Getting back on the wagon, but I need friends!
Hey, my name is Sarah, I started my weight loss journey last May. I weighed in at 196lbs. I did well when I had MFP and got down to 180 in August. But I fell off the wagon and by January I was back up to 192lbs. I have been working hard since new years, and recently I weighed in at 178.6.! But I have a long way to go and…
Getting back on the wagon, but I need friends!
Hey, my name is Sarah, I started my weight loss journey last May. I weighed in at 196lbs. I did well when I had MFP and got down to 180 in August. But I fell off the wagon and by January I was back up to 192lbs. I have been working hard since new years, and recently I weighed in at 178.6.! But I have a long way to go and…
Getting back on the wagon, but I need friends!
Hey, my name is Sarah, I started my weight loss journey last May. I weighed in at 196lbs. I did well when I had MFP and got down to 180 in August. But I fell off the wagon and by January I was back up to 192lbs. I have been working hard since new years, and recently I weighed in at 178.6.! But I have a long way to go and…
Please Please Help Me! Hit the wall!
So, I have lost 10lbs since The beginning of July! I am doing p90x, I start July 23rd. I love it, its a great program, but im only on the 2nd week. I have only missed one work out in p90x, and that was yesterday. For whatever reason, I hit the wall and couldn't find it in me. This past week has been very hard to fight…
Introduce Yourself
Introduce yourself on here! what are you goals? What program are you using? what is your start/end date? What made you decide to embark on the p90x quest?
Workout Log
I give up lmao just log all work outs here.. Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments:
Starting p90x Monday (July 23rd)
Anyone want to start with me?? I am going to need help!
Work out Log Day 5
Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments:
Work Out Log Day 4
Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments:
Work Out Log Day
Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments:
Work Out Log Day 3
Sorry! Forgot to put a new one up! Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments:
Work Out Log Day 2
or whatever day you are on! Log using normal format: Day: () Program: Program Workout: Additional Workout(s): Water (cups): Grade: Comments: Good Luck Everyone! And have a great work out! Do your best and..
Post Questions or ideas on meals, recipes, diets here!
Workout Log
This is where we will log out process! We will say what day we are on, what program, what work out you did for that program, any additional work outs you might have done, cups of water you had, then honestly grade yourself on your effort and progress! Then use the comment part to say what you did better/worse. We will have…
We did it! One day down! we gave it our all and are ready for more! SO proud of all of us!!! Way to go!! I will close the work out log tonight, so make sure to log it if you are doing it!
Fitness Test
This is the test you should take PRIOR to starting! I'm doing mine Sunday! Good idea nastassia11 to think to add this. Here is the information on how to record this all. It is a very detailed test, and tells you exactly what to do and what the minimum is in order to do p90x. You will need to follow along the fit test sheet…
Add me, maybe?
Idk what your goals are, anything, just looking for some map friends to help motivate me and that I can help motivate!!!
Found the Nutrion Guide on Beach Body
If your like me and getting the dvds second hand, and maybe not the guide and everything that comes with it, I found it online. My boyfriend lost the guide forever ago (maybe between our 4 moves?? lol) http://www.teambeachbody.com/home/-/dl_get_file/32ea4c06-2287-4660-8adc-8db758929d28
Welcome to our P90x Challege Group! In this group, we will require daily work out logs, where you grade your performances based on your own effort and progress. But this group is more than that. It is MOTIVATION! It is people coming together to help each other as we fight our way through this challenge! If you feel like…
I cant eat enough calories lately!!
Yesterday I had Breakfast - Cereal/skim milk Lunch- Mushroom, Green Pepper, Onion Torilla with salsa and cheese After Workout I had ANOTHER one Dinner- I had Grilled Chicken, sweet potatoes, and asparagus at the end of that I was super full, all day long, but still only 857 calories! so I drank two glasses of milk and some…
Hi! My name is Sarah an Im..
Totally addicted to food! :tongue: lol I started this at 196lb, at the beginning of July and I jut weighed my self today at 187lb! Yay! I have done MFP and got down to 181, and then stopped cold. I think before I was putting to much stress on myself, working out 3-4hrs a day. I do love to work out, once i finally do it,…
Slim-fast diet question
I saw that Walmart is doing a 30 supply online for $75 for slim fast. I will be working out 2+ hours a day, and plan on adding fresh veggies to my diet along with the slim fast shakes, snacks, and bars. Also, I will be taking a one a day for women's pill. My question is whether adding exercise, lots of water, veggies, and…