Low carb after weight loss surgery?
I have a coworker who had a gastric sleeve done about a year and a half ago and is now interested in going low carb. Is there anything she needs to do differently? Any resources I can recommend? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
OT: winter survival tips?
Winter temps have never bothered me before, but this year? Holy cow! After losing all my insulation my hands are like ice cubes all the freaking time. And I work in a hospital, so of course my patients get tortured too. It's only December! How am I gonna survive until April?
What do you snack on at the movies?
Going to the movies has, in the past, meant a cheat day for me. I indulge the one time (they have the yummiest cake there I just cannot resist) then go back on the wagon the next morning. Not the healthiest pattern, I know, but it works for me. I am determined not to cheat tonight, however. Any ideas for something I can…
Thanksgiving dishes?
I am in the unusual position of actually being able to cook this year. Normally I go out of town and just contribute an appetizer or something easy, but this year we're all staying in town. So now I'm stumped as to what to bring for dinner, because I haven't had to do this since going LCHF. Any ideas?
Question for the carnivores in the group
For those of you that eat mainly meat, do you take a multivitamin? I've been wondering because I just started Whole30, and almost immediately I find myself gravitating towards being a carnivore and away from vegetables (which I never really liked anyway and only made palatable with massive amounts of cheese). I feel like…
Cauliflower question for you cooks
So far I have only used cauliflower in mac and cheese type dishes. Would it work for Italian-style stuff too? I'm just not sure about cauliflower with pasta sauce, but my pinterest page is just filled with pasta dishes today and it got me wondering.
For those of you close to goal...
How did you adjust your eating for the last few pounds? I am 10-ish pounds away from my goal and all of a sudden it feels like what I was eating before is no longer working for me. I adjusted my calories in mfp because I was no longer losing (after discovering that what used to be a 20% deficit is now maintenance for me)…
Question for the girls (about the girls)
I have gotten to the point now where I need new athletic bras. The old ones are stretched out (and the girls have gotten smaller) and just don't fit right anymore. I've been wondering if the fancy Lululemon bras are worth splurging on, or should I just stick to the cheaper Target ones? I like bras that compress the hell…
Bacon cannoli
Just saw this on FB and had to share. http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/bacon-cannoli/ I think I need some cannoli tubes now.
Could it be gout?
I've been on this WOE for 14 months now and am basically at my maintenance weight. The other day I woke up with an unexplained bout of knee pain. It seemed more muscular than joint-related (Although, my entire knee did swell later on), but I hadn't done any leg work the previous day (I did 2 days prior). I am wondering now…
Question for you bone broth makers
Are rotisserie chicken bones worth making broth out of? I've only tried making it once but I'm on a rotisserie chicken kick right now and planning on buying them more often. Can I get good quality gelatin broth from them or am I just making chicken flavored water?
Okay, I cheated. Can I exercise off those excess carbs?
This is purely hypothetical, as I very much did NOT have oreo cheesecake Friday night. Or strawberry cake Saturday night. Okay, I did! You got me! Lol. So, I went for a run Saturday morning to "burn off" the calories from Friday night. Then of course I cheated again that night, so I went for another run sunday. I'm up a…
Losing weight on vacation? What?!?
I just got back from the Supernatural convention (my favorite TV show) and discovered this morning that I lost 2 lbs while I was gone. Now, the con was jam-packed busy, so I didn't really have time to indulge in cheating, and thanks to staying keto, having to delay meals so I didn't miss anything wasn't a big deal. Keto…
Do you log your cooking fat?
Just wondering how scrupulous some of you are about logging. I tend to log butter, but if I use coconut oil or bacon fat to cook with I tend not to, and I'm wondering if I should start. What does everyone else do?
Magnesium and arthritis?
Magnesium is a common supplement many of us on this WOE take daily. Has anyone experienced improvement in arthritis symptoms? I have slacked off on taking my my over the holidays, and I've noticed my knees were getting worse. I assumed it was the new workout program I'd been doing, so I took a break, and in the meantime I…
What diet foods are you never, ever eating again?
