Our pants get LOOSE when we LOSE weight.
If I can inspire just 10 people to spell correctly - well, I won't be satisfied, but it's a start.
How long is....
I just had to share this with everyone because it just blew me away. It found all these facts and realized...how long is America going to last? I have no sources to show you about these facts but if you type in the needed information on any computer you will see these same results. They may not be perfect but you know…
Weight gain explained
My friend and I have studied the subject of why people gain weight at length now. The Alimentary canal:the tubular passage that extends from mouth to *kitten*, functions in digestion and absorption of food and elimination of residual waste, and includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large…
It's just a darn good thing I'm on a diet!
Cause this is all I caught!
Things that sound dirty - but aren't
City in Nova Scotia - Tatamagouchie
where is everyone from
kansas here
And in the news....
"Weight Loss Doctor Told Patients Sex With Him Would Burn Calories, cops say" http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-weight-loss-doctor-accused-sexual-assault,0,4451172.story Well technically, he's right. I don't know if I could convict him if I was on the jury. :laugh:
Need a lunch time hobby
I need something to do at lunch. I don't want to work out. I don't want to be all sweaty the rest of the day while sitting at my desk. The only thing that I have been able to think of doing this week was shopping. I have bought 6 pairs of shoes this week! (and it is only Wednesday!!) Anyone have any non sweaty, non spendy…
OMG! Really!!!
DUE TO BUDGET CUTS, THIS IS YOUR NEW CUBICLE Effective April 14, 2011 NEW OFFICE POLICY Dress Code: 1) You are advised to come to work dressed according to your salary. 2) If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we will assume you are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise. :cry: 3) If…
Shrinking "girls"
I have lost 55ish pounds over the last 9 months and I am greatful for that!! BUT...just this last week I have noticed my breast are getting smaller!!!!! They were not huge by any means, but a nice full C and I was happy with that. My bras are not fitting now :sad: I have not gone out and bought a new one yet, but Im pretty…
The Philosophy of Ambiguity
Ad FREAKED me out!
Anyone else get the Terminix ad where ants are crawling on your computer screen? OMG, I about had a heart attack. :laugh:
Moses, Moses.......
Moses, Moses, and Im not talking about Moses from the Ten Commandments Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last nite, the episode from New Zealand. Kinda nice seeing all that scenery and the jump from that extremely tall space needle........everyone jumped, except Moses, he was too overweight to safely make the jump......…
LADY'S YEARLY EXAM Went to the doctor for my yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basics. How much do you weigh?' she asks. '135,' I say. The nurse puts me on the scale. It turns out my weight is 180. The nurse asks, 'Your height?' '5 foot 4,' I say. The nurse checks and sees that I only measure 5'2'. She then…
I know I'm an MFP addict when I......
accidentally use my MFP username and password to try and log into other applications! lol
Zumbie apocalypse
I can't be the only one who sees the word zumba and hopes for zombies. My daughter and I made a movie about our zombie apocalypse experience unfortunately due to space constraints it got deleted from memory. I will say she made an excellent zombie. So where will you be in the zombie apocalypse. I'm going you walmart, food…
I blog.....
I don't blog on here, but I do blog about my weight loss results over at http://sassysippycupsandstickysarcasm.blogspot.com/ if any of you ever want to read about my generally boring life LOL... I try to blog about my weight loss journey or "Road to skinny" as I like to call it. Hope to see you there, feel free to follow…
Teaching 6 Year old How to Ride A Bike...
Can anyone give me some tips here... My 6 year old daughter is just NOT getting how to ride a bike yet.. She did the whole training wheel thing for a few years and last summer we took them off and started to teaching her...She didn't get it last year (no big deal)...Brought the bike out this year, and she tried quite a few…
What are your biggest fears???
A mouse just walked past me and for almost 20 minutes I have been stuck on this chair sitting crossed legged for fear of this mouse thats why I am starting this lol. 1) Spiders (eww) 2) Rats, Mice, Ferrets, Hampsters anything rodent 3) Growing old alone 4) Dying without living These are mine, everyone keep your fingers…
how many windows do you have open on your computer?
i have 3 internet windows open, one with 5 tabs, one with 9 tabs and one with 13 tabs. i have three document windows open and one adobe reader window open. i have one pictures window open. i have one music window open. it drives my hubby crazy! anybody out there like me? what do you have open?
Name that song
Name the song & artist/group. No googling! Add lyrics of another song with your answer. You're not warm or sentimental You're so extreme You can be so tempermental
most awesome mfp'er?
i'm bored so i figured why not start another post lol, who here besides me of course (i am mr awesome) would you say is the most awesome mfp'er? i mean maybe they inspire you, encourage you or just make you laugh and help you make it thru the day.
Controversial - The Earth is Round
If you rode your bike continuously, you would not fall off the edge, you would end up at home again.
Zombie Training Shirt
http://www.zazzle.com/zombie_training_tshirt-235405738063577009 You just have to be faster than the guy beside you.
You're stranded on an uninhabited island...
Hubby is addicted to survival shows. I Shouldn't Be Alive, Survivorman, Man Vs. Wild. He watches them all. We've gotten into some pretty hefty debates about what we would or wouldn't eat to stay alive. He says he'd eat anything. I think he's full of $h1t. My mom has bet him $ to eat stuff he hates and he's never won! So,…
ask an "if' question, answer it and post a new one.... IF you could have any job in the world, what would it be? - I have always wanted to be a detective or criminalist
Susan G Komen Race For the Cure 2011-Chas, WV
http://westvirginia.info-komen.org/site/TR/RacefortheCure/CRL_WestVirginiaAffiliate/203136542?pg=team&fr_id=2097&team_id=152614 If you are local, Join our Team-or if you aren't and would like to donate to our team it would be MUCH appreciated!!! Great cause!! Race for the Cure 2011
What are your goal outfits?**I figured this out...**
THIS is def. mine. I want to wear this when I get married. i already kinda posted a topic where i showed this... but i figured it out and it obviously doesn't let you edit after a bit so I ... wanted to flaunt this beaut again. aahhh stephanie allin has some really fantastic wedding dresses... I originally wanted alvina…
Frustrated and showerless
I'm really freaking out inside. My grandfather tore the shower apart to redo it... I've no idea how long that's going to be out of order and I'm insane I have to shower ... i usually shower like 2 times everyday... I feel dirty right now tomorrow i'm going out with a friend and gonna shower over at her house but I feel…
Ever had the need to revist a 'Didn't happen event' if so wh
:smile: Now this is sort of fun and sort of sad, but deffinately not intended to depress you :happy: So what gave me the idea was a person close to me , who had never as a young girl had a birthday party, you know the ballons, jelly and cake variety...she was so chuffed to have finally had one this year, even tho she's a…