Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Hello! New to keto--started this week! I've had success losing 100 pounds in the past with very low calorie eating. Unfortunately, the last two years of medical school has really packed on the weight (about 30 pounds). This was related to lots of sitting and reading and eating tons of carbs. While my activity level will soon be changing (going into 3rd year with lots of clinical rotations and less reading books all day), I would like to change up my eating. Keto makes sense considering the biochemical mechanism behind it.
    I'm struggling with "what to eat" though. Eggs, cheese, avocado, chicken and broccoli is getting old.

    You need to switch your focus to higher fat meats, unless you have other reasons for not eating them. Or at least to adding more fats to your meals in general.

    Ground beef, ground pork, pork tenderloin, chicken legs/thighs, sausage, bacon, pepperoni/salami, steaks, roasts, pate, etc. High fat is the largest part of ketogenic dietary plans that leads to long term success.

    I eat green beans, asparagus, and sometimes cauliflower, too. I recently braved spaghetti squash again, and might try zucchini noodles and/or eggplant at some point. I do bell peppers and mushrooms, and occasionally onions in moderation

    Coconut oil is a good source of fats, too, along with coconut milk and almond milk are good on this plan too. Just be sure to get the unsweetened types. MCT oil, hemp oil, avocado oil, olive oil...

    Since you include cheese, I'll mention the other dairies - sour cream, cream cheese, heavy cream (goes well in hot beverage of choices), and butter). I tend to add butter to most everything, @Evelynandchris ... Spices and seasonings are key to keeping things interesting.

    Nuts can be used sparingly, though they stall some folks... I'm sure others will chime in.

    Also, any of your former favorite meals can often be converted to keto version. Google the word "keto" before any recipe and you should get choices of how to mimic the flavors or make a version of it. Even things like pancakes and noodles can be recreated.

    Feel free to ask if you've specific things you miss or would like to add. Regularly repeated things I eat taco salads, scotch eggs (sausage wrapped around hard boiled eggs), deviled eggs/egg salad, egg scrambles, faux crustless pizza, pork roast/tenderloin, all manner of chicken roasted or pan fried, pate dip with bell pepper strips, etc.
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you so much for the tips! Scotch eggs, yum!
    I do have a specific food question. Peanut butter. . . allowed?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    okay, first of all, all foods are technically allowed - unless restricted by a medical professional. It's all about portions and pairings.

    That being said, peanut butter should be the best kind you can find - typically only peanuts or peanuts and salt. Portion control is a big deal here. Nuts/seeds/legumes in general and peanut butter in particular tend to trigger cravings in a lot of people. Some people can use it in fat bombs or as a between meal snack. YMMV (your mileage may vary).

    Some people prefer other nut butters, and remember that peanuts are technically a legume and not a nut, so people can have reactions to them...

    So summary, you can eat your favorite foods as long as you can control portion size and don't get triggered with cravings and such. making peanut butter fat bombs is a way to make it stretch, but can also make it sweeter or whatever. So just be aware and track.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    Hello! New to keto--started this week! I've had success losing 100 pounds in the past with very low calorie eating. Unfortunately, the last two years of medical school has really packed on the weight (about 30 pounds). This was related to lots of sitting and reading and eating tons of carbs. While my activity level will soon be changing (going into 3rd year with lots of clinical rotations and less reading books all day), I would like to change up my eating. Keto makes sense considering the biochemical mechanism behind it.
    I'm struggling with "what to eat" though. Eggs, cheese, avocado, chicken and broccoli is getting old.

    Go to YouTube Cooking Keto with Kristie. Tons of good ideas!!!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    carsonheim wrote: »
    2-week weigh in. Lost 0.6 this week. Wish it were more. I've dieted and lost weight before, and I've always been a slow loser. A little disheartening since I've got 100+ to go, but better than the opposite direction. Before going Keto I had been gaining anywhere from 2-10 pounds per month.

