Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    5/5/17 - 186.0
    5/12/17 - 186.0
    5/19/17 - 186.0
    5/26/17 - 184.6
    6/2/17 - 183.8
    6/9/17 - 183.8

    Stayed the same, I guess better than a gain.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Sorry wandered away for a bit. Good going on the weight loss you two. Gayle, over 5 lbs in a month; really good going and although it feels slow that is what keeps it off. A slow steady decline instead of fast weight loss that studies show comes back. And Beth, not far behind. Good work both of you.

    I have gained recently but I have stopped the trend and I am on my way down. I am 168.5 this morning and struggling towards 160 again.

    Beth you asked about the Dash Diet. I have a couple of references.

    The higher fat one is here in a study:


    And the regular low fat one is here.


    I eat on the lower end since I am small. There potions are a little different than the regular portion, not much but a little. And I eat less grains, because of gluten issues. When I really look at it, what seems to work is the higher fat Dash which really means less carbs and virtually no sugars with higher potassium foods. What they call the Mediterranean dash diet. There are books but don't buy one if you are interested. The details of the diet are free from the internet just takes a bit of searching.

    Talk soon.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    5/5/17 - 186.0
    5/12/17 - 186.0
    5/19/17 - 186.0
    5/26/17 - 184.6
    6/2/17 - 183.8
    6/9/17 - 183.8
    6/16/17 - 183.6

    I was really good this week, so I am blaming high humidity, guess I was slacking on my water.

    Marney, thanks for the Dash Diet information, I will check this out.

    Hope everyone has a good week, looks like another hot and humid week for us...UGH I hate this humidity. :( But I will do better on my water this week, and hopefully have better results next.

    Everyone take care and I will see you all again next week. Beth :)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I have been up and down this week.

    Started the week at 169
    Now 168
    So I lb loss but I seem to be see sawing with the same few lbs again.

    Gayle, I am waiting for the Ketogenic Mediterranean book from my library. It is a long weight but I am interested in their version. I always feel better with more fat and protein in my diet. It seems to affect my energy and mood mightly.

    The humidity has just hit here today for the first time.

    Have a good week!

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    6/16 - 134.8
    Fruit picking is gearing up in our area. Cherries have started and blueberries and raspberries start next week. Our front yard tart cherry tree had a bumper crop this year. I freeze them on a tray and use them like cranberries in muffins.

    My goal to walk with my daughter 1x/week hasn't materialized. Our schedules and weather haven't lined up. I guess that is why I like having a treadmill for a basic activity - ready to go no matter the time or weather.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Some not so good strawberries in our area at the moment. Tooooo much rain, everything is late and not well developed. Maybe later summer will be better.

    Treadmill is good. Glad to hear you are still holding with weight. Good stuff.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    5/05/17: 200+
    5/12/17: 196.8
    5/20/17: 196.8
    5/26/17: 196.4
    6/03/17: 195.8
    6/17/16: 195.6
    Little by little.
    Have been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. The doc says it will disappear if I lose more weight---another motivation! Mostly working, eating, sleeping these days, trying to adapt this old body to being on my feet as a cashier. Just 17 hours or there about a week but it's kicking my butt. Things will get better.
    Thanks for being here!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Standing in one spot for a job is so very hard. North America is about the only place that cashers stand. England, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, they sit. Make sure you have good thick soft rubber under you. You are doing well at keeping the trend going down. I know it seems so slow but remember, at our age, the trend is up not down so even just holding the line is a win. But yes, we all want good health so keep going, it is working!

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    6/23 - 134.6
    Gayle: The concrete floors can take a toll for sure. But I think that standing is better than sitting. The phrase 'Sitting is the new smoking' has some truth. My daughter loves her new standing desk (they had really nice ones show up at Costco recently!) and alternates frequently between sitting and standing. My sister works exclusively standing at her desk.

