Super Excited!
Today I ordered: New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, Women's Health: Big Book of Exercises, AND a fat loss monitor! I should have them all within a week! My husband thinks I'm weird, wants to know why I get so excited over fitness stuff, but not about shoes and purses. :) Can't wait to get started!
Ravenous the morning after
I've noticed lately that when I have worked out hard enough in the gym that I'm slightly sore the next day... I'm so hungry in the morning that the hunger pangs wake me up. I usually go to the gym about an hour and a half after dinner (that's when we have time to go), and then have a protein shake and a banana, and…
Just throwing this out there...
So, I like to play with photo editors and motivational quotes. I like to find pretty pictures and awesome quotes and merge them (yay for ipiccy!)... This is one I made a while back, and I was just looking through my collection again and I felt this one was a pretty good one for this group... and all of the people that…
Too much protein... is bad?
My brother in law, who pretty much focuses his life around fitness because he's trying to be a SEAL, told me that protein shakes can cause dehydration and other nasty effects, so take it easy on the protein. In response to that I, in my super-resourcefulness went to google for the 'side effects' of too much protein. I…
Body Fat Analyzers
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FYZMYK/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER ^^ That one gets good reviews and because I'm currently somewhere in the super unhealthy 50% range, I want to keep an eye on that as one of my measurements as well. In order of priority: body fat percentage, measurements in inches,…
Less Calories = Cold, More Calories = Hot
Has this happened to anyone? When I was in the low-cal kick, I was freezing. ALL THE TIME. Summer. Winter. Didn't matter. I was cold. Hoodies and blankets in an apartment at 70 degrees. My average body temperature was about 97.8*F. Now that I'm a week into higher calorie eating, it's the opposite. HOT all the time. No…
Mayo Clinic Supports "Reduce your Calories by 200 more"
They even state in the article that plateaus happen because your metabolism drops with a low calorie diet because of a loss of muscle... THEN they turn around and state "if you are at a plateau, drop your calories by 200 and do more exercise" - so basically if you are at a plateau: eat less, work harder, and lose the…
Coloring Eggs with Kool Aid!
I got the idea to color Easter eggs with kool aid from this blog: http://learning2coupon.com/2012/03/use-kool-aid-to-dye-easter-eggs/ So, I did some on my own. Not quite as pretty cause I used tongs to pull the eggs out of the dye mixture so the color got scraped off (it will come off until it dries, be careful!) but other…
I couldn't have planned this if I tried.
I was amused and thought I'd share. :)
Sweet Treats
I know they are not how one should go about getting a big chunk of calories for the day, but would it be completely awful if I had a bowl of ice cream or a slice of pie with my husband after dinner sometimes? I've been so jealous that he eats these things all the time and I just get to watch, because by the time he'd be…
Really.... Very Sorry...
I like this playground.
It's a lot more friendly than the other one. Thanks for being here, and being helpful! :)
Basic math.. Who knows it?
Please restore my faith in humanity... I know the thing says "comment with your answer only" but I would like that to say "show your work!" Remember elementary and middle school? (i apologize if i have brought back repressed memories of creepy math teachers) (big hint: the answer is not 0, 1 or 3... or 9 or 12!) here's…
Dropping the "Eat Less" mentality.
I've recently run into this issue. Last year, I followed the "Eat less!" program, consuming 1400-1600 calories per day... at 300 pounds, while working retail. I did not exercise very frequently. I thought it worked wonders! I lost 50 pounds in 5 months! Then BAM! brick wall for several months. I got discouraged and…
Firefly & Serenity Fans!
i posted something about this in a thread earlier and got a couple messages asking me about it. apparently there will be an MMORPG released the day after christmas based on the series and the subsequent movie. game site and trailer here: http://fireflyuniverseonline.com/game.php enjoy :)
Eat more, or eat less, or exercise less?
I'm trying to math this out and it's hurting my brain because math, instincts, and reality are not on the same page. Also it's 2AM. According to my HRM, at the gym doing 60 mins of cardio + warm up/cool down and stretching I burn approx 700 calories. And on the days i go for 2 hours and do strength training, HRM says I…
Moving to Texas!
Specifically the Bryan-College Station area. My husband will be working right across the street from the main part of the Texas A&M campus. Anybody been there? Lived there? Currently reside there? ... Have any freakin clue how to move 2 anti-social cats from South Carolina to Texas?
How old were you when you had kids?
My husband and I are 28, and don't plan on having kids for another 2-3 years... once he's out of grad school. I think this is perfectly fine, women in their 30s have babies every day. Meanwhile people of my mom's generation are telling me I need to have kids NOW before I'm too old! So, I'm just curious, how old were you…
Heart Rate Monitors
i keep equating these with digital food scales, only for calories going out. i feel like if you know exactly what is going in, you should know exactly what is going out. and thus make your diet and exercise program much more effective for weight loss and maintenance. that being said, i'm kind of broke right now and can't…
Netflix vs Hulu Plus
let me preface this by saying, my husband and i do not have cable. the $8 we spend each month (currently on netflix) is pretty much what our budget will allow as far as television goes. we don't watch very much TV (a few evening shows), and the few we do watch we tend to go to the campus gym to watch while we do our…