My best lean bulk

Hey everyone just thought about sharing my bulking phase progress as I finally successfully managed to gain a little bit of fat and a good amount of muscle compared to my previous attempts where I used to gain a lot of unwanted fat during the phase this time I started from 10% bf according to some bodyfat scales ( definitely not acurate ) after my summer cut and ended the bulk at around 12 % 13 % bf ( not accurate) in about 7 months metabolism is pretty normal not slow not high if eat like crap I get fat ..but I learned that cardio and rest days nutrition is really important just as lifting while bulking what I changed this time is I added more cardio I was doing 60 mins /5 week(yes on a bulk) split. 4 day split , my nutrition on lifting days I ate a surplus of 300 -500 cals but most of the day's within the 300 calls range ..on my 2 rest days my calls were close to maintenance or a bit below about 100 or 200 cals lifts , recovery , mood and midsection everything was great
I gained a total of 5 kg in this period

Photos from the left was my starting point at 10 % bf , mid photos in 2nd and third row were at month 4 bf % didn't measure and right photos at probably 12 -13 % ( not accurate )wwt38i55qzc6.jpg

Feel free to ask any questions if u think that's good progress :)


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