2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am so guilty of bringing stuff to work so I won't eat it. Sometimes people like it...
    It is Admin Professionals Day so I thought there might be some treats but none here, which is all for the best.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love to eat.

    I love to drink.

    I'm going to wear a binkini in FL even though my abs aren't perfect. They never have been and may never be "perfect' but they look a lot better than they have in the past and I've always been a bikini girl. I like tanning as much of me as possible.

    No workout this morning. The smooth move tea did a number on me: obvious side effects along with some dizzines and sweating spell for a few minutes. I didn't really have the time after it was all said and done and then I just wasn't feeling 100% so I went and got my kiddo and we all watched the news together. :heart:

    Getting my hair did after work and then probably out to dinner. Probably no workout today. And I had a big lunch. My Monday and Tuesday were low, so that's fine. Yesterday was strange. I never got an appetitie till around 6. Today I was starving. I think my body cycles. It's like every 3rd day if I am "watching" waht I eat, I feel like I need food. Lots of it.

    Lost another half pound this week. I'll take measurements in a couple weeks. I'm 1.5 from my FL goal.

    I'll be (mostly) abstaining from alcohol between vacations as my husband has been advised to not drink for 30 days and have his liver enzymes retested. So I'll play along.

    Still debating my in between vacations workout. I was all set for 6 week 6 pack 3-4x a week, but I sort of want to keep the strength training up. And of course I'll need to run. (Things just don't seem right if I'm not running at least a little). Maybe 6w6p 2x a week, strength 2x a week and a run or two. It's only 4 weeks...I can do that right?

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I got my admin assistants BEAUTIFUL bouquets of flowers....but had them delivered on MONDAY so that they could enjoy them ALL WEEK LONG (rather than receiving them, today).

    Better - 6-week-6-pack isn't "weight-training"??? How the heck else does someone think they are going to ACTUALLY get a "6-pack"??? Congrats on being SO CLOSE TO GOAL!

    THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

    My glutes are sore. The end.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I have been keeping up, but just way too busy at work to reply to everyone! It all sounds like you have great plans!

    I had a great Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday not so much. I had planned on getting a good walk in after work and then of course the headache came back. And for some reason when I get these headaches I feel like carbs will help, well they don't but I eat them anyways. So I ended up way over cals. Today is going to be a tough one also I have a work dinner tonight. But my plan is to get whatever the fish option is and vegetable, so I should be pretty safe there. But, no time for a workout today. This weekend is supposed to beautiful, so I am hoping for alot of outside active time!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hey ladies, sorry, crazy busy here. I will however say I am never posting about my willpower again!! As soon as I do, I fail and I mean BIG TIME!! Ugh, I succumbed to the sweets in the lounge yesterday and $1.99 margarita night last night at our local Mexican place :grumble: Today is the last luncheon at work, I suck. Ok, I'm done venting...gonna get in some MAJOR food prep this weekend. I think this is why I have pore food choices this week. That is all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    The more research I do on the topic, the more it seems that women, in particular, cannot KEEP a "deep deficit" for very long....maybe 2 or 3 days and then, women simply "need" more of a "re-feed" day. Now, the POINT of a "re-feed" day is to try to keep it at maintenance calories....

    If I was to ACTUALLY look at my diary, it is VERY true that I can keep a deficit for about 5 or 6 days, and then on the 7th day, I'm going koo-koo with calories....which just undermines all those days of GOOD progress!

    I might actually "consciously" try to keep a deficit for only 2 or 3 days and then allow 1 day of maintenance. This might work better with my natural (womanhood??) cycle.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. A few things to respond to...

    6 week 6 pack = 6 pack? For me? Probably never. Howver I will say my abs looked the best they may have ever after completing this. Albeit I was nursing so at my low weight (126...my current goal). But I think I relaly do have at least a 4pack under the layer of fat. Personally, my body seems to respond really well to interval training. So maybe, if I quit drinking and eating carbs and did 6week 6pack, I could get a 6 pack. Will I? Probably never.

    Jen, don't be too hard on yourself. You're doing awesome. Everyone "slips up". And if your slip up was one margarita, I thin kyou're in fine shape.

    Beeps, I think it's the whole storing of fat to make babies thing for women. I think most women just need a certain amount of food! And I think if we continually deprive ourselves, we're more likely to binge and go WAY overboard, undoing all the good we've done. I've been allowing myself one 2000 calorie max day. Knowing I have that keeps all my other days mostly in check.

