Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey all I'm back in the gym- some lifts are better than others but I'm not giving up because I love lifting.

    I can sympathize with the mine craft phenomena- my daughter is addicted
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    dnamouse - can you put up an "image" of the "tube" you are describing?? Sorry for my ignorance - I've never heard of this thing!

    It was a very good week, calorie-wise, so that is where my continued focus will be this week....I am down 2 lbs!

    Unfortunately, I will only get 3 lifting times this week, so I'll have to stretch them longer....it will feel more "ordinary" than what I've been trying for the last little while. It's okay....boring can be decent, I guess.

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, 3 days of lifting is totally respectable :flowerforyou:

    I Googled the "tube" and couldn't find anything :laugh: I guess it's like a belt to help bring the abdominal muscles back together?

    Today, I lift.

    Pmag, nothing wrong with deloading. It's refreshing and it's still progress.

    Ain't got a clue about mine craft. It's a game. That's all I know :laugh:

    I went grocery shopping yesterday and totally forgot to buy vegetables :noway: We have lots and lots of fruit. Oh, well :ohwell:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hi everyone. I started stage 3 this morning and had the usual issues with the new moves that people talk about in the stage 3 thread. Question...is it reasonable to substitute the BMW (and the HIIT in stage 2/4) with a high impact zumba class 2-3 times a week in between NROL days? 3a takes so long and I am doing the zumba anyway for fun and calorie burn. What do you think?

    I'm with everyone else- the HIIT and BWM are quick and they are a totally different type of exercise than Zumba. They will complement the strength training while the Zumba will not. I love Zumba too, but it does absolutely nothing for my body composition and strength. HIIT(which is basically what the BWM is too), on the other hand, always gets results for me.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    I met all of my goals for last week. I was 500 below on my total calories, got 31% protein, I lifted 3 X, and logged every bite to the best of my ability.
    My goals for this week:
    1. Log every bite.
    2. Above 30% protein
    3. Less than 1900 cals/day
    4. Lift 3 X
    5. Drink 72 oz water daily
    6. Walk more!

    1. Met
    2. Nope- only 29%
    3. Met
    4. Met
    5. Met
    6. Yes
    7. I was not in bed by 11 at all....

    Goals for this week:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Protein above 30%
    3. 1900 cals/day
    4. Lift 3X
    5. HIIT 2X
    6. 72 oz water/day
    7. In bed by 11 or 8 hours sleep
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    Oh yeah, for sure lifting 3 x per week is totally "respectable"....but, getting through the whole routine is too LONG....I'm spending TOO much time out of the office.


    I was enjoying my shorter stints in the gym, even though it meant I had to show up at the gym 5 x per week.

    Oh well...it is what it is, this week.

    I did get my lifting done. I went down on my assisted pull-ups....so that doesn't have me very happy with myself. boo hoooooooo.

    My new walking partner has finally texted, again, and we are going walking tonight after work....that is a positive development, so I will focus on THAT.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps I was crying about my pull-ups last night too. I was up to 6 consecutive now one at a time.. It's all ok.
    I am happy to be back to exercising- I swam this am.

    Thanks for the reference bb- I enjoyed reading it and checking out Alan aragons site.

    Runza- I ve deloaded a lot for the past three weeks.

    I went to a paleo restaurant just for kicks and ate a yummy dessert called paleo parfait. Raspberries/cashew ice Creme and Oreo cookie bits. I was only over 300 cals for the day. They have amazing choices for gluten free, lactose free, humanely raised meat, etc. cashew Creme is lactose free but is sooo creamy.

    DNA- back to school???
    You don't have to post your pics just use them for yourself.

