Healthy Snack Late Night??
I know the old saying that you shouldn't eat late cause it will go straight to your hips... True or false??? Can I have an apple at 11 and not feel guilty??
Not new but back again!!!!
Okay so I was here starting in June, and I was doing SOOO good. Ever since me and my husband moved to VA I have not been keeping up and then I started a new full time job and haven't been able to work out cause I'm so tired after work. I took a look at myself in the mirror the other day and I can see myself gaining the…
August Challenge Anyone?
I know it's the first day of the month, so this will be a second day of august to second day of september challenge :smile: Anyone want to do a challenge with me? I've only been involved in one challenge and it was so motivating that I REALLY want to do another one! Anyone else have a high amount of weight that they want…
August 10 Pound Punch Challenge
Hey guys! Here are some of the "rules" for the challenge! 1. Every Tuesday is going to be a log in day, so starting tomorrow go ahead and inbox me your weight for the week! 2. I will post a daily challenge to my profile so look out for what you should be doing for that day. 3. No need to take measurements, we are just…
Need some motivation
Okay, so I just got back from my week long vacation, and I have been snacking since I've been there. Now that I am home I find myself wanting to snack all day and not wanting to count those "little snacks" as nothing. Like if I just eat them as snacks then they won't count as calories, which I KNOW isn't true. I don't know…
Tofu Shirataki
I am making this for the first time tonight, any ideas or opinions of people who have had it in the past? I'm really excited to try something new Thank you all in advance!
Breaking out
I'm pretty new to this, but I've been following my diet really closely, and I have been exercising every day and lately as of the last few days I have been breaking out really bad. Is this related?
I feel silly even saying it...
I know this sounds so silly, but the weight that I am aiming for....I think it has been since 8th grade that I have been that weight, and in all honesty, even back then I felt fat and that I couldn't fit into clothes that all the other girls wore, and that I was always bigger then the other girls. Is it strange to fear…
I hope the scale is broken...
How can I have weighed in last night, and then today after my workout, weigh 7 lbs more...I've had one thing to eat since then, and it was a breakfast drink, not even a food.... How is this possible :sad: So discouraged right now. And I have 1700 calories left for the day (from working out) and I don't want any of…
Snacky Food
I usually want something in addition to my lunches, but I am too scared to spend a lot of calories on a snack. My usual snack is an apple or banana, and I am getting kind of tired of that. Does anyone out there know of a snack that is low in calories but pretty filling. I know about 100 calorie packs, but I'm looking for…
Anyone Else Lose 70+
I'm fairly new to the site, but I was wondering if anyone else has been able to lose 70+ lbs in 6-7 months. I want to look like I used to look in high school, and I was just wondering if anyone had pictures of a weight loss that they have that is similar... I know this sounds so crazy, but when I see other peoples success,…
New Here
Hi, My name is Bethany. My sister and brother in law have been using this site with great success. They say that when you want to lose weight it is best done with other people to push you. My husband is 24 years old and weighs 150, he is in awesome shape, and so I can't really diet with him when he is looking to gain…