I love "Secret Eaters"
It is a UK TV show (available on youtube). It would help so many people who say they keep food diary and can't loose weight. People who "tried everything" and it just does not work for them. for 99% of people, that is why.
Having trouble finding jeans now.
Those of you who strength train, might be familiar with this issue - you look awesome in a swim suit, but come jeans shopping time it is completely frustrating. Everything is too big in waste if it fits the rear well, than the thighs always fit weird :( Or maybe it is just me. Have you found a style/brand that works well?
10lb weight gain in 2 months. And no one takes this seriously.
I'm back. After losing 40lb 2 years ago, I haven't been counting calories, and just ate in a normal healthy way and regularly exercising and has been quite happy with my body. When I went on a 40 day vacation to Asia this summer, and ate out every single meal, my concern was weight gain (soo much yummy food, especially in…
How often do you look at your friends/co-worker's feet?
Now the reason I'm asking... I had a rather traumatic experience this summer at an upscale spa/nail salon - as in roaches running over my hands in the shellack manicure drying machine. And the place looked clean and beautiful. You just never know. Now I am wearing sandals without a pedicure (clean, healthy, clear pink…
People who only post their kids photos on Facebook
I have few friends that do that. For years, there is not one picture of them, or their activities... ALL of their posts are photos of their kid/kids. I get it, kids are the most important thing in a parent's life. I'm a mom, so I do get it. But it is like these people ceased to exist as people or individuals completely and…
So since last time...
After losing 40lb and getting very fit, and knowing exactly how to do it right, I relaxed a bit. I stopped counting calories. Was eating reasonably. Was not gaining weight. Added a daily giant, awsome coconut cream doughnut to my breakfast. Was exercising regularly and was not gaining weight. Than added eating a massive…
Had monitor gone nuts?
I got a Polar hr monitor as a New Years gift. It was giving me reasonable results for running like 442 cal for 4.2 miles (hills) and reasonable heart rate. Today I wore it strength training. Yes, I worked very hard, but 790 cal in 1:20? It was showing me crazy numbers, like heart rate over 220. I don't know if this is even…
Annoying things people on a diet do.
Here is one: Order just a cup of tea every time you go out, than "just have a taste" and keep picking the food off your friend's plate until you eat half their fries and food from other friends as well. Pay nothing, of course. Plus, be completely convinced you skipped dinner.
Our culture is set up for obesity.
I am all for personal responsibility when it comes to weight loss. But, one has to acknowledge how crazily our culture is set up in making it an upstream swim much of the time. When looking through menu's of restaurants (those that have them, and thank you NYC at least for that) I can't help but notice how out of whack…
Who can make BREAD (real bread)?
I was looking for a cast iron pan online and came across a combo cooker, so these pictures and got reminded how much I love fresh real bread and how it would be nice if I could learn it. Does anyone have a recipe with detailed instruction? I would especially be interested in real, heavy, dark, Eastern European breads.…
Every belly dancing instructor I've seen is overweight.
Just an observation. Seriously, this seems to defy odds. If they were a sample of average population, at least 1/3 of them would be normal weight. And, it is an active job, and they work out all the time, yet, wow! Or have your experience been different?
How can we explain it to those who have not experienced it?
I keep seeing posts that have "I HATE exercise" and I wish I could explain to people how amazing your body can feel after good exersize hour. Right now am still on that high more than 3 hours later and feeling residual pleasure with every deep breath or movement. So light, strong, warm, aware of every muscle.... I used to…
Maintenance yo-yo
This seems to be the way I've been maintaining: Go on a cheating streak (usually a weekend) --> gain 3-6lb (includes water) --> freak out --> get back to counting and eating 1,500 net --> lose the weight by the end of the week --> Start weekend again. Is this normal?
Who is that "average woman" who needs to eat 2,000 cal?
On shows about weight, such as "supersized vs. superskinny" or "secret eaters" they keep repeating that an average woman needs to eat 2,000 calories a day and average man 2,500(that is so not fair, btw :o ). But all online calculators tell me that my maintenance rate if I am not active is 1,300 calories. That sounds…
What is "holidays" to you? How many days?
There are so many people who gain massive amount of weight (like 20lb) during the "holidays" that it makes me wonder. What do people consider holidays? Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years eve. That's 3 days. If you count the day after each one, that is 6 days (tough gaining weight on leftovers hardly seems worth it). Still,…
Flood of "6 pack abs" on Facebook lately.
