

  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2016
    @rusgolden, I'm still trying to figure out this AR Challenge & the spreadsheet; but FYI, I sent a note to MissionEnforcer. Two of us logged minutes this morning but the total count toward this leg of the race seemed off. Is there a different formula for the race leg total versus our individual minute totals?

    I added in my 10 minutes for watching the two videos already.

    I'm crushed that I didn't finish that first leg in the top 10%! Especially since I went into the weekend quite comfortably. I couldn't push out more this weekend, I felt so run down. It hurt to be so close to 1,000 minutes and not getting there! I'm going to try to do better this week!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    P.S. I never thought about visiting Romania, but it's so beautiful, I might have to add it to my bucket list!

    Oh yeah, 1975 I was five, so I had been in the states a couple years & I guess I was about to start kindergarten. We lived in a small, rural town in Florida & I had two beautiful German Shepherds, Beauty & Majestic.
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    Week One was very close & it is obvious every team is in it to win it.
    1st Place: Team One - 1260 points
    2nd Place: Team Five - 1235 points
    3rd Place: Team Six - 1180 points
    4th & 5th Place: A Tie! Team Two & Team Three - 1170 points
    6th Place: Team Four - 1130 points
    Individual team results may be viewed under the "Past Weeks" Tab.
    Good luck during Week Two!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I just ran around the complex counting stairs (they were double or more my guestimate!!!) I have a sheet on my desk where I mark each time I go up which flight. I am at 225 steps so far... My office is 15 steps above the rest of the Snake Park so I do that one lots (10 times today!)

    I wasn't in 1975, my older brother was in the process towards the end of the year but was only born in July 1976!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Team 5 - we lost by 25 points! Let's all aim for full points if possible. Any treats can be consumed for breakfast to avoid the dreaded late night snacking task!!!!
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Team 5 - we lost by 25 points! Let's all aim for full points if possible. Any treats can be consumed for breakfast to avoid the dreaded late night snacking task!!!!

    I usually don't snack at night anyway, so I'm hoping this will be an easy week. Last year it would've been super hard for me though since I was on second shift and not eating dinner until I got off work at 11pm.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited October 2016
    Monday Progress:

    Watch videos for 10 bonus exercise minutes: So, I'm at work but thought this would be simple to go ahead and knock out. I figured I could just do some squat exercises for a few minutes, no big deal... :flushed: 3 minutes in and my thighs are burning, like, are they sure this video is only 4 minutes?? lol But I got through them both (and currently have my desk fan blowing at me full blast). :joy:

    Challenge 1 for 10 points: 5 videos x 2
    These look really fun. I'll try to do these tonight. Especially excited about the Thriller video.

    Challenge 2 for 10 points: 770 stairs up
    Edit: They said "yes" to doing step ups with a step stool, so I'll try and get these done tonight or tomorrow also. (I'd rather get all of the challenges out of the way early...)

    Challenge 3 for 5 points: No late night snacking for 5 days
    This shouldn't be a problem. I eat dinner at 7 and don't usually snack afterwards. I do all my snacking before dinner... which I am working on limiting also.
  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    Hey all, a team 1 member stopping in to say well done last week! You guys pushed us hard so thanks!

    Yes, congratulations on coming first! It was a very close race and it's really fun to try and keep up with each other. Looking forward to the many weeks ahead! :)
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    Great job Fab Fives!

    Team 1 won the gold last go around, so they are going to be stiff competition! So, lets keep the pressure on and use the 2nd place finish to motivate us even more!

    We had 4 players with over the 1000 max, so we really need to get more participation from the rest of us (me included)... and with it being a short leg this week, the additional minutes will add up to more points quickly. I am back to work, which means, back to the gym (in my office building), which should mean some more minutes from me this week.

    I've already knocked out the videos this morning and they were easy... should add up to about 37-38 minutes again. I also did some strength workout in between repeating them. I've got LOTS of stairs at work, so going to try and knock that out today or tomorrow as well.

    Even though we got bowlerea to respond last night, she has chosen to step out of the challenge. So, Mission Enforcer has replaced her with @biketheworld --- the spreadsheet hasn't changed yet, but I am going to send her a friend request and let her know that she is now part of the Fab Fives!!

    Let's rock it this week!!
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Weight losses .. shout out . well done to ... :D

    My-butt -4.2lb
    2016summerfun - 3lb
    Miamiseoul - 1lb
    B3achy sts
    lja860813 + 4.2lb.