    I don't do the complexes ( they are added on after lifting in supercharged- one is four different exercises for thirty seconds each with little rest. It is too hard in my busy gym. I know I should do them just like hiit or BWM.)
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Pmag, our school year runs Jan-Dec because our Summer is over Christmas :smile:

    Righto, I'm running out the door to get rid of them... sorry, drop the darlings off at school :tongue: :wink: I'll be back later. The tube thingy is like a tight mesh thing that you use after surgery. I also have a couple of cloth ones that kinda look like a boob tube for your tummy - did that make sense? They were much cheaper than trying to find a brace that would fit my short torso.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    ....I confess that knowing that ANY sort of boob-tubes are making a comeback gives me the willies!

    having said that, if your dr says "this will fix what ails you", then I think you have to follow dr's advice!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I need to walk more. I think the heat has caused me to subconsciously move less. Not good.

    Pmag, that restaurant sounds delish!

    dna, I looked up the Tummy Tribe website. Very interesting. I am interested to hear how well it works for you- several women I know have horrible diastasis.

    I lifted today, finished up with 5 mins of 30/30 HIIT, I've got my protein in, I took my BCAAs. and creatine, I've drank my water plus some........ I'm going to eat ice cream tonight.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Checking in. 90% adherence to my plan:
    To meet my goals, my plan this week:
    1. 3 days of lifting.
    2. 2 days of HIIT cardio.
    3. 1650 cals on non-lifting days, 1880 cals on lifting days. This averages to TDEE-14%.
    4. 26% of cals should be from protein
    5. 6 cups of water daily
    6. 3 days consisting of 20 mins of stretching
    7. No eating after 8 pm.
    8. Eat 3 servings of vegetables daily.
    1. Check
    2. Check
    3. Check
    4. Check(ish). Made 25% but ok with that.
    5. Check
    6. Check
    7. Check
    8. No. Only managed 4 days.

    I'm down 1 lb this week :drinker:. Haven't seen this weight in a year and a half! :bigsmile:

    I am EXHAUSTED. Yesterday I had a party for my daughter's 4th birthday. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how much work went into that. Wish I could say I didn't partake of all the goodies after having such a great weigh in, but alas, I'd be lying. I ate ALL the food including cake and several cups of ice cream. I tried my best to log my food but it was all a guess since I weighed nothing. Surprised that my weight didn't budge when I checked again this morning. I think all the running around and preparation burned off all the extra calories.

    Anyway, there is a tub of ice cream and a small piece of cake in my fridge that I WILL be finishing this week. Going to try real hard to fit them into my macros.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Congrats beeps on that 2 lb loss! Way to go! You'll be down 15 lbs in no time.

    cowgirl, good going with your goals. I don't know how the heck you eat so much protein. I mean I know, I looked at your diary. But 10 oz of chicken? No way. I can barely eat 3 oz at a time.

    pmag, that dessert sounds delish! I'm going to go look up cashew ice cream to see if it's something I could make.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Hey eVerybody it's been forever since I posted in this thread, so many posts to catch up on, will do so later.

    Beeps walking is awesome great that you have a walking partner makes a big difference, been trying to walk the dog more often and for longer, have the younger child bought in at least twice a week.

    Jamaican that's so great, congrats and eat some cake for ^me! :)

    Barbell hear you on the heat the air conditioning in the free weight section of my gym went on the fritz, it was like 95 deg in there tonight talk about a hot sweaty date with the weights! Def harder to keep moving quickly.

    DNA your season is opposite, wow. I'll be jealous when winter returns and you are basking in the sun!

    Finishing stage 4 this week couple victories not looking forward to stage 5 but I'll get through it.

    Lift on ladies :))
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Nice weigh in JL!

    Sunshine, I'm halfway through stage 5 and it isn't too bad at all!

    No binge or mindless eating today...yeah!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm liking Stage 5. I snatched 25 lbs today!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Welcome back sunshine.

    Runza- snatches are fun - nice job

    Jl birthday parties can be exhausting.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning all!!