I don't know what is up this week, but there are "flat abs" link bate being spammed by my friends on Facebook left and right. And all of it only by people who do not have six packs. They should try it out first and post only after they get these advertised abs. I have muscle definition in my abs (not poster six pack, but…
They can't all be like me?
So when I am out, having a massively caloric meal - as in, probably 2,000 calories in one sitting - which is a typical restaurant meal with a coctail. Or going to a Donut Plant, or Lady M cake boutique for dessert.... I notice that other patrons around me are mostly thin (upper east side, midtown, Tribecca). I am thin, and…
Worst job titles.
Whenever I am watching that commercial, I can't help but thinking that this is probably the worst job title. Imagine, being at a party and being asked "what do you do?" and having to say "I'm a personal incontinence consultant."
Is chest HRM more accurate than a wrist one?
I need a HRM, and the parameter I care about most is accuracy. It would be nice if it was iphone compatible. What is the best one?
A weekend miracle?
So I did not exercise for 3 days (somewhat of a record for me). That is due to 1) injured my foot in a kickboxing class (not even on a kick or anything, just during footwork exercise) and 2) I have no bathroom -- major bathroom repair put my shower out of commission and I can't run if I can't shower afterwards. So a bad…
I got addicted to a donut.
Not just any donut. I never had difficulty with donuts before (they are not up to my standards). But this Donut Plant's coconut cream is like crack to me. I am looking forward to eating it every day. First thing in the morning. That thing is HUGE! 500 cal minimum. It is not good for me. And I am eating 3,000-3,500 calories…
How do we not get our weight perception replace reality?
For some of us, who are clearly at a healthy weight (say, 22% body fat for a woman) and fit, knowing when to stop can be a struggle. In this society, thinner is just better, more valued. And we know, by that stage, how to accomplish getting even smaller. So it is hard to resists that conditioning that says, "just 1-2 more…
Any apps similar to Zombies Run?
Looooove trail running with this app!!! Don't want to run without it now. Can anyone suggest other apps like that?
Is today a good day? (food diary question).
Normally, I would consider a day like this to be a good day.(Sat. 19 October) I ran 4.4 miles and came under calorie. I ate at home for all 3 meals. I exceeded the goal on plant fiber and good fat. But, after I added up some numbers, it dawned on me, that my definition of a "good day" might be way way off. What should be…
Is there a limit on how much you can gain in one day?
Somehow I doubt that if you have one 4,000 calorie meal, you instantly put on over 1lb. This has not been my experience. Is body even capable of doing that? Plus, people who overeat like that daily still don't gain 365lb per year. Is there a cut-off point of how much a body can gain in one day or from one meal. Is there…
Boys alternative to a doll house?
Something that encourages role play and imagination for a 3 year old. I don't want to get him a girls doll house, but why are these things so gender based? I am looking for an awesome gift for my son's birthday. He has 1,000 cars, a bike, a scooter, art center, legos that he likes to dump all over the living room.... I'm…
Where are the healthy weight women in the media?
New movement labels overweight women as "real women". So fashion models are "beauty" and obese women are "real". There is zero representation of healthy, mid-range BMI women. They are not in either camp. They are in a no-man's land. I'm talking about BMI 21-24. We say beauty and fitness is about health, but the most women…
Motivate me to brush my teeth!
Sure, I used to brush them twice a day, but life happens. I just don't feel like it too many days. Tell me that it is OK. That if I don't succeed in brushing them for 7 days, I can always start again on day 8. Sure, they might rot and fall out, but that won't be this month. And if that happens, I should not be…
This year I will go all out for the halloween costume!
I should start tracking down all the components now. It will take a while. Now that I have the body(not her body, but at least fit body), I want to wear this: So I need: Brown Tank that looks like this Brown shorts belt belt buckle boots holster guns leather cuff dog tag And probably a Laura Croft wig. (undecided on this…
Ran my first 10K race this Saturday!
1:05 -- 10 min 30 sec per mile average pace for 6.2 miles (which is nothing for a 5K, but for 10K that's my personal best). I DID IT! That's me, in a sports bra (I started out in a shirt but it became crazy hot after a mile).