Does anyone have Gout?
I'm borderline and need to know if there is anyway to neutralize acids (like OJ or tomatoes) when cooking. Thanks
Best Place to Meet Active People?
I am near maintenance. I joined a gym in January and have been consistently working out with a trainer. I have very few active friends. I used to like bicycling, swimming, playing tennis, hiking & karate. I am not sure what I would enjoy, maybe kayaking. Has anyone experienced this? I want to move away from social…
Websites for meal planning
Are there any websites that allow me to enter total calories and macros - and it will suggest a daily menu?
Women's Sizes
After losing 45 pounds, I am down 5 pant sizes. I weigh 193.5; I am 5'8.5" And I'm wearing size 16, not all of my size 16's fit me - but fitting into 5 out of 6 makes me happy. I have a bunch of business clothes at size 14. How much do I have to weigh to fit into a regular (not women's) size 14? Any women out there my…
Coach Potato to Fitness
Hi MFPs Not too long ago I was a bonafide couch potato. I wasn't necessarily watching TV. I was reading, doing homework, and paperwork. One knee injury later and I was truly sedentary. It didn't happen over night, so I guess I cannot hope for an immediate solution. I do not believe my mind has caught up with my fitness…
Country Barn Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, dry
Hi MFPs, I need help. I'm in Northern CA, and I am looking for the above product. I checked: Amazon, Bel Air, Whole Foods, Google, and Trader Joes. Someone posted the caloric content, so someone must know where to buy it. Help! Thanks in advance.
Cooking for One & Being Active
Is there anyone out there cooking for one? What are your successes, trials, tribulations? How have you become more active? I am afraid of backsliding into old habits. I have lost 62.5 pounds since April and I really want to adopt eating healthy as a lifestyle. I want to use this new found health pursuing activities instead…
If women shouldn't eat below 1200 calories, what is the difference between people on a very low calorie diet (VLCD) of 1000 calories and no exercise compared with a person who eats 1200 and burns 600? Which puts them lower than the VLCD person. I just moved up to 1200 calories, after a 55 pound loss. I was at 1000 calories…
Hi MFPs Thank you all for your support. I no longer eat out of boredom or loneliness. Hangers: I get a dimple in my shirts - right where the clothing hanger sits - kind of mid to 3/4 on the shoulder line. I don't remember having this problem when I "wore a younger [girll's] clothes," to quote Billy Joel. Lol. Does anyone…
Panty Lines
Has anyone found underwear that does not show a line? I tried to squeeze into a Spanx, a while back, practically left Macy's in tears.
i take medicine which may affect my liver. After many years, I have been diagnosed with GERD (low acid production in my stomach). I recently learned that GERD could affect vitamin (nutrient) absorption. I also read that GERD is triggered by carbs. Can anyone explain liver function and if a LCHF diet could counteract what…
Hot Protein Drink?
I've been drinking two protein drinks a day, but they are cold drinks. I woke up this morning to a cold house and cold feet! I sure didn't want a cold protein drink. Any suggestions for a warm drink with high protein / low carb and lots of nutrients?
Candy in the Workplace?
I need help. To make a long story short - as part of my job, I am to put candy on display as I sell the company product. I would prefer to hand out water, but it is not cost effective. I would have to pay for it out of my own pocket and it would be too heavy with all the other stuff I have to carry. I have been really good…
Ifit and Treadmill
Do any of you use a treadmill with ifit and google maps ? I've been thinking about getting a treadmill and thought it would be fun to compete with a beginner like me. Please share your experiences (is it worth it?) Which brand and model did you buy?
Anti- Inflamatory?
As we head into Fall, I want to make one of my favorite soups: 1 can of Campbell's tomato soup, 1 can of clams (mostly for the juice) and 1 serving of frozen mariscos (fish) and I add whatever vegetables I have on hand. The problem is, I learned that it is the tomatoes that make my ankle swell. I have tried just using fish…
How long to remain in Ketosis?
I have been in Ketosis for about 12 weeks and lost 43 pounds. From what I'm reading online, we really shouldn't go beyond 12 weeks in Ketosis. So like the OptiFast Plan suggests, I have added 1 fruit and 1 yogurt per day and bumped up my calories by 200. Initially, my cravings for sweets increased, but then were gone. I…
Over 50
I have not been over weight all my life. It has just been in the past 5 years brought on by menapause.. I was previously on a doctor supervised VLCD and never learned the full "plan," because I lost my medical benefits. When I received new benefits, I thought about doing it again - but even with benefits it would have cost…
Has anyone notices the scanner doesn't always get it right?
Hi Everyone, I just scanned the barcode for something and it came back 3 ounces instead of 5 ounces; and 10 grams of fat, instead of 1.5 grams. Is anyone else experiencing this? I know I can do a quick add of calories, but I like keeping tack of my macros. Thanks in advance. E
What does starvation mode really mean?
I am new here. I understand, if we eat too few calories and work out too much our bodies will retain the weight. Is it because we are retaining the water in our muscle tissues, not burning through fat or what? Does anyone have a clear picture if what is happening?