2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Lots of Platinum Stars, ladies - VERY NICELY DONE!

    Amy, do you want to jump into the "star challenge"?? Just tell me your (net) calories for the week.

    Ladies who want to stay in, let me know....and let me know if you are "altering" your weekly (net) calories, at all.

    Might as well go for 8 weeks and see how we do! I will say that the "accountability" of this challenge has helped me TREMENDOUSLY!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Amy- I totally agree with the weekends being such a struggle. I don't know why I always say all week that I am going to be good once the weekend comes, but then once its here I always feel the need to indulge.

    Beeps- I agree with you that I don't get how they can have big cheats and still be under cals!!

    So I increase my cals to 1960 net a day, so 13720 a week. That sounds like so many cals, I should have no problem staying withing them, especially bc I really think my nausea is gone. This week I am really holding my self accountable. I need to this weight gain to stabilize for awhile or I am going to end up gaining 80 pounds in this pregnancy!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    STOP!!! Back up! I just remembered something else I ate yesterday, input it and I am over by 133 cals :ohwell: So no platinum for me :sad:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    why to go with the honesty, jeno!
    I will jump in next week, Beeps! I need to figure things out. I want the challenge to challenge me, I just have to decide whether to count exercise cals, or account for them. 1200 is just too low but 1400 is like maintenance so I I don't know. The real challenge will just be logging everything. I do get into trouble sometimes if I eat out and there's no way of guessing what is in the food. I really want to give the cycling a good shot-2 weeks of it, so I might just try that and then workout on the higher cal days...
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Hello. I have been following along on the thread a bit. You all seem great.

    I'd like to join in on the challenge.

    9500 calories/wk

    Maybe the idea of getting a star will keep me motivated. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    jen - you are TOO funny! Let's just "move on" to weeks 5 thru 8 of the STAR CHALLENGE!

    Amy - most challengers *are* accounting for their exercise calories....that's why it's a "net" challenge. (I am *not* accounting for exercise calories because, frankly, weight-lifting doesn't burn a ton, anyway....and I'm still only at 1 cardio-day per week - sometimes 2 - so I'm just leaving those out - BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO!)

    alicia - I like how you're just gonna jump on it. I've recorded that you are ingesting 9,500 calories per week.

    THIS 5TH WEEK RUNS MONDAY, APRIL 22ND THROUGH SUNDAY, APRIL 28TH.....record those calories, ladies!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry I am reporting in late am just now geting on the computer. I was 367 calories over my goal - reason? a most delicious lemon white chocolate cheesecake I made and brought to my parent's house for dinner last night. I love cheesecake and now the leftovers are in my fridge calling my name - it's gonna be a tough week. I will check back in tomorrow when I have more time to go through everyone's posts.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Checking in! Sorry I missed this star challenge, sounds fun!

    I am finally ready to put a bit more structure around my goals. I have two work trips coming up but I am going to make it work. I am giving myself a 1 month clean eating/crossfit challenge.

    Week 1:
    - Take measurements
    - have 1 off plan day (this week baseball game Saturday)
    - Eat 1300-1700 cals, drink lots of water
    - Write down every non clean item eaten outside of off plan day/night and try to decrease it the next week
    - Shoot for 125-150 g protein per day, min. 100 g.
    - Crossfit 5 times, hit 10,000 steps/5 miles per day

    I really need to get rid of some of this fat if I want to feel ready for summer :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yep Beeps, I've been getting some pretty major burns in between my long training runs (netting up to 1000 calories!) and my last weekend full of yard work. Between that and having a couple days early in the week that I'm under, I've managed to stay under my goal. Surprinsingly. I'm fearful of a gain this week; I'm just feeling a bit fluffy. And where it looked last week like my abs were starting to lean out, they are gone this week. :sad: I'll give it a couple days and try to keep the eat good and clean and most importantly, listen to my body. I wasn't hungry for breakfast yesterday, and at 10:00, I'm still not today so I'll most likely hold out till lunch. I'm debating a mini cleanse with 24 hour "juice" fast right before my trip. I've got Derby next weekend, so we'll have a party, and I'm going to the track one day (so I'll drinking and eating on the product rep), and then Oaks Day (day before KY Derby), I think my husband has off too, so we'll probably drink mimosas and bet on horses online all day. So next week is going to be a doozie. I will most likely need some damage control the week following which is also the week before my beach trip!

    I got a nice easy 2.5 mile stroller run in last night. I'm dreading the hot weather. At 71 degrees, I was already sweating and sticky. I'll be digging holes tonight for a couple hours. I'm planning on lifting Wednesday and Thursday morning. More labor Friday, and my mini Saturday! I'm supposed to lift Sunday too. We'll see.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    chui - it's not too late to enter the STAR CHALLENGE - all are welcome! Just tell me what you are aiming for, in weekly calories (net of exercise....meaning, if you are wanting 10,000 calories net, you might ingest 12,000 and do 2,000 exercise).