    Mats are nice but since the whole place is concrete you might be better off looking for better footwear. Super-cushy shoes, example crocs, seem like the answer but they don't give any support and you'll be worse off. Well fitted, supportive sneakers can minimize the jarring hit of concrete. I favor Dansko - traditional clog or sport sole - two days of walking in NYC no problem. I am fortunate that the only outlet in the USA is 10 minutes from my house.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I also found there are specialty shops for medical personnel. Thick soft rubber in well fitting shoes. I have foot and leg problems which are gradually affecting my life. All from scottish dancing for years on a wood floor over concrete. It takes a toll. Take care of yourself.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Marney - In Newark, DE the scottish dancers also meet in a hall that has wood floor over concrete. Our folkdance group had to use that location one summer decades ago. It was hard. I don't know how they do it - I guess ultimately they don't. We've managed to find suspended floors - it's important to see the floor flex when the group is dancing. We mix in some Scottish country dances like Postie's Jig and Saint John's River.

    Our current location has a wood-like vinyl flooring over wood. I avoid sneakers since they tend to grab. It is really difficult to find flat leather-soled shoes - and just noticed that the swing dance website I referred dancers to is now closed.

    I've been dancing over 40 years. In our group there are/have been members that are 80-90+ years old!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I loved Scottish Dancing. I did it since the age of 8. It has been 15 years since my last attempt. I have lost my bounce. I am sure it would come back but yes, the damage over the years has added up to problems as I am aging. Many older ones sort of walked in time and it works.

    Two of my favourite dances. Brings back memories. St John's River was written for the country centenary. I wonder if they are writing a new one for this year: 150th? I was encouraged to go to St Andrew's to get my teacher qualification, but life intervened.

    I love folk dancing too (any contra dancing) and for years dance Playford too. Irish dancing as well came in, not the stylized single competition dancing but the group sort of square dance party dancing. Loved it. Fast, complicated and fun. American Square dancing, not so much. Based on all of the above but I did not like the costumes.

    And of course, English Morris Clog. I was busy. No wonder my legs hurt.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I have got to get control of my life. I am at my original weight of 232.5.that's what I weighed at my starting point. I'm still addicted to sweets and mindless eating. I know what I need to do and how to do it but I'm struggling to get back on track. I'm so proud of you ladies on the losses and hanging in there. great job!!

    6-30-17 232.5
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Mary,

    I am hanging in by a thread. No losses but no gains either.

    May I suggest you up your protein intake? I found that helped a great deal to prevent both the mindless eating and the sweet cravings. Not much just an additional 2 - 4 oz or so a day until you get it under control. Really hard to overeat protein and although people get bent out of shape about a high protein diet, the problems of too much protein occur at really high levels, like the weigh lifers bulking up. As long as you don't drink your protein, it is very very difficult to eat too much. And I find if I am not hungry, it is so much easier not to eat mindlessly.

    keep checking in and don't give up. As long as it is on your mind, you will get a plan and get there.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I'll try that. thank you
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    My goal today is to drink at least 8 glasses of water. That's all I'm drinking but not enough, I hope everyone is having a great week. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY !!!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    6-30-17 232.5
    7-7-17 227.5

    5lb. loss
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    5/05/17: 200+
    5/12/17: 196.8
    5/20/17: 196.8
    5/26/17: 196.4
    6/03/17: 195.8
    6/17/17: 195.6
    7/10/17: 198.0
    Oh my, I'm off the rails, all I have been faithful to is logging into to mfp. I lost 50 pounds, is it two years ago now, and now I'm at 21 pounds loss. Know I need to get "back to where I once belonged" so I feel better, sleep better and feel better about my body in general. Want to play again?

    Let's have the 14th as our start for the new challenge. I should receive my new diet book "The Lose Your Belly" diet by Dr. Stork by then. Let's do July 14th to September 1. That will take us through summer.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Want to play again?
    Let's have July 14th as our start for the new challenge. I should receive my new diet book "The Lose Your Belly" diet by Dr. Stork by then. Let's do July 14th to September 1. That will take us through summer. I don't really know how to get myself back on the rails, but I need to. Daily logging and a new diet regime should help. Are you with me? This is the first time we have had a week vacation between our challenges but who doesn't need a vacation?
    So July 14th is the first weigh-in of 8 for this challenge.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    7/14/17: 198
    Got the lose your belly diet book today. Like it cause it does not really elimanate any food groups. The reason I want to lose weight at this point: am on my feet more often these days and my feet have been very painful. I want to feel less heavy, and lose the spare tire. I have just been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and the doctor said it might disappear if I lost weight.