    @2016summerfun I lost half a pound. Not exactly noteworthy though!

    Very sorry jess. I must of posted before you posted on the spread sheet . well done on the loss I will wait until everyone has posted next sunday
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Welcome @biketheworld!

    Take care @bowlerae, wishing you all the best!

    @rusgolden, did you answer the question about the spreadsheet?
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi everyone - I'm so excited to join your team. Just read through this week's destination/challenges and I'm so impressed and pumped! I'm a 58 year old mother of 3, grandmother of 5. I started putting on weight when my kids were little and struggled for years. Then 2009 and 2010 my stress went through the roof, I ate too much, drank too much, and packed on a lot of weight - topping off around 235. a whopping 100 pounds more than my 20's weight. I'm 217 at the moment, but I've gone as low as 205 only to bounce right back up. I do run, but my issue is snacking - so that late-night-no-snack-challenge is just what I need. I will be running my 18th half marathon in just a few weeks, and I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2012. Crossing that finish line was unbelievable. While I like to run, I LOVE to bike - just don't do nearly enough of that. At any rate - that's enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know you all better.

    Wow, sounds like you should be named 'runtheworld' instead of 'biketheworld'. Welcome to the team!

    Also wishing @bowlerae well!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm so excited to join your team. Just read through this week's destination/challenges and I'm so impressed and pumped! I'm a 58 year old mother of 3, grandmother of 5. I started putting on weight when my kids were little and struggled for years. Then 2009 and 2010 my stress went through the roof, I ate too much, drank too much, and packed on a lot of weight - topping off around 235. a whopping 100 pounds more than my 20's weight. I'm 217 at the moment, but I've gone as low as 205 only to bounce right back up. I do run, but my issue is snacking - so that late-night-no-snack-challenge is just what I need. I will be running my 18th half marathon in just a few weeks, and I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2012. Crossing that finish line was unbelievable. While I like to run, I LOVE to bike - just don't do nearly enough of that. At any rate - that's enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know you all better.

    Welcome to the team! Excited to have you! :smile: 18 half marathons is super impressive! Good luck with the no snacking this week! You can do it!!
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    b3achy wrote: »

    Being in 5th grade also means I was about 55lbs. I have a weird correlation where my weight was usually around 11lbs x the grade I graduated until I hit ~95 pounds in 9th grade and stayed there until college...which was funny, because I almost wasn't allowed in the Army because of my low weight due to the 100lbs minimum at the time (it's now 107lbs for my height). The guy signing me in for ROTC summer camp between my junior and senior year of college wrote down 100lbs on my paper even though I weighed in at 98lbs (and thank goodness he didn't force feed me bananas like in old recruiting movies since I hated bananas at the time). I ended up leaving camp at 109lbs...the only person in my platoon to gain weight (most of the guys lost about 25lbs and the girls lost about 5-10lbs). That was the last time I was under 100lbs, and when I eventually left the Army, I was around 120 lbs (which is my goal weight).

    That is so funny because when I joined the Navy, I was only 2 pounds over the underweight limit (and we were threatened with a gallon of milk to move the scale! :fearful:) I was also the only one to gain weight in boot camp. Almost 15 pounds and I loved the way I looked back then. One day maybe I'll get back there... :wink:

    Not thrilled with challenge three this week since there is zero evidence that late night snacking is bad/isn't healthy for you. However, will comply even though I have quite a few nights that I don't even get dinner until 9pm (which also isn't uncommon in foreign countries and since we are in international group, I'm surprised at the US minded challenge). But, it's for 5 days, so I'll suck it up buttercup and do it for the team.

    I felt this way last week when they didn't allow water-based drinks because we need to "detox" (not something I agree with), but I guess they can't always expect to please everyone. :tongue:
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I wasn't even an idea in 1975. My mom was only 10 years old.

    I completed the stair challenge already. The benefits of working in a warehouse where you run up and down 15ft step ladders all day.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I have some questions about challenge 3: no late night snacks.

    The cutoff is 10pm, but I workout at 10pm, and then I usually have an after workout snack.
    Now, I can skip my post workout snack for 5 days, so that's not too big of a deal.

    But I usually have sleepy time tea right before bed which is around 12am-1am.

    .... I just noticed I did not ask a single question in that whole spiel.