    A 0.6/week loss over a 2-10lb/month gain sounds like a win to me! Celebrate your loss!!! Congrats.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks 4031!!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    good things are happening, even though nothing has actually changed yet.. i feel scattered and all over the place. the weekend looms...my resolve is reinforced for solid keto eating.. it all gets so serious and demamds so much of me...i have a white-knuckling-it sensation these days, when really everything is okay...feel like i need to just stop and smell the roses sometimes. or paint them.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Hello! New to keto--started this week! I've had success losing 100 pounds in the past with very low calorie eating. Unfortunately, the last two years of medical school has really packed on the weight (about 30 pounds). This was related to lots of sitting and reading and eating tons of carbs. While my activity level will soon be changing (going into 3rd year with lots of clinical rotations and less reading books all day), I would like to change up my eating. Keto makes sense considering the biochemical mechanism behind it.
    I'm struggling with "what to eat" though. Eggs, cheese, avocado, chicken and broccoli is getting old.

    I found it too really easy to get stuck in a rut with eggs for breakfast but don't forget avocado is not the only good fat, chicken is not the only good meat and broccoli is not the only good veggie. For fat, I go to olive oil, coconut oil, nuts (in small quantities), for meat, I'm not a real beef eater but I like salmon, tuna, pork (I do chops, bacon or back ribs) and chicken in many forms. And for veggies, I love anything roasted in butter or olive oil with bacon and seasonings, steamed, fresh and salads. Chicken Caesar with low carb Caesar dressing and bacon bits, garden salad with olive oil and white wine vinegar. I could go on...

    It takes a bit of thought but you can do it. I am still working at it but getting to a point where I don't feel so limited. When I cook a meal for my family, they eat what I eat and maybe I throw in pasta, potatoes or rice as a filler for them that I skip and don't miss.

    Processed sweets are still my downfall but I'm working on that...
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning! I'm on day three and my husband decided to join in, so hopefully I'll be around for a while. :) At the end of 2015 I was eating really bad food as we had about 6 weeks notice to move across the country. I hit an all time high of 199.8 by mid January when we moved and I signed up for a 6 month diet bet. I knew I'd need accountability to make this happen! The first month I did "paleoish" and lost 8 lbs. Then it was DH's birthday, followed by him leaving for a month of army reserves training, and I gained back 2 lbs with some unfortunate choices. Thanks to the diet bet I decided not to give up but to buckle down and make it happen so I researched keto. I'm on day 4 now and I lost 6 lbs so far! I wasn't expecting that but I'll definitely take it. 187.8 this morning which is actually the monthly goal I needed to achieve on March 19, so I'm really glad I didn't give up :) Hopefully this will be a successful and sustainable WOE for my family. Hubby and I would love to lose weight together! I look forward to getting to know all of you. MFP is such a big community that I haven't really made a lot of connections. This smaller group should be great!

    Oh and I'm starting off with a 30 day meal plan from Ruled.me which is making it easier!
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    Howdy Homemaker! You got this. Especially since you are following the meal plan. The biggest reason people fail is because they don't proactively plan. That one step alone will help you tremendously. Welcome!
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    Okay, so I made the ever-popular "soul bread" last night. I like it, don't love it. It's also very high calorie in my opinion, I think around 4200 for the loaf, which make 16 smallish slices.

    I did have soul bread French toast for brunch today. Between that and my morning BP coffee, I've burned through over 1000 calories. I don't know if I'll make it again. I don't think it's worth the calories. Anyone else care to comment?
  • sweetiebt
    sweetiebt Posts: 18 Member
    Starting Keto diet again...it did me well last year and I want to feel like that again. Mom to 2 young ones so I need EASY!! Any tips for go-to easy dinners?? Anything that will make this easy for me so I don't lose motivation...planning is key I think...I would love to get something that has a weekly grocery list for Sundays and prep all the meals ahead of time so it is just make and serve...any resources?
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    sweetiebt wrote: »
    Starting Keto diet again...it did me well last year and I want to feel like that again. Mom to 2 young ones so I need EASY!! Any tips for go-to easy dinners?? Anything that will make this easy for me so I don't lose motivation...planning is key I think...I would love to get something that has a weekly grocery list for Sundays and prep all the meals ahead of time so it is just make and serve...any resources?
    Check out ruled.me
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    carsonheim wrote: »
    Okay, so I made the ever-popular "soul bread" last night. I like it, don't love it. It's also very high calorie in my opinion, I think around 4200 for the loaf, which make 16 smallish slices.