I've been thinking a lot lately about the kinds of things I used to eat when I was on weight watchers and thinking, thank God I don't have to eat that stuff anymore! For me, yogurt and smoothies will always be diet food, and I don't ever want to touch the stuff again. And Lean Cuisine meals? Blech. So glad those days are…
MCT oil & "that" side effect that I knew nothing about
Warning for slight TMI. I bought some fractionated coconut oil last week that I'm going to attempt to make homemade mayo out of at some point. On a whim I added 2 tbsp to my coffee this morning, having no idea that it acts as a laxative. Six hours later, surprise! I don't think my colon has ever been quite so clean before.…
Sashimi-grade ahi?
Where can I get sashimi grade ahi or salmon? I've been watching lots of Hawaii Five-0 lately and yesterday they ate ahi poke, and now I'm craving it. There are plenty of recipes on Pinterest, but they all call for sashimi-grade fish. So, Fresh Market? Whole Foods?
Ranch dressing recipe
I came across this recipe for a paleo ranch dressing made with olive oil, versus the soybean or canola oils you find in the commercial stuff. I love the taste of commercial ranch, but I'm trying for something a little more heart healthy now. I did not use the "light" olive oil in my first batch as the recipe states. All iI…
my body image epiphany (kinda long, with pics)
So... I've been on LCHF since April and lost 33ish pounds. (for reference, I'm 5'8", started at 224.6 and am currently about 191). I've been overweight since puberty, and like probably everyone on here, I've tried everything over the years. (I won't list them here, because my list and yours will probably be the same crazy…
300 kettlebell swings a day?
Has anyone ever done this challenge? I recently started doing kettlebells regularly, and came across this challenge when browsing workouts. Any thoughts?
Snacks? (No refrigeration required)
I need suggestions for room temp (no refrigeration/ heating needed) that I can keep at my desk to eat at work. Things are so busy right now I didn't get away to heat up my breakfast or lunch today, and so I didn't get to eat until I left at 2. Thankfully on this WOE its not such a big deal to miss a meal, but I'd rather…
Anyone else do one meal a day?
I've been LCHF for several months, totally keto for about 2 now, and the past couple of weeks I have noticed a complete lack of interest in food. I have coffee for breakfast, a regular LC lunch, and dinner is now usually a couple handfuls of almonds, just because Im not hungry and I don't feel like eating. Does anyone else…
Anyone do one meal a day?
I posted this in the keto group and haven't gotten any bites yet, so I thought I'd try here. Does anyone do just one big meal a day? I've been doing LCHF for 4 months now and have been totally keto for about 2, and lately I've sort of lost interest in eating past lunch. I have coffee with HWC for breakfast, a normal lunch,…
How do you get your protein in when you're not hungry??
I have had a very skimpy appetite these past few days, and am worried about not getting all my protein in. I do protein powder periodically, but I'm kinda losing my sweet tooth too, and last time I tried it I just couldn't stomach it. Any other suggestions?
Favorite workout videos?
I just recently added exercise to my weight loss program. I've been doing tae bo workouts on YouTube and I love them, but I'd like a little variety. What are some of your favorite boot-camp style workouts videos?
Cauliflower rice recipes?
I just made cauliflower rice for the first time tonight- Spanish style, with cumin and a little tomato sauce- and I'm hooked. It was so quick and easy, and so yummy and filling. So what else can I do with cauliflower rice? What do guys make with it?
Stevia in the Raw is evil
I bought some Stevia in the Raw (the big bag) to make myself a LC cheesecake for my birthday, so I wouldn't cheat with birthday cake. The whole week after I had cravings like mad, couldn't stop munching, and couldn't figure out why. I ended up having nachos for dinner a couple of nights and ordered a pizza once (and, of…
Silly me, forgot this one basic rule!
I have been fighting cravings for weeks after I broke down and had a cupcake at work earlier this month. I knew it would make me gain 1-2 lbs of water weight which would take a few more days to come off. What I did not expect, however, was to be fighting cravings for weeks afterward. I've cheated here and there before, and…
Tracking lean body mass?
I just got a body fat scale last week, and it appears to be much more accurate than my old one. I've started jeing track of my leam body mass, to make sure I don't lose too much muscle, which has happened before on other diets. (Master cleanse? Don't even get me started!) So far since I started tracking I've lost 3lbs, and…