    Better - even a PEEK at my "abs" would have me SWOONING! Good for you.

    Today is a full rest day for me. Am meeting an old work acquaintance for lunch and then getting my roots done after work - GO AWAY GREY!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Enjoy your rest day, Beeps!
    I downloaded some new music and I can't listen to it unless I am working out, that's the rule! should be motivating:bigsmile:
    Abi, sounds like you need to share more of that awesome cheesecake so it stops calling to you:wink:
    Welcome, Alycia, that sounds like a challenging goal.
    Kate, have you tried "Whole 30"? It sounds like an amazing challenge to me. It would be pretty difficult in my house!
    Ashley, enjoy your celebrations and your beach trip.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps, I am aiming for 11,000-12,000 calories per week! Woo hoo!

    Amy - I have heard of it! I should look into it more...but I think you have to pay? May be worth it. Logging has consistently been good for me but over the last 6 months or so I have been moving to a more intuition oriented approach. Now, I have been eating more junk and thus have no results to speak of BUT I don't need to log to to maintain a comfortable weight. It seems I need to eat to lean down but I hope I can do that and transition to clean eating 90% of the time without cutting.

    Got in crossfit last night and walked a lot (12,000 steps for the day). I am really improving on my kipping pull ups. I am using the weakest band for support and want to experiment doing them with no assistance. I think I am still not quite to an unassisted strict pull up but am very close and still can do a strict chin up just fine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Amy - what are you aiming for in weekly calories?? You're into the "bikini-bod-countdown" right?? Might as well record your STAR CHALLENGE results, too!

    chui - your crossfit results are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! (PS - I've got your weekly calories recorded for the 2nd 4-weeks of STAR CHALLENGE!)
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks, ladies. Good luck for the challenge.

    Beeps - 11,500 ingesting would be more realistic for me! I have burnt around 3400 last week working out every day except my rest day where I ate a bunch! I like to be active, so I can't eat that little! I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. I am tall and strong but I don't want to overeat. Last week I ingested 15,457 calories so 11,500 seems like a good challenge to start. We will see. I just started looking at my calories in weekly totals so sorry if I'm a newb!! Looking at it weekly helps me realize how I didn't really lose despite working out fairly often.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, Beeps, put me down for 9800 per week (that's 1400 per day). It will be tough. I am not part of any official challenge, is there a "bikini bod" one? I am counting down to Vegas in Memorial Day, and I do plan to wear a bikini, so I need to get motivated!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    alicia - I updated your weekly calorie goals for the next 4 weeks of the STAR CHALLENGE.

    Amy - I've recorded your weekly calorie goals for the next 4 weeks of the STAR CHALLENGE.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Yay!!! More people in on the challenge!

    Amy, I am so jealous of Vegas! I'm trying to finagle a trip there myself! 4 and half weeks left until pools open and I can't even imagine myself in a bikini right now :ohwell: My arm definition is starting to happen though, so hopefully the abs will follow suit!

    Kate - great goals!!

    More treats ALL week in the teacher's lounge for staff appreciation. I was eating my lunch when they were delivered: lemon bars, chocolate chips cookie bars, cupcakes with pretty pink frosting, chocolates, muffins, cookies, cinnamon rolls...I finished my tuna and quinoa salad and walked right out. Thursday is another potluck...I will be eating in my office. Saving my "off" meal for Saturday at a friend's BBQ. She's from the middle east and she cooks really healthy, so I'm not worried about that...it will be the drinking :tongue:

    Keep it rolling strong ladies!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I'm going to vegas May 30 - June 2. I don't think I'll wear a bikini, but I think I might try and find a better tankini...

    Today, I lift!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Jeno, and I like the inspiring things you post on Facebook too! I also have courtney prather on my feed, she said if you don't eat to meet your goals you won't meet them. harsh but true. it's the hardest piece for me. Even 80/20 would be a good start.
    I am excited for Vegas, I am sure it will be a good time.
    Beeps, I just got my suit from Lands End and they have a good selection of tankinis and they're really well made and I think you can take them back at Sears if you have those...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - that is right about eating to meet those goals, that has always been hard for me. I enjoy exercise so that part has always been easy, however I also enjoy eating - a lot - and seriously lack self-control in that department. When I was younger I could get away with it, but things are starting to change for me and it is difficult to adjust

    Beeps - thank you so much for the star challenge, I needed it!

    Jen - that's crazy about all the food at work. I worked at a private school for ten years as a Financial Administrator and it was crazy all the junk that showed up in the teacher's room. Unless it was brought in specifically for the staff or for a special occasion I used to throw it in the garbage when nobody was looking! Most of the time it was leftovers that people were trying to get rid of.

    Alicia - welcome, this is a great group, so glad you joined us

    Ris - can't remember if told you yet - congrats - very exciting news, so happy for you!

    Speaking of throwing things away - that cheesecake is going in the trash when I get home - no more!