    I did have soul bread French toast for brunch today. Between that and my morning BP coffee, I've burned through over 1000 calories. I don't know if I'll make it again. I don't think it's worth the calories. Anyone else care to comment?
    I have not ventured into making bread or dessert substitutes yet so I don't have much to comment on, other than the calories ....to me that's a lot of cals , but it all depends on what time of day....a 1000 at 3pm vs 1000 at 8 am is a lot different....and it really comes down to what your total cals for the day ends up being.... Was the 1000 satisfying and satiating enough to warrant a much lighter meal later ??? Or did it lead to eating much more than planned ? Everyone is different on what triggers the hungries for them....
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    I have not ventured into making bread or dessert substitutes yet so I don't have much to comment on, other than the calories ....to me that's a lot of cals , but it all depends on what time of day....a 1000 at 3pm vs 1000 at 8 am is a lot different....and it really comes down to what your total cals for the day ends up being.... Was the 1000 satisfying and satiating enough to warrant a much lighter meal later ??? Or did it lead to eating much more than planned ? Everyone is different on what triggers the hungries for them....
    Verdict: not worth it. I ate my French toast at 1130 am. Was hungry at 130 pm. Had munchies all afternoon.

    I normally eat 3 pieces of bacon and one egg for brunch (anywhere from noon to 1 pm) and that holds me till dinner.

    I think I'll stick it in the freezer and think about how it could be useful. Any ideas?
  • Evelynandchris
    Evelynandchris Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I haven't ventured out a whole lot yet. Going on a trip to Albuquerque, so I didn't want to stock up on stuff when I'm not gonna be home.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    well, the weekend begins now.. heck of a week. having a hard time balancing out my new lifestyle, new risk taking, and the keto food plan. hanging in by a thread.. fighting the good fight and getting right back on the horse when i fall off.. having some fun, and some challenges and i feel pretty good about where i'm at..not losing much weight though. wish i could get the last 15 off in a hurry and be done with it, but i think i"m too prone to self sabotage for that to happen. drat and double drat.. soon, though- it will happen.. i believe that..Then surgery..Then happily ever after.
  • sweetiebt
    sweetiebt Posts: 18 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you pwrfl I have downloaded their 30 Day meal plan but haven't had the chance to study it at all hopefully this weekend I'll get some planning done
  • Homemaker57
    Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
    Day 6.... That pesky thing called "hunger" is leaving me alone! My favorite part of low carb eating ;) Didn't eat breakfast because I wasn't hungry. Finally had coffee with 2T HWC around 1:00. Had an ounce of cheddar at 4:00. Feeling fine! Going to have two chicken thighs tonight I think. I was already planning to have popcorn tomorrow for The Bachelor finale (don't judge ;) ) so I am a-okay with my body initiating a low carb low cal day today.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Day 6.... That pesky thing called "hunger" is leaving me alone! My favorite part of low carb eating ;) Didn't eat breakfast because I wasn't hungry. Finally had coffee with 2T HWC around 1:00. Had an ounce of cheddar at 4:00. Feeling fine! Going to have two chicken thighs tonight I think. I was already planning to have popcorn tomorrow for The Bachelor finale (don't judge ;) ) so I am a-okay with my body initiating a low carb low cal day today.
    Cngrats on staying in plan and getting to feel the " no hungries " part of this WOE....not to be downer, but there will be days when your hunger maybe more enhanced...don't fret, just go with it and eat more fat....the cool thing about this woe, you really get to know what your body is telling you! Keep up the good work!