Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Ran the Colorado Women's Classic 10 mile virtual race today. I've never ran further than 12km before and I've never ran more than 6km in the past 8 months. But I thought, it's only 4km further than my longest run, I can do that, right? My plan was to go out slow and walk when needed. If I could finish under 2:10 I would be happy. I set off at a steady 12 minute mile pace and at the half way point was feeling good so I picked it up a bit and finished the second 5 miles at 11 minute mile pace for a time of 1:55:15! Super happy with my time and who knows, maybe a HM isn't out of the question either, with a bit more preparation obviously, lol!
    Great run!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Ran the Colorado Women's Classic 10 mile virtual race today. I've never ran further than 12km before and I've never ran more than 6km in the past 8 months. But I thought, it's only 4km further than my longest run, I can do that, right? My plan was to go out slow and walk when needed. If I could finish under 2:10 I would be happy. I set off at a steady 12 minute mile pace and at the half way point was feeling good so I picked it up a bit and finished the second 5 miles at 11 minute mile pace for a time of 1:55:15! Super happy with my time and who knows, maybe a HM isn't out of the question either, with a bit more preparation obviously, lol!

    Congratulations on a truly fantastic run. You're time is wonderful and it sounds like a truly wonderful run for you. Fantastic!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Ran the Colorado Women's Classic 10 mile virtual race today. I've never ran further than 12km before and I've never ran more than 6km in the past 8 months. But I thought, it's only 4km further than my longest run, I can do that, right? My plan was to go out slow and walk when needed. If I could finish under 2:10 I would be happy. I set off at a steady 12 minute mile pace and at the half way point was feeling good so I picked it up a bit and finished the second 5 miles at 11 minute mile pace for a time of 1:55:15! Super happy with my time and who knows, maybe a HM isn't out of the question either, with a bit more preparation obviously, lol!

    Way to go Romy!! That's awesome! Yeah if you can finish a 10-miler you can definitely finish a HM. Go for it!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got back from a group trail run but my wife & I just hiked the trail. No running was on the training schedule today and it was nice to get out and walk. But we still treated ourselves to doughnuts afterwards with the group (can't miss that part!).

    Yesterday we had the 6th trail race in a series of 8. It was a 3.5 mile race and I ended up 2nd in my age group. I finished in 28:31 and 13th overall. My wife was close behind me and was the 2nd overall female. I was really happy for the first 2 miles of the race because I was holding a 7:50 pace but the last 1.5 miles was steady uphill and I slowed down to a 8:12 pace for mile 3 and 8:09 for the last half mile. Next trail race is June 21st so I have a few weeks break without any races.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm going to be doing the 3W races Women's Classic virtual 10k on Saturday. My friend is going to do it as a 5k. We'll do the first 1.5 miles together and then she'll double back home while I continue on the run.

    I did a slow 5k. I rose from my death bed to do it and had a nice run because I actually hydrated, so that was good.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    2.23 miles in 25:28.

    Mile 1 - 11:58
    Mile 2 - 11:01
    2.23 - 11:02 min/mile

    I've been trying to break the 12 min/mile on my shorter runs, so an 11:01 is by far my fastest mile ever. It was raining with lightning/thunder and looked like it might start hailing at any moment, so I had an extra incentive to pick up the pace. Still really happy with that time.

    If you're capable of it for your second mile, it'll be soon enough that you'll be seeing it for longer.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You all rock so hard. I think we may have gotten to the point where we could intimidate newbies. In only a year too. Wow.

    Love the commitment and the inspiration!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    My standard home run loop again tonight. My ankle held up well, though it still tweaked a little on the uneven ground near the start I use as a test zone. Maybe next week I can head onto the trails again. The run definitely wasn't an easy run, but it wasn't a gut busting tempo run either. Had my second fasted 5k for my home loop ever at 29:33. Legs did feel a bit dead for most of the run, so there was a couple of sections of walking but very happy with my run.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My standard home run loop again tonight. My ankle held up well, though it still tweaked a little on the uneven ground near the start I use as a test zone. Maybe next week I can head onto the trails again. The run definitely wasn't an easy run, but it wasn't a gut busting tempo run either. Had my second fasted 5k for my home loop ever at 29:33. Legs did feel a bit dead for most of the run, so there was a couple of sections of walking but very happy with my run.

    I would be happy with that time too!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    You all rock so hard. I think we may have gotten to the point where we could intimidate newbies. In only a year too. Wow.

    Love the commitment and the inspiration!

