Zuccini Lemon and Parmesan Ribbons.
Got this in an email this morning and I'm going to try it tonight, thought I'd share...souds scrumptious! Makes 4 servings 2 medium zucchini, sliced paper-thin lengthwise 3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon lemon zest 1 1⁄2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper…
Shredding chicken successfully!
Just thought I'd share cause I have never done it this way and I thought some could find it helpful! I'll use this method as well from now on, much easier! 1. Fill a large pot about two-thirds of the way with water and bring to a boil on the stove. 2. Add raw boneless skinless lean chicken breast and boil until cooked…
What get's you going...hmmmm?
As in music pal's :tongue: Need to build my playlist again looking for more blood pumping songs :bigsmile: What is your favorite jam to get your burn on to right now?? Mine is Katy Perry-E.T, Rihanna-S&M, & Edward Maya-Stereo Love! Get's me SO pumped and makes me push as hard as I can. Suggestions please??:flowerforyou:
*What are you cooking? Share a recipe for St Patty's Day*
I will be making this along with a Corn Beef and Cabbage stew. What are you fixing? WHOLE MEAL IRISH SODA BREAD 1/2 cup whole wheat white flour 1-1/2 cups regular whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar (or Bakewell Cream) 1 tablespoon sugar or honey 3/4 cup buttermilk or plain…
*Help, I'm hungry*
I have been hungry for the last week or two now like all day long, I'll eat and then 20min later I'm hungry again I eat lunches sometimes with 30g of protein and am always over on fiber and protein at the end of the day. I've experimented with foods that are high in RS, protein (obviously) and I've upped my calories to no…
*Looking for energy? Drink this not that*
It’s one of the greatest marketing tricks in the history of beverages: Turning a can of obesity-inducing sugar water into the coolest product in the supermarket. Here’s how it’s done. 1. Give your can of sugar water a hip-sounding name, like Monster, Rockstar, or Amp. 2. Promise that the product will do something exciting…
CUCUMBERS ... Did you know these facts about cucumbers? I didn't... some 'fresh' ideas ... 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. 2.…
Still Hungry? Reach for this snack to keep you feeling full
Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later? Next time, reach for a banana. It’s loaded with Resistant Starch (RS), a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism. Slightly underripe medium-sized bananas have 12.5 grams of RS—more than most other foods. Ripe bananas give you 4.7 grams…
Craving girl scout cookies?
Eat these treats instead :bigsmile: (courtesy of hungry girl) You're not alone! "Kellogg's FiberPlus Antioxidants Bars in Caramel Coconut Fudge - Samoas, a.k.a. Caramel deLites, are super-popular. But a 2-cookie serving has 140 calories, 7g fat, and a PointsPlus™ value of 4*. And who can stop at just two!?! These bars from…
**My incredible low-cal lunch creation (under250CALS!!)
219cal's to be exact:smile: So I stumbled across Sarah Lee Whole wheat Pita pockets the other day and their amazing! ONE WHOLE PITA POCKET FOR 80CAL'S!!! I was super excited, I wanted to jazz up the Tuna I was going to put into it this afternoon so I decided to mix in 2tbsp of Tostitos Spinach dip ONLY 50CAL"S that's…
Healthy BMI??
I'm curious what BMI you all will be aiming for. I have a Wii fit and it tells me that obviously a healthy BMI is 22.00 and I hit it on the nose this morning, thus, re-setting my goal on my wii which would put my new goal at 21.60 (if I lose 2more pounds) my ultimate goal being 115 (8more pounds) putting my BMI probably…
Six small changes can help keep off pounds
http://shopping.yahoo.com/articles/yshoppingarticles/494/lose-weight-stay-active-six-small-changes-can-help-keep-off-pounds/ Fortunately, there is an alternative approach to the drastic diet and exercise revisions that Americans find so difficult to embark on and sustain. The idea is to start with smaller, easier changes…
Morning sickness help!
What are things you have used or things you have heard that can help the feeling of morning sickness?
