was startling to me. He showed me it in my parenting and in my…
I'm addicted to grumbling and complaining: Chapter 19
Hmmmmm.............This is my second attempt at posting. In the spirit of learning not to grumble and complain, I praise God for the opportunity to spend more time meditating on His word and sharing. :wink: Philippians 2:14-15 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children…
Please make everything easy: Chapter 18
"You can be sure that anywhere God leads you, He is able to keep you. Whatever He orders He pays for. We do not have to live in a constant struggle if we learn to lean on Him continually for the strength we need. If you know God has asked you to do something, don't back down just because it gets hard. When things get hard,…
The Mind Is the Battlefield
"God never loses a battle.......let me repeat that: GOD NEVER LOSES A BATTLE! He has a definite battle plan---and when we follow it, we ALWAYS WIN!" My dear friends, as I studied this week. I wondered what to share with you. Here are some points that really have been my heart focus from this week's study. :heart: Ephesians…
Someone do it for me: Chapter 17
Hello Dear Friends, As I read about the Isrealites not taking responsibility I begin to ask myself what is my responsibility? I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Wrong person to ask!" My heart was convicted. See, when I asked myself that question, I answered it and often the answer was wrong. God has the right answer 100 % of…
Little by Little: Chapter 4
Phew! Great job of making it through last week. You did it! Well done. I just want to commend you, for taking the time to learn and apply. For engaging in spiritual warfare and persevering through the storms. He brought you through! He was one hundred percent faithful to provide for You. He is well pleased with you. Now,…
Wilderness Mentality #1 :Chapter 16
Deuteronomy 1:6 The Lord our God said to us in Horeb, You have dwelt long enough on this mountain. Joyce writes: The children of Israel spent forty years in the wilderness making an eleven day trip because they had a wilderness mentality. A wilderness mentality is a wrong mindset. Just like the Children of Israel we do the…
The Mind of Christ: Chapter 15
Hello My Lovely Ladies, It is very helpful to a believer to learn to discern life and death within himself. If something is ministering death to you, don't do it any longer. When certain lines of thought fill you full of death (every kind of misery), you know immediately that it is not the mind of the Spirit. ~Joyce Meyers…
Dear Ones, I have been praying for you......I know that God has chosen this time and this study for you. Here is my prayer for us all: Father, I just invite you to be the Lord of this study. As you help us to learn of you, unite our hearts to encourage, strengthen and build each other up. Give us hearts that honor you.…
Don't Give Up! : Chapter 3
:heart: :heart: :heart: The Lord God says to us, 'You have dwelt long enough on this mountain.' " :heart: :heart: :heart: My Dear MIGHTY Sisters in Christ, How you are delighting my heart. :love: You are making this study so awesome. I love how the Lord is teaching you and how you are sharing with us. Each of you have such…
A Passive Mind: Chapter 14
"Neither give place to the devil." Ephesians 4:27 "The place we give Satan is often empty space. An empty, passive mind can easily be filled with all kinds of wrong thoughts. A believer who has a passive mind and who does not resist these wrong thoughts often takes them as his own thoughts. He doesn't realize that the evil…
A Vital Necessity: Chapter 2
:heart: :heart: :heart: "One of the best aids to freedom is asking God for a lot of help--and asking often." :heart: :heart: :heart: Dear Ones, This week of study with you has been such a blessing to me. There is something about being able to share the journey that enhances the process. I felt very encouraged by you. You…
An Anxious and Worried Mind: Chapter 12
Dear Friends, What a thought provoking chapter for me. Am I addicted to worry? As I began to seek the Lord with this question, He immediately brought something to my mind. Yesterday, my daughter who has been in Thailand for the last six months, said to me, "Dad seems so stretched. He seems to have aged since I have been…
A Judgemental, Critical and Suspicious Mind: Chapter 13
:brokenheart: Oh how my heart is convicted as I read this chapter. I feel like I am the foremost sinner. I feel grief over how I have operated in these things. But I also feel hope because as I repent I feel relief. What He brings to my attention, He allows me to give to Him and then I am released to love with His love.…
A Doubtful and Unbelieving Mind: Chapter 11
Hello My Lovely Ladies :heart: , This week focuses our attention on the the difference between doubt and unbelief. It is so important for me to understand what they are so I can recognize when they are operating in my life. Joyce's definition from the Vines Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: DOUBT: To…
A Confused Mind: Chapter 10
:heart: Proverbs 3:5 -8 5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. 7 Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and…
Think about what you are thinking about: Chapter 7
Mark 4:24 24 And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. Hello My Dearest Ones, This week is about being very conscious of what…
When Is My Mind Normal?: Chapter 8
:heart: Colossians 3:15 (AMP) 15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be…
A Wandering, Wondering Mind: Chapter 9
Hello Dearest Friends, How good it is to study His word with you. :love: I have been having so many opportunities to practice what I am learning. I feel like I am getting lots of field experience.:bigsmile: I had to laugh when I saw the heading of this week's study. For I have been wondering so much. In fact this week has…
Mind-Binding Spirits: Chapter 6
:devil: Bound?:devil: Bound! :devil: Bound? :devil: Bound in fear? What if......God is really not real? What if.....this is all make believe? Maybe I am not good enough. What if all I believe is really a lie? How do I know this is really true? :devil: Bound by doubt? Can I really do this? What if nothing changes? It hasn't…