Back Again
one mile and calisthenics today good start. I went from 205 after my operation to 270, Never Surrender!
6 miles on the bike felt like 3. 50 sit ups hurt but they got done. becoming what you want to be is not complicated, if you know what you want to be. Doing the work is hard, but I'm doing the work. Decide what you want, figure out how to get it, do the work. The blessings are always in the work.
Cardio Weight barring Base
The concern with all training is that it gets complicated. lets start with Cardio. The Beginner Week one Stretch Half squats us a folding chair to touch your but on. 2 sets of 12 sit ups two sets to failure. (Goal 2 sets of 50) Leg lifts two sets to failure Walk one mile/ride 3 miles Try this tell me how it works for the…
Kenneth Cornelius McCoy
Return of the Mac!! Well after an Aortic dissection, a stent, a spinal tap, five or six blood pressure medications plus oxycodone, a loss and subsequent gain of 45pounds over a period of Six months, I'm ready to get back to work! Weight loss goal 55 pounds. training goals (get in shape) details to come. If anyone reads…
We fall down, we get up
Sleeping horses steal away lend your backs to another day. Don't ever look behind at what you've done, because your work has just begun. there will be the evening in the end, and when that time arrives, you can rest your eyes and begin again. (Cat Stevens) Nine months, one descending aortic dissection, a loss and gain of…
A Great day to fast
This week we begin intermittant fasting, I think I finally figured it out. I was hospitalized in april. In 2 weeks I lost 40 pounds!!!. I got out of the hospital and in two months I gained 40 pounds. From what I have read insulin may be the culprit. if anybody is out there I will post my progress in two weeks!! I wish me…
Never Surrender
It is 2017 I went on a three week Daniel Fast no: simple Carbs, no meat, no sugar I lost eight pounds. I started spinning and lost another 7 pounds. I'm down from 250 pounds to about 232-235 My goal by my 61 birthday is 200 pounds that is equal to -30 pounds in four months I will keep posting my progress or the lack of it…
I'm back!! I let my body convince my mind that I was too tired to hungry to sleepy, to do what I needed to do. Failure is not an option, surrender is not a choice it is the relinquishing of your choice. Step one Show Up!! even if you do nothing put on your close and show up to the gym, the track the pool, where ever...…
Good days and bad food
Today I ate bad food it was good but it was bad. No time a class to teach two hands a donut in each, a bagel at lunch, then chicken Broccoli and an ice cream sandwich!! yummy but I ran the stairs and ate not more made my calorie count but missed my fat count by -5, I'll get them tomorrow. I will purge them with a sixty…
Falling off the wagon
We worry to much, we eat too much. Get a plan, work it for one month. If you lose weight or get in a little better shape, write it down and do it again. work the plan until your body figures out how to defeat it, then change it. I am putting together a rotating fasting, low fat, then training diet and exercise program. if…
What the mind conceives the Body Achieves!
We are the sum of our decisions. Injuries come, yes diseases happen. But, we are the masters of the core being, we decide what we will and will not do in the situations that we find ourselves. Never surrender, believe in yourself. I will prove it to you, on my 59th birthday I want a 200 hundred pound body and I'm getting…
One day at a time keep it simple
One mile less to run today 30 less crunches 20 less leg lifts, 20 less pushups, Feels good This afternoon upper body 1/2 hour a total of one hour out of a day!! Keep it simple
Deserve it
Note for today: This was a slow morning but I managed to get in crunches, pushups and squats, one set. I will get in two miles this evening 30 minutes. I will be below my calorie intake today. Why, because I deserve it, we all do. Why does someone work toward a goal even when the odds say they won’t make it, because they…
Jumping back on the wagon
I have been lazy and busy, I gained 10 pounds, I'm on the road again. My goal is now 40 pounds in Five months. I walked 2 miles today and exercised. I'm a little tired but I feel like some of the knots are coming loose. Every Journey begins with a step, every fall requires that we get up.
Daily short work out
No time no motivation? Try this 30 min work out, it will get you started and will allow for additional exercises to be added seamlessly 15min cardio Bike walk run, You must sweat leg curls if you don't have a gym use ankle waits and a swimming flutter kick until failure bench press * 2 sets two sets to failure/ no bench…
The New year a new approach
I tried Jane to much time with no weight bearing, This year begins with a two step double focus approach. First I will begin with high cardio and light weight bearing (3months) Second, heavy weight bearing light Cardio, (3 months) I will continue this rotation for 2014. I will be updating my exercises and food as I…
Low impact With Jane Fonda in the Gym
This is week two and I should have posted this sooner. Fridays at 12:30 in the Government Center. We are getting together for low impact floor workouts. as people come we will be blending this work out with other training and other days. Sign up give your feed back, share your diet, nutrition and excercise program. Those…
starting over
3/4/13 Why should you begin, because, you never should have stopped. Remember a time when you were in shape, why were you in shape? Because you moved, because you ate well, or not as much, or not at all, you were on a mission. Ask yourself, who were you doing it for. If you did it for you why did you stop? Reality check:…