Hangover prevention/cure...for those holiday nights that may
With the holidays comes Alcohol for most of us, if you do drink it in excess and are feeling it the next day, Saltines along with 2tbsp. of Honey will help speed up the recovery of a hangover because of the high levels in fructose which helps speed up your metabloism Preventing it is fairly easy too: Korean researchers…
Dr.OZ just gave his whole audiennce one. I AM SO JEALOUSSSSSSSSS! Considering it...but their 800$ defenitly would have to be a tax treat:laugh: http://streetstrider.com/ You gotta check it out! Not going to be released until next year... So neat!
Dr Oz's 12 healthy Days of Christmas
I was just eating lunch and watching Dr. Oz as usual and they had a couple of things I thought were interesting that I thought I'd share in case you all don't catch the episode. I was amused!! Such a cute episode! As most of you do I always wonder what things that I do that are out of the ordinary (as in not in my…
*Best and worst diet fad's of 2010*
Pretty darn accurate if you ask me...thought I'd share...:flowerforyou: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/fitnessforreallife/hcg-diets-shake-weights-fitness-trends-review From tapeworms and Thighmasters to fad diets and blubber-shaking machinery, the only sure thing in the fitness world is that there will always be a new…
*Absolute worst restraunt foods in America, 2010*
Pretty darn incredible how you can squeeze that many calories into something....*gag*:sick: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/worst-foods-america-2010 Worst Chinese Entrée PF Chang’s Double Pan-Fried Noodles Combo (served with beef, pork, chicken, and shrimp) 1,820 calories 84 g fat (8 g saturated) 7,692 mg sodium…
*Best and worst diet fad's of 2010*
Pretty darn accurate if you ask me...thought I'd share...:flowerforyou: http://health.yahoo.net/experts/fitnessforreallife/hcg-diets-shake-weights-fitness-trends-review From tapeworms and Thighmasters to fad diets and blubber-shaking machinery, the only sure thing in the fitness world is that there will always be a new…
*ESCONDIDO bomb house to be set on fire any minute, thoughts
Their setting the Esco bomb house on fire in a minute :/ I personally think they should have removed the bombs before they set the damn house on fire. Fire + Explosives. . . is probably gonna = kaBOOOOM! Yes yes I realize it was dangerous to send anyone in, but really lighting a house on fire full of explosives...sCaRy :/…
My best friend Sarah and I started out on this mission at the end of April of this year in the pictures it is a combined 72lbs in the but as of now it is 74 and will eventually reach 80lbs down. Were wrapping up and heading into maintenence mode and wanted to share pictures of our combined success:wink: We could not have…
5 Best and Worst holiday goodies!
We love the holidays, but we know they can be a nutritional minefield. Temptations lurk everywhere. Those extra calories add up to an average weight gain of about a pound during the festivities between Thanksgiving and New Year's, studies show. That may not sound like much, but if it becomes a yearly tradition, the years…
Healthy-er Banana Nut Bread.
I'm not one for sweets but I love to bake and at this time of year I have 3 seperate baking nites 1 with my kids 1 with my mom and sister and this year I'm throwing a girls wine and baking nite where we all will make enough of our favorite holiday treat for the other girls to bing home to their family too and were all…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just popping in to say Happy Thanksgiving to my MFP friends! I hope you all have a beautiful day with the people you love:flowerforyou: ! Try not to sweat the small stuff on this day, be thankful for all that you have, enjoy the day (and the food) and make up for it later! Happy Turkey Day all *gobble gobble* :wink:
Water before meals aiding weight -loss!
By ANAHAD O’CONNOR Published: November 15, 2010 Dieters have been encouraged to employ this trick for ages, with the reasoning quite simple: the water fills the stomach, thus reducing hunger. But only in recent years have studies borne this out. In the most recent, a randomized trial published in the journal Obesity in…
Anyone know how to log Dance Dnce Revolution?
My new favorite cardio, my heartrate get's up higher and quicker then runing at 6.0on my treadmill. My new favorite cardio and I have so much fun doing it, but how in the world do I log it? Does anyone know!? Thanks!
Low-cal Turkey leftover's thread!
Now we all know we have ton's of leftovers fromThanksgiving and we'd all probably like some healthy recipes for all of that leftover turkey! So let's share this recipe is so good I already used it :smile: Mexican Turkey Stew Yield: 8 servings 3 large Anaheim chiles, seeded and halved lengthwise 2 teaspoons canola oil…