    Alright. Lots of work to do. BIG public meeting tonight. I get to speak in front of maybe 100 angry neighbors. I did get my workout in this morning. Benched 75lbs 6x. I could only do it 3x last week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think I should never do a bulk, it just is too hard to shed the weight for me and I don't think the muscle gains are sigmificant.
    I wonder about the cycling, I always thought it was PMS (want a cheeseburger and a chocolate bar), but I will have to pay attention to the cravings and see if it follows a pattern.
    I agree it is hard to maintain huge deficits, and cycling cals seems to make sense. 1200 cals isn't hard to stick to if you plan, I can have a very reasonable breakfast for 300 cals, lunch for 400 cals and dinner for 500 cals. But it is easily derailed by a restaurant meal or a sweet treat, or a drink, but I can still do it if I go 300 breakfast, 300 lunch, 400 dinner and then 200 calorie snack/drink. something to be said for enjoying life, Jeno, and $1.99 mags:drinker:
    But yeah, a day or weeks at maintenance are good for all of us!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thank you ladies!! This is why I love you all!! :heart: Beeps - I think you are on to something with 2-3 days on and then MAINTENANCE re-feed, that is the key. I enjoyed today's luncheon, am miserably full, so I must kick my own *kitten* tonight in class, kill the weights tomorrow and then kick my *kitten* again Saturday. I went totally strong for 3-4 weeks, so I will cut mysel some slack and continue to move forward!!

    Have a great day!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I am all about the re-feeds. I think is a physical side of it (satiation, carbing up, lectin levels, blah blah blah) but it's also mental! I need to be able to let go for a day. I have the most success when I strict 6 days with one evening/meal+ of whatever I want.

    Ashley - you go on the bikini! Rock it! I think very few people *love* everything about their bikini bod but that's no reason not to wear them. Also, right with you on the 6 pack. It's all about accepting your body and loving it as it-and then looking for reasonable improvement.

    Jen - I agree, one marg is nothing to fret about! I am impressed you stopped there!

    I am on day 4 of good eating! I am on track to hit my goal I think (1 day1300 cals, 4 days 1500, 1 day 1700, 1 day 2400). Plus I have been mooooving with 16,000 steps yesterday. Just gotta keep it together Friday and Sunday (weekend, but not total cheat days!). I am making paleo bbq pulled pork tomorrow so that should help!

    Strong man Thursday today at crossfit! Tire flips, stone to shoulders, weighted runs and prowlers!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I am way behind, I've had work things at lunch the last few days and that's usually my catch-up-and-post time. But, on what I can see:

    Kate--Great job on four days of good eating and all of those steps!

    Jen--I agree with what everyone's been saying, you can't beat yourself up! I think you've just done what a of of us PLAN to do--be good for the most part, but then have a few indulgences here and there so that we're not miserable--the only difference is that you didn't plan for your indulgences. The important thing is to stay on track for the most part, which I have no doubt you'll be able to do!

    Amy--Yeah I'm a little skeptical about the bulking unless you're really trying to build a lot of muscle, and definitely have the willpower to be strict about the cut that's supposed to follow.

    Ashley--Good luck at your big meeting! And nice work on your benching!! That's impressive.

    Beeps--I agree with you on the cycling thing. I think that deep deficits often lead to binging afterwards if you're not careful, but mixing in some maintenance days would probably make it a lot more manageable.

    I think I've been enjoying my break from the star challenge a little too much... I was way over on my calories the last two days, and I gave into the call of brownies today (twice :blushing: ) Part of it was that I wanted to make up for the deficit from last week, so I don't feel too bad about it, but I'm going to try to stick pretty close to my goal for the rest of the week and try to stay away from empty calorie foods.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    It's just sooooooooooooooooooooooo INTERESTING how everyone's body responds, well, DIFFERENTLY!

    Amy - I think 1,200 calories, per day, is VERY HARD. For me, it's almost TORTURE. I now have my calories at 1,400 per day, and I have to fast AT LEAST 1 day per week to get that low, frankly. AND I DON'T EVEN EAT BREAKFAST!

    But, I can pile away 1,400 calories in my evening meal-time, alone....it's KOO-KOO, but it's true. I can't stay at 1,200 calories for very long before I BINGE AWAY (in a very, very, very bad way).

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    What I *aim* for (meaning: I do NOT get there ALL THE TIME - it's a "goal", not a "certainty") is:

    morning - zero calories
    lunch - 1 x 150 calorie protein shake (with water only - pure protein) + grilled chicken salad (about 250 calories, I think)
    afternoon snack - I TRY and keep this to <200 calories....some days are better than others
    supper - 500 calories
    evening snack - 300 calories

    And, I try and shove all this food into my face between 12:30 pm and 6:30 pm. More days than not, right now, though, it seems to be 12:30 to 8:30 pm feeding time. I really AM "HUNGRY" in the evenings. Like, WAY hungry.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I don't think I'll ever do a "bulk". doing this "cut" has taught me that:

    1. I don't really care about making my muscles "bigger";
    2. I care LOTS about getting rid of FAT; and
    3. staying in a deficit for 7 months sucks *kitten* in THE BIGGEST WAY.