    I fully expected to get in here yesterday and chat it up with y'all but work had other plans. I had 3 1.5 hr conference calls! 3!!!! But yesterday was a good day because I LIFTED for the first time in 2.5 wks!!!! OMG it felt so freaking good! And my kneed didn't bother me one little bit. My shoulder was a bit stiff last night, all motion related. I did only about 3/4 of my prs on everything but I was so happy to do 95lb deads I nearly cried. I could have gone up easily but I decided before I went in that I wasn't going to add that stress to my shoulder. The rest were machine - legs curls and back and leg extensions, decline leg presses, and seated calf presses. YEA!!!!

    Congrats on those snatches Runz! I liked Stage 5 too.

    Hiya Sunshine! I just came back to this thread last week too.

    Jamaicanlady, that's how I get my protein too. Meat - mostly chicken, though I LOVE a grilled ribeye and Costco has the best steaks!! I love fish, salmon, tilapia, hake and cod - actually almost any kind. And I eat Greek yogurt. That's where a majority of my protein comes from. But, you have to have enough cals to be able to eat enough protein. There was a woman on the boards this week saying she couldn't ever make protein macros who was eating only 900-1000 cals daily and eating cookies and ice cream daily and wondering why she couldn't make protein macros. Um.... I know why!
    Happy Birthday to your daughter! Good for you for enjoying the results of your hard work!!

    I have been getting off the subway 2 stops early so I can walk to the office. We recently moved downtown (from Times Square to the Seaport). Uptown, I walked to and from the office and got an extra mile of walking each day because of it. Down here, the stop in only 2 short blocks from my office, so I was way down on my walking mileage. The stop I'm using now gets me back to the extra mile daily and I always have the option of using the closer stop if I'm running late.

    So my goals this week were pretty good!

    My goals are:

    1. Make and go to ortho for my shoulder (or osteo if necessary) - appt. made
    2. Eat healthier options - food choices were generally better but a big fail on Saturday (b'day/anniversary party for friends)
    3. Hit macros - I was over by a couple of cals a couple of days but even there macros were pretty good
    4. Honest logging - 6/7 ain't bad.

    Same goals for this week. Adding a 5th of getting to the gym 3x this week.

    So since I'm NOT doing upper body, I have to figure out different routines for lower body. I think I might do bodyweight tomorrow, BWM-style.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Hello ladies....I forgot to check in yester. I am checking in at 2/3.
    I continue to eat >81g protein, cycling on Thursdays and avoiding "visible" carbs. I did have a two glasses of wine, and Amarula!

    My body composition analysis this last Friday saw a loss of a bit of muscle, and gaining of 1% fat, and weight gain of 0.2 lbs...need to check that for next time...next analysis is on 08/29.

    I am trying out a new way of doing pull-ups...so far so good, but my biceps are sore from doing that yester!

    Lift on ladies!!
  • mroe2
    mroe2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello New Rules Ladies!

    I am a newbie to the program. On the 3rd week of Stage 1. Reading the book has given me a new perspective on how I want to change my body and lifestyle! I love the mindset of becoming stronger instead of 'losing weight'. I want to gain muscle and confidence! And I already feel like it's working.

    Question... I find it impractical for me to complete an entire workout in one day, except for when I have time on the weekends. Currently I'm completing the first two set of exercises (e.g. squats, dumbbell shoulder presses, lat pull downs) on Tues, then the rest of the exercises for that workout (e.g. lunges, swiss ball crunches) on Wednesday. Then one day of rest, and the same breakdown for the Workout A for two subsequent days, one day of rest, and then a full Workout B.

    Does anyone break up the workouts like this and still have positive results?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,983 Member
    My "walking partner" is inconsistent....that's the problem! But, for now, even having a "partner" for one walk per week is good.

    I did go walking last night....and BOY, am I STIFF this morning. Totally stiff, stiff, stiff. I guess that's what a combo of a full-length strength-training session PLUS 90 minutes of brisk walking does to me. Ugh.

    I am going walking again, tonight, will lift on Wednesday, and then will lift on Thursday, too. I might have to lower my weights for wednesday in order to feel comfortable doing it all over again on thursday.

    Right now - advil is my friend.