New, lost and a little confused?
Hi, I guess a mini introduction is the easiest place to start... My name is Sarah, I'm 23, I live in Sydney Australia. I was sick a lot as a child and was tested for food allergies etc with no resolution. As a teenager it got worse, a lot worse. After being in and out of hospital three times in 8 months I was diagnosed as…
Fridge Organisation?
Help!!! I am re organising the fridge (I chucked everything I couldn't eat/ was out of date/ I couldn't remember how long it was in there) and now I need a strategy I can stick to the door for you to organise the food inside the fridge to maximise food freshness and avoid contamination and health issues? I googled for a…
Protein and other supps?
Hey guys, making the switch from a Whey protein to Pea protein (IBS has decided anything milk based is out) and I have the opportunity to get some Organic Camu Camu and Organic Maca at the same time...what are your experiences with these products?
Frozen Acai Sydney?
Hi I am looking for somewhere to buy frozen acai in sydney? I have had an acai bowl a few times at Earth to Table and would love to be able to make it for breakfast at home?
Leg routine?
Hi so this is my current leg routine once a week and I am happy with progress mostly, but I am looking for an exercise that specifically targets my inner thighs? 1. Barbbell squat with calf raise (3 sets, 10 reps) 15kg 2. Straight leg deadlifts (3 sets, 10 reps) 15kg 3. Mountainclimbers (3 sets, 10 reps) 4. Barbbell squat…
5k on 30th November?
So I've been working with a pt focusing on the goal of running 5k. First due date was 12/9 which I didn't make because of an injury from a car accident. Second due date is 30/11 and I want to make it! Mostly because I'm stubborn and also because I bet the pt a black of chocolate and a bottle of red wine. So far, I have…
Anyone else run using endomondo? Looking for a network/support there as well
needing a boost for last 15lb
Hey, so upto loosing the last 15lb... and I'm looking for some freinds/motivation/support for the last bit of the weight loss journey?
cal intake?
I am a bit lost on what my cals should be... I have let mfp set them pretty much so far and lost a decent chunk eating 1200 a day but cannot exercise when eating like that...so my questions is if I want to burn fat (22% back to 16-18%) and tone the hell out of everything by running hiit 3 times a week, pilates, weights and…
Looking for a motivator/buddy/twin
Hi, I've been part of this group for a while but haven't really participated much...I seem to mostly have my health under control so am throwing myself back into fitness and clean eating. I am looking for friends/ buddies/ motivators/ twins who are around daily who want to comment, participate and motivate and receive the…
cant breath when running
Hi, I used to like 10 years ago run a lot. I'm just getting back into it but I can't breathe. I am using a hiit programme by my pt but at about 40-50 seconds into a run I'm gasping and feel like I've been winded in that I can breathe out but not in? I'm not asthmatic but since I ran last I have had a few nasty chest…
feeling like a yoyo
Recently Ive had good progress with weight loss, Im loving my new pt but because of IBS if I have a bad food day and feel sick I seem to be over cals and massively demotivated for 3-4 days which basically messes everything up? any suggestions how I can stay more motivated even when not feeling so well?
how to get 110g protein?
Hi I'm Sarah, I'm lifting heavier again and looking to cut fat. I would like 100-110 grams of protein per day but I'm not sure how to get this. I have IBS so don't really eat many of the high protein foods. I can't have chicken, pork or canned fish and very rarely eat eggs. I am drinking 1-2 shakes per day, but at 25g…
Awesome Workout Planner (with pictures)
I've been looking for an easy way to plan and track workouts for the gym! I've recently found this site and think it is really brilliant so I am sharing the love http://workoutlabs.com/
coping with cant get out of bed days?
Hi, Ive been an IBS sufferer for about as long as I can remember but was only officially diagnosed late last year... I also struggle a lot with depression and anxiety which means when one of the three plays up I basically don't get out of bed or wade through my day in misery. I've tried anti-depressants for the depression…
Twin Wanted! 5'7" UGW 110lb! Exercise Crazy!
Hey, I'm 22 and I'm looking to loose the last few lb's/kg's cw 125lb, lowest goal reached 120lb! I'm crazy about boxing and running but struggle with social anxiety and IBS. My relationship with food isn't always that great and I need and would like to give lots of motivation! My fitness goals are to have a 6 pack again,…
share mpf recipes?
Hi, so my partner is joining mfp and I want to be able to share recipes we make together? If I create a recipe and save to share how can I give it to him or how we can search it.. so we arent having to put everything in twice ?? Sorry I hope that makes sense
BDS help?
Hi, I am wondering if someone can explain how I can be 5,7 and 123lb and look like my profile pic.. but still feel like I weight 30lb more, feel fat, disgusting and tired all the time? I actually really like this photo of me, which is more than rare, I took it this week, but when I look down, look in the mirror or see…
sizing formula?
I found this on the web... yeah I know, don't believe everything you find floating in cyber space... but I'm curious, does this work for your body type? it sort of works for mine I modify some of the measurements to match my actual chest size, but others seem accurate without this? Just wondering what other people think?…
Spooked about GW?
So I thought I had chosen a GW that suited my body type and exercise level etc... and I was happy with that till something happened yesterday which totally thew me, now I feel almost neurotic about it and I'm not sure what I should be doing :( Taking my puppy to the vet for vaccinations, and in the waiting room was a…
I found me!!!
So insanely excited!!! I have always had massive problems finding clothes that fit because my measurements never match sizing guides! Well tonight searing for a sports bra I found this! I am small....... only difference is I am 64.5 to65cm at the waist! I really didn't like the styles of what they were selling but I am…
The Gym Complex?
Long winded I'm sorry, just hoping to get some sort of answer about why I have such a mental struggle with this... At the gym I feel strong and confident, I can look at my body and appreciate how it looks and functions and generally feel strong, sexy and capable of just about anything... I leave the gym with this lovely…
DOMS & exercise?
Hi, I'm just getting back into exercise after a 6 week break due to ill health, and I was wondering what the opinion was about DOMS. Should I push through and keep doing exercise or should I back off and totally recover first???
Probiotic for IBS (in Australia!!!)
Hi, so I have just been diagnosed with IBS, and it was recommended that I take a probiotic. In my research I have found umpteen highly recommended probiotics, all in the USA and UK, which are unavailable here in Australia. The only refrigerated probiotic I could find was inner health plus, and I wasn't sure if it would be…
Back to boxing?
I've been out of action for about 5 weeks due to my health. I was given the all clear to get back to the gym yesterday, and want to start boxing again. I would like to do all 3 classes a week, but was hoping for some advice on whether to ease back in, or jump in with both feet as well as a few recovery tips?
Weight fluctuations? Confused???
Hi so I've been weighing in at the same time each week and that seems to be going well but the last few days Ive been on the scales a few times out of curiosity and have noticed that the last 3 days have a pattern. Mornings I weigh 55.9kg and evening I weigh 57.9kg, but next morning I'm back to the 55.9kg??? Is there a…
eating challenge!
My gastroenterologist set me this challenge to help my body with being able to process food so I thought I'd share it. 1. Only put half what you normally would in your mouth at a time. 2. Put the cutlery completely down. 3. Chew properly and swallow your food. 4. Have a sip of water and a deep breath. 5 Repeat till you are…
creative ways to increasse protein?
Hi, so I know I need to increase my protein intake by quite a bit, and I am already drinking a protein shake for breakfast everyday, what else can I do food wise to boost protein?
energy for work?
Hi, I will be working 55 hours this week and am in desperate need of things to snack on that wont run over the cal count and actually provide some form of reasonable energy as I am feeling really tired