Treadmill advice...NordicTrack or Smooth
I'm looking at both Nordictrack and Smooth treadmills (I've ruled out the others because of price, features, etc.). For those of you who own a Nordictrack Treadmill, how do you like it...does it seem sturdy.....quiet...cushioned....does the iFIT work well (I've read it has some kinks)...are the iFIT workouts real time…
Write your own amazing story
I posted this for my pals today and wanted to share it with the community... his is going to be a very powerful message. In response to yesterday's message, my friend fitnessyeoja sent me a link to Arthur's story... http://youtu.be/qX9FSZJu448 . Perhaps many of you have seen it. I had not. Here was a man whose will was…
If you need a swift kick in the *kitten*...
Each day you give up on making healthy choices is a day you lose the opportunity to make progress. We are here on MFP because we once gave up too many days. Be fierce today. Be fierce for one day. Make healthy choices today and tackle tomorrow when it comes.
Its MAYhem MELTdown...cut out the excuses!
"Make Yourself Stronger Than Your Excuses". The only reason YOU cannot be successful on your journey to better health is because of an excuse. Our minds are powerful and it is possible to convince yourself that the reason you cannot make healthy choices consistently is legitimate...but, if you really reflect on those…
Overcoming Struggles
This journey isn't about what we do when we are in the zone...its about what we do when we're not in the zone and facing those menacing mental meanies. Let's face it, most/all of us have previously started diets/journeys and made progress because we were fired up at first. But then, struggles ensued and, instead of…
The Choice (for those of you who are struggling)
We are on this journey because WE CHOSE to leave an unhealthy lifestyle behind. Think about this whenever you are struggling. Think about why YOU CHOSE to leave your unhealthy lifestyle behind. Remember that this was a CHOICE YOU made. The journey isn't always easy, but it sure is worth it. Think about all of those reasons…
My DIET consists of....
My word of the day is "Diet". I know, cringe, right. It seems like "diet" is such an evil word here on MFP. Imagine the shock when I saw my daughter's second grade vocabulary list a couple months ago and it defined diet in a not so evil manner. The fact is that "diet" has two meanings... "Diet means a person's regularly…
Reflection and Assessment = Winning...
I'm 40. It took me over 39 years to figure out how important the mental part of a healthy lifestyle is. If you discount the mental side of the journey, it will be more difficult to achieve your goals. I think spending time for reflection is an integral part of the journey. My MFP pals know that I'm really big on the…
Monday's Motivation
Give the following sentence some thought.... you WILL do whatever it is that you convince yourself that you CAN do. As I have learned on my journey, so much of this journey is mind over matter...the mental side of things. I have had to convince myself that I could do a great many things on this journey....and once I…
Idea for an official MFP pledge
I wrote this on my MFP wall yesterday and wanted to share it with the entire MFP community. I think this could work (perhaps with some tinkering) as an official MFP pledge. repeat this out loud.... My health is important. My health needs to be a priority in my life. I accept that finding good health is not a now…
a little diddy about FIERCE
I re-wrote some of the lyrics from "Great Balls of Fire". Please enjoy on this fine Monday morning. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/-great-balls-of-fierce-175830 and, remember...stay fierce my friends :)
For those of you truly plateauing....
I wrote a blog that might be helpful for you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/H_Factor/view/breaking-a-plateau-170648
Blender Bottle is AWESOME for mixing protein powders
In the last couple of months, I added a protein powder to my mix of lean protein options. I mix is only with water and until today, I had been simply putting the water and powder into a cup and using a spoon or knife to stir it up. Needless to say, this left some "nuggets" that didn't dissolve/mix. Personally, I was okay…
What exactly is your TV doing for you?
A conversation I had this morning with one of my MFP pals gave me the inspiration to write a new blog regarding my own reflections on TV viewing. Hope you guys enjoy it. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/hmalin1/view/television-friend-or-foe-160676 I'd also like to consider your ideas on the title of this blog as I'm not…
I'm calling it an NSV
tonight I went to Party City to try on a couple of costumes. I had already done some advance scouting on-line and knew I wanted to check out the Fred Flintstone and the Pimp costumes. The Flintstone costume came in one standard size so I wasn't sure whether it would fit comfortably. The Pimp costume came in M, L and XL.…
Lunchtime NSV
I went to the bank at lunchtime today. The bank is right next to this shop that sells these wonderful little cookies. Since most bank things are done electronically these days, I usually go to the bank once each month. I use this as justification for getting a few of those little cookies ... "eh, I'm only here once a…
Recipe for a Will Power Pill
I posted this as a blog (my first one), but wanted to share it on the message board as well. Folks, there are two primary categories of reasons why we do not succeed with a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.....physical and mental. I'm writing to address the often tougher stumbling block, the mental side of the journey.…
Literal NSV
Yesterday, in response to someone's post asking how often we weigh ourselves, I realized that weighing myself daily (even though I record my official weight only on Wednesdays) might be leading to some complacency on my part. More specifically, I have realized a pattern of mine. I would kick butt for a few days, see good…
"Ain't Nothing Gonna Break My Stride" by Men at Work (at a minimum, the chorus is perfect) http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=TY41o-iZStI
I knew I was making bad food choices, succumbing to temptations, and giving in to the complancency creep for the last 5 days. I knew my weight was going up because I weigh in every morning. Wednesdays are my official MFP weigh-in day. I knew today would not be a happy weigh-in and I thought about skipping the weigh-in and…
Finding my Home Plot in ONEderland
This morning was my first official weigh-in with a ONE at the front of the weight (196.8). I had been teetering for a few weeks and finally kicked the complacency creep to the curb during the last week. However, 196.8 is NOT my goal and I am NOT satisfied with where I am. I am writing to say that this isn't just a visit to…
I'm accountable to myself
just some things I want to say "out loud".... I'm responsible for my own health. My own decisions determine how healthy or unhealthy I am. The only reason I haven't broken the 200 pound barrier officially is because I sabotage myself by eating homemade oatmeal cookies and I have been staying up later watching the Food…
My weekend NSVs
Backdrop. Up until late May this year, I didn't run. Last time I ran was in high school, and that was only because it was required. So, I started to run in late May (among other exercise activities). Before this weekend, I was up to 2 miles without stopping. I had already mapped out the run that would net me 3 miles and…
An NSV that wasn't (somewhat funny story)
Yesterday was one of my co-worker's birthday and, as is typical, we had cake to celebrate. I decided in advance that I was going to skip the cake and have a protein drink instead. When I went into the celebration room and saw the chocolate cake, I knew it would be easy to pass on the cake as I'm not as fond of chocolate…
Protein Freeze -- has anyone tried it?
Has anyone tried Protein Freeze and, if so.... did you prefer the chocolate or vanilla flavor? also, as far as making the ice cream and other *goodies*, I know the recipe calls for adding peanut butter (or other nut butter)...does this result in a peanut buttery taste? How much so? Thanks