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I woke up Sunday a little earlier than I needed to, so went for a 30 minute run. It's barely even Spring yet, and I am now already complaining about the heat- that was the only bad thing about my run! I'm not sure how long it took for my face to return to its normal color. And OMG, the SWEAT! Ugh! The worst part was it was only in the 70's! I now remember why my runs last summer were EARLY morning!

  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    5k 29:10. Started too fast!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    5k 29:10. Started too fast!

    Racing is half about being fast and half about managing a particular distance.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    5k 29:10. Started too fast!

    Racing is half about being fast and half about managing a particular distance.

    Seeing as I know it's extremely unlikely I will ever be battling for first I will always start a bit slower. At parkrun I tend to start at the back and just work my way through (fortunately not much of a crowd). All my best times except 1 have come that way.

    I totally agree with Varda though, racing is as much tactics as it is speed.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I feel like a yoyo! I built myself up to about 23 miles a week from March into April and then had a lower mile week, then back up to 22 miles last week, now this week I'll be lucky to get half that!

    The radio said this morning, "High of 90 today" and I was stunned. It's not summer, yet! I got my work stuff together, threw my running clothes on, got the dogs settled for the day, and ran 1 and a quarter miles, then went to work. Yes, in my running clothes. Love my Happy Skirt! I am so crunched for time, I'll probably just get my running in, in bits and pieces today.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's just been in the past few weeks that I've started doing any kind of speed work, and it turns out I really like it. It breaks up the run, and I like seeing the faster pace I'm able to run because of it. I've been having a hard time breaking the 12 minute mark even on shorter runs (had a 2.25 mile run last week @ 11:27 that I was giddy about). This morning I ran 4.18 miles with an average pace of 10:51. That was with 6x400 speed intervals (3/4 mile warm-up run, intervals, cool-down run). I crossed the line the final time at 44:59, and there was an extra 29 seconds in the middle where I hit the wrong button on my Garmin and took the opportunity to take a quick water break when I backtracked to restart the lap.

    My 4 mile run five days after my eye surgery took 47:50. My horrible 4 mile run on Easter took 53:59. My 4 mile run with hill repeats last Tuesday took 48:23 (avg 12:05 - which I was really happy with). My 4 mile runs prior to that were in the snow so they were even slower (55:00, 53:52, 54:44).

    Also I had forgotten over the winter how much better of a mood I'm in when I can start out the day with a run.

    For those of you struggling with the heat already: it was 40 degrees with a cold wind on my run this morning, so I was layered up (including a hood).
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    4.6km in 27:35
    Ran the pace I had wanted for the first half of my 10k
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Last night - another hot & muggy group run: 5 miles @ 9:30 pace. Looking forward to the cooler weather coming tomorrow!

    Tonight I am finally back to track intervals after nearly 2 months of easy runs. My coach hasn't had them in my training plan but now he is adding a track workout every other week. The weeks in between I will do a tempo run. Tonight will be a 2 mile warmup, 4x800m intervals at 4 minutes each, then a 2 mile cooldown.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    It's just been in the past few weeks that I've started doing any kind of speed work, and it turns out I really like it. It breaks up the run, and I like seeing the faster pace I'm able to run because of it. I've been having a hard time breaking the 12 minute mark even on shorter runs (had a 2.25 mile run last week @ 11:27 that I was giddy about). This morning I ran 4.18 miles with an average pace of 10:51. That was with 6x400 speed intervals (3/4 mile warm-up run, intervals, cool-down run). I crossed the line the final time at 44:59, and there was an extra 29 seconds in the middle where I hit the wrong button on my Garmin and took the opportunity to take a quick water break when I backtracked to restart the lap.

    My 4 mile run five days after my eye surgery took 47:50. My horrible 4 mile run on Easter took 53:59. My 4 mile run with hill repeats last Tuesday took 48:23 (avg 12:05 - which I was really happy with). My 4 mile runs prior to that were in the snow so they were even slower (55:00, 53:52, 54:44).

    Also I had forgotten over the winter how much better of a mood I'm in when I can start out the day with a run.

    For those of you struggling with the heat already: it was 40 degrees with a cold wind on my run this morning, so I was layered up (including a hood).

    You are getting so fast! So glad you are enjoying it again.

    I was out running the other week in 40F temps, I had on tights and a short sleeved T-shirt! I get so hot when I run I haven't worn more than a long sleeved tech top for the past 2 months, anything above freezing is a one layer run, lol.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I complain about the heat and get hit with cold, rainy weather. Two days so far, with the next two promising the same.

    That's what I get for complaining!