Do many of you have success eating grain raised beef??
Just curious. Who has success eating the normal beef at the store. For financial reasons that's all I can do right now but I'm waiting to start gf again until I do testing. I saw the tip in Pro tips to do grass fed. I'm currently looking to replace my part time job with something full time and hopefully a bit higher pay…
macro carb??
Hi. I reduced my macro to reflect 40% carbs over 50% it does on standard. So far its easy to keep in that range. I may drop it later. Where does everyone have their macros for successful loss with insulin resistances issues?? I've just got the tracking and the exercise(cardio and strength) going this week consistently. So…
How much do you see your weight go up from lifting?
What I mean is during the week I see it go up even my morning time first thing weight. I was staying quite steady unless I had a lot of carbs and sodium and of course at my cycle time. But how many of you saw it going up say 3-3.5 lbs and falling back. I'm worried I will be up this week. :( I do know my eating on the…
Joined a gym today. Can't wait to dig into some lifting.
Joining this group to study and research some heavy lifting. :) I just got my gym membership going today. I did treadmill for 30 some minutes and went more than a mile but I lost my data because I pressed pause by mistake instead of alternating the info on mileage and such. I did some upper body circuit machines but there…
Symptoms are increasing ready to go back gf but wanting to do testing first.
I've been dealing with IBS like symptoms for a year now. Also had an increase in my long time mild anemia(usually just one area was SLIGHTLY low due to heavy menstruation) got more severe. They gave me an iron shot and I did supplements off and on mostly during my period and week after for months and then when my lab was…
I think I'm going to have to just drop out the gluten again.
I'd like testing but I really don't need the official word if eating gluten free makes me feel better. I'm tired of the irritable bowels and cramping and want to see if cutting out gluten will help. I had done it for a month or so before by using gluten free pasta and avoiding breads all together.
It's never too late!!
Check out this 86 year old gymnast. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=W2bOED5LzZw#! She picked up gymnastics at 30 I take it. She is amazing. Look for the one where she does the parallel bars too. Amazing strength just proves its never too let to change your body. I'd be happy to be half this strong by…
Waiting on my first GF pizza to cook..
I used the Bob's Mill GF pizza crust packet. Hopefully it works out and I like the crust. I wasn't sure I'd want to mess with mixing all the flowers and all that right now. This was much easier though we are eating late as I just got home from store 40 minutes ago. Its nice you can mix the dough up a few days ahead and…
Any swimmers on here?
I'm talking those that are in it to build fitness and gain speed/time? What goggles do you have? I'm wanting to get some good ones. I have heard Costco has a 3 pack pretty cheap(around $15) of speedo ones. A friend had them when her little on had a pool part this past weekend. My daughter said they fit perfect and no…
If you don't drink your milk from cereal bowl?
If you don't drink the milk after eating cereal how much do you log for milk? Or do you measure the left over and determine what you used? I've been doing .10 of a cup. There is a lot left. I didn't think to measure it but want to account for any calories that may have seeped into the cereal. I used the 2% cows milk we had…
I totally want this food scale
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Perfect+Portions+-+Food+Scale+with+Nutritional+Calculator+-+Silver/9902407.p?id=1218192431054&skuId=9902407&ref=10&loc=01 It looks and sounds amazing.
Anybody have spaghetti and pizza sauce recipes
I mean from fresh tomatoes. Also tips on prep. I'd like to cut out the jars of spaghetti sauce and cans of tomatoes more. Currently the only canned foods I buy are tomatoes and beans for quick fix days(or both to make chili. I want to start making my own pizzas again because Totinos are cheap but kill my sodium levels big…
I've lost 6 inches since I started exercising Jan 3rd. I previously tracked on SP but moved over to here late in Jan and like the quicker tracking. 3 of those inches were off my waist, 2 off hips. It is showing on the scale too with just shy of 9 lbs lost. Doesn't seem like much but I'm not discouraged at all and am…