January Mini Challenge
We are into a new year. 2016! Lets see if we can end January with less baggage than we started with. Everyone put in how much you want to lose this month and where you started also. List a goal, it can be completing your workouts, giving up or cutting back on a favorite food or beverage. But lets get started! Happy New…
Mini Challenge
So there has been a lot of talk about losing that 5 pounds for each of the next 2 months. So 10 pounds total. I believe Chris started this. But I could be wrong. Anyway, for those who want to keep track of their weight for inspiration this is a great place. I woke up this morning and was up to 153! When did that happen?…
Team Daryl
Hi all of team Daryl. I thought it would be great if we could have a place of our own to get to know each other. And be able to offer support, suggestions etc. Have our Discussions and answer any questions. Let's introduce ourselves to begin with. And the first weeks challenge is posted also. I will be in the advanced…
patience please
Still figuring out this new way of doing everything. It is in progress still. Shelley
love this challenge
This is my favorite go to challenge!
April Never Never Never Never give up, this is a challenge that has a number of really supportive friends in it. If anyone is looking for something to keep them motivated between challenges, this is for you. If you would like to join and are having difficulty finding it just message me and I will send you an invite.…
April, Never Never Never Never Give up,
I just finally got this posted. Have been very busy today. 9 hour road trip to pick up aquarium supplies. Washing machine crashed, so had to get a new one and hubby and son-in-law installed it. We did get in a walk with the boys. I am beat. So look up the new challenge and please join. If you need an invite just message me…
and another week, 1/19/14 - 1/25/14.
It is getting a little easier. Still hate the cardio, just saying. Lol. Sweat is fat crying. There is a whole lot of crying going on when I do cardio! Shelley
New challenge anyone?
I will be sending out invites to join. If anyone does not get one by tomorrow and you want in, let me know and I will send it out to you. Shelley
A new week. January 11-17
I hope no one minds. But I needed a spot to start week two for me. Or just the start of your next week! Let's get it done everyone. For those that have been doing this for a while. Is anyone finding it easier than day one? Shelley
one day at a time
Today was better. I stayed in my calorie goal. I did have some candy. Only about a quarter of what I have been having. Tomorrow will be better. Shelley
July 24 until---
Just wanted to start a new line. :P
June 16-22
June 16th -- June 22nd Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on June 21st Rest on June 22nd Second Challenge (Start June 16th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds: Lunges: Do 12 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 (add weights, a bar or dumbbells are fine) Planks: Do each of the following for 50 seconds Side Plank,…
May 19th - May 25th
May 19th -- May 25th Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on May 17th, Rest on May 18th Second Challenge (Start May 20th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds: Lunges: Do 12 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 (add weights, a bar or dumbbells are fine) Planks: Do each of the following for 50 seconds Side Plank, Center…
May 12 - 18 Challenges
May 12th -- May 18th Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on May 17th, Rest on May 18th Second Challenge (Start May 12th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds: Lunges: Do 10 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 (add weights, a bar or dumbbells are fine) Planks: Do each of the following for 40 seconds Side Plank, Center…
May 5th - 11th
May 5th -- May 11th Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on May 10th, Rest on May 11th Second Challenge (Start May 6th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds: "DO MASON (RUSSIAN) TWISTS FOR 30 SECONDS!" on second set Lunges: Do 10 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 (add weights, a bar or dumbbells are fine) Planks: Do…
April 28th - May 4th
Schedule for April 28th -- May 4th Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on May 3rd, Rest on May 4th Second Challenge (Start April 28th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds Lunges: Do 10 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 Planks: Do each of the following for 30 seconds Side Plank, Center Plank, Side Plank, then ten…
Change to May Challenge
Sunday 04/28/13 Schedule for April 28th -- May 4th Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on May 3rd, Rest on May 4th Second Challenge (Start April 28th) Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds Lunges: Do 10 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 Planks: Do each of the following for 30 seconds Side Plank, Center Plank, Side…
Modifications for Challenges
All exercises can either be modified or a different one can be used when necessary. Modify when you have an injury or are just not up to that level yet. Example: Pushups can be done on either your toes or knees. Or even off of a bench. Modification work both ways: for instance the situps. To hard? Do crunches. To easy? Add…
Yoga or stretching DVD's
I recently ddecided that I can't keep working out at this intensity without yoga or stretching. I have P90X, but I am looking for ones I can do in 1/2 half an hour or less. Any ideas out there? Thank you in advance.