Men taking girly snapchat selfies !
This will be very weird but funny haha u know the flowers one , puppy etc lol lets start !
What " dedication" really means
I'm wrtting this post to alert people that are yo yo dieting and training without noticing after seeing some people in my gym that are always there pushing it really hard and with extreme dedication and drive but still looking the same or constantly going up down in a matter of probably weeks , months or even fully…
From depression,addiction and extra weight to signing a modeling contract+real talk
Heyy everyone thanks for taking some of your time to check my post ! :) this is going to be a really open talk post from me I really hope that my story inspires you or shows you that you are not alone). I post my transformation pics here often as I make progress but yeah I just post a fitness transformation...I never…
5 Years Transformation
Left pic 90 kg right pic lean 80 kg on my way to lean 85 ! :) I lost 20 kg in the begginig got to 70kg then focused on increasing strength and adding lean mass over the years . Feel free to ask any question about my diet or training if u want !
I just watched this video posted by Jaco De Bruyn a very popular muscle model .. he went to get his BF% measured by Dexa Scan and guess what a elite Athlete like him got a result of 12.5 %!!! and in the video he said according to calipers it was around 6 or 7 % ! that's a freaking 5 to 6 % difference..this video made me…
Women and looks
I hear a lot of women talking about how society objectives them or rate, judges and interact with them about how just they look not about their personality etc while in real life situations a very large percentage of women just really do the same to men if not more . I have experienced this in my life during the period of…
Vegetarian/Vegan diet
hey everyone lately I decided to become a vegetarian then vegan I will be consuming diary , nuts , fruits and veggies for a month then I'm going to cut out the dairy for animal cruelty reasons so I'm really new to this and I don't want to end up with defincey in my diet as a weight lifter my diet has always been high in…
My best lean bulk
Hey everyone just thought about sharing my bulking phase progress as I finally successfully managed to gain a little bit of fat and a good amount of muscle compared to my previous attempts where I used to gain a lot of unwanted fat during the phase this time I started from 10% bf according to some bodyfat scales (…
Before and after update 25 kilos loss and muscle gain
i posted my weight loss before and after's transformation pics before but this time its more on muscle gain and body recomposition the main reason i'm posting this is to prove to people that genetics has nothing to do with it in terms of fat loss or muscle gain its just hard work and habits as u can see i'm not genetically…
New fat cells ?
I heard this guy on YouTube talking about how dirty bulking or gaining a lot of weight in short period of time can make u create new fat cells that will stay with you forever even if u started your bulk from like 10 % bf and ended up in the healthy range? i know that fat cells don't melt or anything they just shrink in…
Relationship Advice Help ?
I will try to make it as short as i could.. a close friend of mine was fooling a girl into thinking that he loves her so he can just sleep with her and leave.. she believed him ..he fooled her and left .. on a night out he showed me this girl and i liked her a lot and went to speak to her ..honestly i was expecting a punch…
How do you stop a certain muscle from growing
Lets say my bicep is naturally the strongest muscle in my body and it grows the fastest ..if i built it to a decent size how to maintain that size while gaining muscles in my other body parts? .. some people told me u stop working that muscle separately ( so it can be only used as a secondary muscle in other lifts ) others…
Lifts not going up
In my last bulk i was gaining muscle steadily but my lifts stayed the same it increased in the first 3 month then it stalled ..is this ok or what ? i have friends less muscular than me and they can lift much heavier ?
Fat to fit to muscular(40 pounds lost-12/15 gained)pics
Heyy thought about sharing my transformation journey from 2011 - 2014 :D ...i lost 40 pounds in 2011-2012 took me 8 months of dieting and lifting/running ..then from 2012 -2014 i maintained for while then bulked for like 10-11 month gained about 12-15 pounds of muscle according to body composition scales ..maybe i gained…
Protein only crash cut
After a week of heavy binging ( 5000 cals n more daily) what do u guys think about a short term ( 2 weeks ) protein only crash cut i will be getting around 1100 cals ( 180 g p) ( not PSMF ) coz i will be getting some diary in , i will keep my workout routine which is a 4 day lifting split and 20 min cardio on lifting days…
This girl is crazy i need advice
So my x and i broke up 2 years ago after being with each other for 3 years ..but we didn't totally stop talking to each other during this period ..we talked on FB every now and then ..i didn't really get over during that time until i tried to fix it by going to her surprise birthday party ..but it didn't go as i expected…
Back on track
Hey everyone this is not my first time here .. i used mfp in the last 2 years to track my cals etc but i had a wrist and ankle injury in august while i was cycling ..a car got me off road lol ...anyways i removed the casts last month and i started the physical therapy 3 weeks ago and the doctor told me i can finally start…