Fit bit calories and no weight loss
I have been wearing my fitbit and have been very on point with my calories(lets be real within 100 either way) and have not seen the scale move in the past 2 weeks. I am eating all the calories that are alloted with a 750 deficit. Any ideas to get this weight loss moving quicker?
Due in October!! Would love friends
Hello Ladies, anyone else here due in October. I made froends here that were due the same time as my daughter and I would love to do that again. Please friend me. I swear I am nice and always try to motivate! :)
Jogging Stroller
Do any of you ladies have a jogging stroller that you use regulary. What is the band? Any hints for jogging with a 3 month old?
1/2 marathon advice
Hello, I am planning on training for a 1/2 marathon that is coming up in september. I am a beginner runner, ie, less then 10 run/walk miles a week. Does anyone have any good tips or training guides i can look at?
New Mom looking for new friends
Hello Everyone, I just had my little bundle of joy Carissa on December 17, 2012 and I am looking to gain new friends here and loose some of the baby weight. I am also looking for some information about where can I go to find a good calorie amount too loose weight but still be able to produce enough breast milk for my…
pain when working out
Hello, I have recently began working out again because I didn't have clearance for a little while. Keep in mind i have gone from 12 minute miles on average to 20. So a large slow down. When i am on the treadmill though i have been getting severe back pain, pelvic pain, and tightness around my belly button. Anyone else…
3rd trimester lower ab work
hello, Does anyone have any good ideas for lower abdominal work in the 3rd trimester?
C-section scar
So it has been brought to my attention that there is a real possibility that I may need a c-section. I am not a fan of this because I was hoping for a normal birth with the bonding that comes after and not having to be sewn up. I am also concerned about the scar. So I would like to know immediately after your babies were…
Body media
Hello! Has anyone here tried the body media armbands? I know it works with mfp, but how does it work and how accurate is it?
Water Retention
Hello Everyone! I am 26 weeks pregnant and retaining water like crazy. I never thought I would complain about that when I am pregnant. I drink 2 liters 66oz of water a day and only go to the bathroom a couple times. My weight has been increasing and I am sure it is from mostly water. Also, i can tell because even the…
Resonable Pregnancy Weight Gain Help
I am 21 weeks pregnant and at my appointment last friday the dr told me to watch my carbs because i had already gained more then what she would like to see me gain my entire pregnancy. I started at 208 and am now 232. My dr would have liked to see me gain 10-15lbs the entire pregnancy. Any ideas how to keep my gain under…
Recently Pregnant and in a wedding in 2 months
Hello, I am currently 207lbs and 5 weeks pregnant. I was working on loosing weight before I found out I am pregnant again. I am in my sisters wedding on August 4th. Any hints for maintaining weight or maybe even loosing a couple so I know I will fit in the bridsmaid dress. Trust me I REFUSE to do anything drastic that…
husband Help
So do any of you have husbands that you wish would support you a little better in your weight loss efforts by means of maybe trying to loose weight too. My husband is starting to get to big for me to wrap my arms around and needless to say that bothers me. I know he has put on about 35lb ssince we started dating about 6…
ran 5k
So I ran a 5k yesterday. My goal was 45 minutes, yes I know slow, but I got it done in 42 minutes. I thought that was a decent accomplishment because I haven't been focusing on me since i lost my son. All i have been able to obsess over is getting pregnant again and dealing with the greif. I got massive shin splints and…
Starting Over
Well Lets see here I lost my son and 18.5 weeks and kept all of the "baby weight" plus 5 from depression and overall just not caring. Now to try to loose it all so we can try to have another baby and I can try to have another healthy pregnancy. Would love a little extra support and some additional friends! :) :smile:
Rededicating myself
I lost my son at 18.5 weeks at the end of October. I gained 15lbs with the pregnancy that far and I thought that it would just "come off" well go figure it didn't so now time to rededicate myself after that and focus once again on getting out of the depression and back into getting in shape for trying again. Any hints?
Pregnant and Trying to Maintain
I am currently 17 weeks pregnant and shooting for a healthy 20-25lb weight gain that my dr. reccomended to me without having risks of diabetes. I already gained 15 in my first trimester and I am trying to maintain my weight durring my second. Then I would be on a healthy track for my entire pregnancy. Any ideas on how i…
Future 1st time mommy questions
So i am coming to the end of my first tri-mester and from not being able to keep up my workout routine due to morning sickness, and not staying to the letter on my calories. add this with eating carbs because they keep me from getting sick. I have put on 10lbs. I know this is an unhealthy start. Is there any way to…
what makes you feel sexy
So ladies what really makes you feel sexy? Guys what do you like to see. I feel the best in a skirt and heels how about you?
So i will be off to teach my yoga class tonight. What are all of your favorite yoga postures?
Pregnant and Headaches
I have been getting amazing headaches in my first trimester that make everything practically impossible. Any great ideas to help get rid of them? My dr told me caffine would be ok in the 200 mg/day range. That helps slightly but any other ideas?:smile:
Keeping in Shape while Pregnant
I recently found out I am 8 weeks pregnant. I am currently a group fitness instructor and work a normal 9-5 desk job. I am trying to have a healthy pregnancy with the recommended 20 lb weight gain since I am already high on the bmi chart. Any advice about how many calories i should be eating? I do know that i need an…
Hello Everyone! Has anyone here tried the kettleworx program? I was thinking about buying it as a compliment to my cardio routine and thought it would be a great strength workout in a 30 minute window at home. It is kind of expensive though. Any advice?