    I need to get to maintenance. Then I need to stay there.

    Life would be AWESOME if I NEVER had to CUT EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I think for most people in this group a 'bulk' is a bit far off our goals. At most, I would consider eating under non workout days and over on lifting days. But generally, yes, I want to lose fat and I want to develop muscle but don't care to build pounds of it (on purpose anyways, if it happens I won't complain).

    1200 is too low for me too. Amy, you're short and small though? Beeps, you're tall, correct? This is going to account for some of the difference.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'm of avergae height, I think, I am 5'4" so it's pretty crazy that I can be 27% fat and 115 pounds. 1200 isn't even that much a deficit for me, most calculators put my maintenance at 1400-1500.
    Last night was probably a good chunk of calories. I took my cousin to a steakhouse for her 60th bday. They do steak frites, so 8 oz steak and french fries, but I got the herb butter on the side, it came out in a 1/4 cup, and I did use a little, then, we weren't going to get dessert but the waitress brought it anyway for her birthday and it was a banana split and it was huge! and there's a potluck at work today.
    What I mean to say is, I am ready to get off the chuck wagon and start getting in my workouts and healthy meal choices! I'll be killing it on the star challenge next week:)
    Have a great weekend, NTHGs, maybe we can try not to go totally off the rails (as my usual weekend...)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I do follow women who "blog" about 'bulking', though....I'm just REALLY INTERESTED in how it's working for them....even if I'm not that interested in it for myself, lol.

    I'm not lifting NEARLY as heavy as I was trying to do one year ago. But, with the fat I've lost, overall my shape looks WAY BETTER. I'm super-happy with how I look fully-clothed. No problem. Still working on looking better in a bathing suit....always a challenge, I guess.

    OH YUM AT THE STEAKHOUSE, AMY! NOw, THAT sounds super yummy yummy, yummy!

    Mother's Day is on the horizon and I *know* my husband and kidlets are going to take me to a REALLY nice place for Sunday brunch....YUM! (I haven't had food <12:00 noon since my "surprise" breakfast in bed at the beginning of November!) I asked them to schedule brunch at like, 11:00, so that by the time food comes, it's around 11:30 or 11:45, anyway! Should be fun....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I am in pain! Yesterday I tried running and was in agony because my shoes totally suck. I went and bought a new pair today so hopefully they will work better for me. Also, once again now that I have started with weights again I am getting shooting pains in my upper back, right between my shoulder blades. Has this happened to anyone else? I know how to use good form and all that and my weights are not super heavy. I went to the chiropractor for this before but it was expensive and once the pain subsided in my upper back my lower back started bothering me and he couldn't fix that - aah! Okay, rant over. I am going to push through and see if it gets better. Have a great weekend!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Poo! I went 20 calories over by accident!!

    I wasnt even that hungry. I just knew I had more calories than I would probably eat. Thinking like that I went overboard. Brightside: Im learning to run and my speed has increased. Im doing my first 5k in July. I can run that long but I wanted to get faster and I did!

    Next week I am going to use a buffer of 500-1000 calories so I dont go over. The extra calories are there if I get a chance to work out a lot in the week - not to pig out on the last day! Lol

    Abigail - Im glad you bought new shoes. Mine were expensive but I am so glad I have them. They are serving me well! :)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well I went over this week by 698 cals. Honestly that actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be considering the work conference I had Thursday and Friday in which I had no control over my food choices. Except for the dinner in which I opted for salmon rather than cheese filled ravioli (it was an Italian restaurant) and I did not get dessert! I really feel like my stomach popped over the weekend, even my mom made a comment about it yesterday when we went on our walk with the dogs.

    This weeks plan is much of the same as it has been.

    1) Get in some sort of exercise everyday. It is starting to get nice outside here so I am really enjoying my walks with the dog.
    2) Drink more water!
    3) Stay within calorie goal, this should be getting easier and easier because I think my nausea is totally gone now.
    4) Try to shift my macros a bit....last week was 44% carb/24% protein/32% fat, I would like that to be 40/30/30

    Alicia- Nice job on only going over 20 cals! I would consider that a WIN!

    Abi- I truly believe shoes make a world of difference in running so hopefully those new shoes help

    Beeps- enjoy your Mothers Day brunch that sounds so nice!